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Locked Topics Are The Antithesis Of Progress

Mike Sharkey

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How about we have an open and honest discussion instead of this censorship.

Jedd I'm saying very clearly - and have been for some time - that decisions should at the very least BE DISCUSSED OPENLY. I'm not even saying it should be a democratic decision, but at the very least competing members should be involved in these discussions.

For instance the Rolling Thunder. No one, including promoters, knew about the decision to remove it. Fine it was removed. But why were the records deleted from the NAGS website? Walk the community through the process that decided that.

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I locked it. The reason: it started to get personal. So, that will continue when people act like children and start name calling rather than having adult discussions.

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Per rule 1 with my bold highlight. I don't have time to waste baby sitting and letting it fester to really bad either. So, I act swiftly when I can. It's called BREAKING THE RULES of the Gripboard.

1. Posts, avatars, and signatures may not contain: profanity, flaming, personal attacks, nudity, spam, rants, debates, politics, negativity, fund-raisers, or advertisements.

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Would be nice eh? Save a ton of trouble, loss of competitors and keep interest growin. You dont have to get along with every athlete in the NFL, but they arent losing fans by the but load. They also have a solid set of rules, and are pretty transparent with the sports rules and deliberations. They have kept this fan base because they keep their sport and personal preference completely separate. You cant truly beleive you can make something full of censorship popular.

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I agree with you Bill. I will have a good argument, but I believe in arguing facts and perspective, not personal combat. I don't believe I said a single thing in the other thread that could be construed as a personal slight. I do respect your intention to keep things civil.

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I agree with you Bill. I will have a good argument, but I believe in arguing facts and perspective, not personal combat. I don't believe I said a single thing in the other thread that could be construed as a personal slight. I do respect your intention to keep things civil.

It wasn't you Mike.

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Would be nice eh? Save a ton of trouble, loss of competitors and keep interest growin. You dont have to get along with every athlete in the NFL, but they arent losing fans by the but load. They also have a solid set of rules, and are pretty transparent with the sports rules and deliberations. They have kept this fan base because they keep their sport and personal preference completely separate. You cant truly beleive you can make something full of censorship popular.

These rules have been in place for almost 14 years now. Nothing new. And, it's been consistent. If you can't follow them, let me know.

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Mike, I totally disagree. The majority of people DO NOT need to be involved in the decision making process for Grip sport. I can't think ofany sport, company, business or function that takes the feedback of those outside the principle committee, board of leaders, management, etc.

The people in positions to make decisions for Grip were put there by vote and are people who have been involved for years if not a decade in grip. The Rolling Thunder decision was a good one. The device gets gummed up. Lifts vary by 30lbs! Very bad for a list of standings.

Now, how about we go back to the matter at hand, the question you asked me in the earlier closed thread, instead of bringing up old stuff? I believe you were insinuating that this abrupt change in rules came from me. Is this correct, Mike Sharkey?

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be nice eh? Save a ton do so.of trouble, loss of competitors and keep interest growin. You dont have to get along with every athlete in the NFL, but they arent losing fans by the but load. They also have a solid set of rules, and are pretty transparent with the sports rules and deliberations. They have kept this fan base because they keep their sport and personal preference completely separate. You cant truly beleive you can make something full of censorship popular.

May whoever that has quit grip sport and has ANYTHING to say to me about it, PLEASE do so, Competitors and fans alike. My phone number is on my website. Let's set up a call.

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Jose Cabrera, good night. I hope you sleep well. You seem kind of crabby this year.

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Now, how about we go back to the matter at hand, the question you asked me in the earlier closed thread, instead of bringing up old stuff? I believe you were insinuating that this abrupt change in rules came from me. Is this correct, Mike Sharkey?

No Jedd. I have no idea what is going on and that's the point. I thought the video I saw on youtube of Juha was what Vance was talking about. Then Yori seemed to be accusing JVance of blackmail, which angered me.

You are incorrect about the decision making process in other sports though. Its a complex process which is why major sports have player unions, and yes they have a tier of elected representatives, but many of the decisions are based on votes of the entire membership. Some on owner committees etc. They discuss it openly though.

As for the Rolling Thunder, I'm not disagreeing that it was the right decision. Just that it should have had public discussion. I disagree strongly with the removal of the historical records. That could have simply had a notation saying this lift was no longer being tracked. When I look for a list of Oly lifting records I understand weight classes have changed and there are modern and historical records. Again, my point is not the right or wrong of it, but my umbrage with the process. The grip community should not have discovered their removal from the lists when we watched Eric Roussin break what we believed to be the record in his weight class (obviously unofficial at that point) only to find that we could not even verify what it used to be.

Edited by Mike Sharkey
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Also, we aren't being paid millions of dollars a year to lift hubs and axles. If I had a MLB contract you could tell me to lift the bar upside down and naked and I'd do it.

Jose Cabrera, good night. I hope you sleep well. You seem kind of crabby this year.

And that's just unnecessary. The original was pretty personal imo, and frankly untrue. Jose may be a bit reactionary, but his response and experience is valid and something that should be considered.

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So now you want a player's union for Grip. Ok. I will get right on that since I have so much extra time on my hands.

I am not sure what you are talking about with Eric Roussins world record. Wasn't that at Chezs comp in July? Didn't that comp take place weeks after it came out about the rolling thunder not being recognized?

I will tell you what's going on, since you didn't see it. To begin, the King Kong contest is not my deal, despite the insinuations that I am calling the shots. The organizers came to a decision, or at least I was under the belief that the decision was made. It has ti do with the rules set on the hub and allowable groups on the hub.

The situation Jon Vance was referring to is on Facebook, based off an announcement Juha made. Not me. So you can take your frustration out on him.

Maybe you would have seen the discussion on Facebook if you hadn't gone through and either removed the key figures from your friends list, or if they hadn't removed you.

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Also, we aren't being paid millions of dollars a year to lift hubs and axles. If I had a MLB contract you could tell me to lift the bar upside down and naked and I'd do it.

Jose Cabrera, good night. I hope you sleep well. You seem kind of crabby this year.

And that's just unnecessary. The original was pretty personal imo, and frankly untrue. Jose may be a bit reactionary, but his response and experience is valid and something that should be considered.

All I know is I have done NOTHING to the guy that I know of, yet he acts like I threw Crap on his house. I felt the original post was going too far so I deleted it.

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I have a pretty bad temper sometimes, for that I am sorry Bill. On the other hand, customer and community feedback is essential to all organizations, our contry was founded on community and customer feedback, just different wording. Yes Jedd we all do have bigger fish to fry, deuces

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Jedd my point is we have a GRIPboard. Supposed to be the place to talk about all things grip. I don't remember ever insinuating anything about anyone. I don't even know how you came to be in this discussion. I simply asked what was going on in response to JVance's original post and Yori is talking about blackmail.

As for the rest, I think it bears saying that you seem to be the President of Gripsport. Especially to newcomers. Whether that is true or not I don't honestly know, but the heat is going to come down on you whether you deserve it or not. Look at the week Goodell is having.

I don't think we need a player's union lol. Just a thread here with comments. This is the international spot to talk grip. The Russians are here. The Brits and the Finns and one feisty Australian.

I think we can alleviate alot of misunderstandings simply by talking about it here. Calmly as Bill says.

Edited by Mike Sharkey
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Jedd nothing I have stated was in your direction till now, you know very well I will contact you directly, I have been a customer of yours for a few years now if im not mistaken, if I post something toward I WILL you state your name.

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There has been a lot of discussion both privately on open with all the contest promoters trying to come up with a consensus on the rules for the hub this year. The rules that will be using are going to going to be posted on the King Kong thread in the contest section.

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So we're allowed to grasp the hub like a v bar/door knob as long as theres no tilt? Instead of only allowing claw style or slightly bent thumb?

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There has been a lot of discussion both privately on open with all the contest promoters trying to come up with a consensus on the rules for the hub this year. The rules that will be using are going to going to be posted on the King Kong thread in the contest section.

So what was the impetus for changing the rules this year vs last year?

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Not so much changes but clarifications. I'm trying to load a video to go over it in more detail.

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I've only done the Hub one way since I started doing this lift--claw-style. Never really thought of any other way. I still have no internet for another week, so trying to read through all of this on the phone.

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Not so much changes but clarifications. I'm trying to load a video to go over it in more detail.

So nobody followed IM's rules before and we are clarifying them.... and IM will recognize the lifts from this contest as far as records are concerned? Edited by jvance
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