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Plea To Contest Powers That Be


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I recently learned thru the grapevine that a fundamental rule regarding the hub has been changed about a month away from one the most anticipated contests of the year. I also heard that a major competitor pulled out, via Facebook. Why are we allowing last minute rule changes? Why are the IM rules being scratched for lax ones that allow door knob grip when the IM ones have been the standard for years?! I was on the fence about going to King Kong this year but if the new rules go into effect I am definitely not competing.

Last minute rule changes are not fair to to competing masses and anyone not in the "in" crew. I was hoping we would learn our lesson w/ the pinch curl.

Also long standing rules being eased for higher numbers is not fair to previous competitors who may not compete anymore. It'd be like IM accepting 20mm blocks for the 3 when the CCS rule had been the standard for a good while.

C'mon guys lets keep things fair and equitable!

Edited by jvance
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where are you seeing this? also, i think when they say doorknob they are referring to v-bar style. not, the cocked thumb and angled fingers that seems to be popular with some. could be wrong.

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Didn't Juha just post a fairly descriptive and definitive video on this? Seems all the traditional styles were in the allowed category (speaking as a thumb cocker), and the disallowed ones were a V-Bar Grrip and tilting the hub.

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I feel you John, scratch me off the list, I was on the fence anyway, the grip homies are awesome but the practice of just switchin it up last minute as well as posting standings months after comps is pathetic to say the very least. More ppl should speak up. As with any REAL sport rules should stand through a competitive season. The MLB doesnt change rules a month before the world series, no brainer ppl.

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Hope they get this figured out. When you got the defending champ pulling out seems like a wake up call. For me I would like to know that everyone I compete with is lifting it the same sorda way. That way you can compare your numbers with the best in the business. Allowing different grios is ok if everyone is on board from the start.

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This stuff is all on FB guys... I don't have the urls but I saw the screenshots. If you're on FB I'd check the promoters pages. That's another gripe I have w/ it.... None of this stuff was discussed/announced on the board either. Perception is bad here. I'm not the only one who sees this stuff as shady practice.

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Hope they get this figured out. When you got the defending champ pulling out seems like a wake up call. For me I would like to know that everyone I compete with is lifting it the same way. That way you can compare your numbers with the best in the business. Allowing different grips is ok if everyone is on board from the start and everyone can agree. Not a month away from this big of a contest. I personally have always thought that the claw was the only way to lift it. I guess I never thought of cheating the lift for higher numbers. Maybe some guys dont look at it as cheating. To me if your not going by Ironminds rules than why have the event on a world scale in the first place. I sure hope this gets cleared up and is more of a standard everyone goes by. For me if you cant compete against the best competitors like Juha how will you ever know where you really truly stand ? Take out the guess work. Id rather it be tight rules and fair then vice versa with big name guys opting out for something like this. Whats more important ? Inflated numbers for NAGS or equal Ironmind worldly numbers ? This is a international contest so I'd say it should be held to the best standard there is. Maybe thats easier said than done. Maybe every venue needs to video tape each competitors'grip before each attempt just in case world records or overall standings are at risk. My 2 cents...

Edited by kodyburns
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I'm barely on Facebook anymore. I removed like 800 friends I don't interact with on a daily basis. I would expect for Grip related info I would come to the Gripboard.

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It's good to have a personal idea of the present and future direction of the sport.

What's NOT alright is blackmailing promoters and organizers into listening to you.

Come on guys, it's very simple.

"If this event gets dropped, I'm not going to your contest"

"I'll write bad reviews on your product if you kick me off the board"

"That lift better pass, or I'm quitting grip"

I'm not in the in-crowd but I've been here long enough to see things like this happen quite a bit.

What shouldn't be forgotten is that the people making rules are also thinking about the growth of the sport. They have their best intentions.

Time to be adults.

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What's NOT alright is blackmailing promoters and organizers into listening to you.

What the hell are you talking about?

And what growth of the sport? You have people jumping ship left and right. Strong people who should be strong competitors. That might give one pause.

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Yori I think youve missed a very fundamental point that only adults could possibly understand, as long as these sudden changes continue to happen, ie suspiciously not announcing changes on the board where we discuss all things grip, no? Take a jab like a man and call ppl out, no one knows the reason ppl participate in the "sport" other than the competitor. Your comment is mostly irrelevant to the topic at hand. Grow up.

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I saw the word "Crew" above. I SURELY hope that is not an insinuation of some sort that I had anything to do with this rule change, Jon Vance.


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I will dumb it down once and for all, just for the trolls.

Because jcab seems to have a hard time understanding things, I'll specify here that he and Sharkey are the ones I'm talking about.

The promoters have not decided anything as of yet.

They do not announce things until things are decided because people react like this.

They don't want to deal with guys who have limited days in the sport, with special snowflake ideas, thinking that their idea is more valuable than what the collective takes time to discuss.

They probably scratch their heads when those people start talking about starting their own governing body, minimal experience and all.

Now, instead of doing all this, I think it would be just wonderful if people could consider that the promoters actually DO care about the sport and aren't intentionally changing rules just to screw you up.

That's all, folks.

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Well said.

The whole entire matter is still being discussed.

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If things arent announced till decided why is there a discussion on it Braniac? The question here is obviously beyond the intellectual grasp of Yori, why is a rule magically a topic of discussion right before a competitions date? Shall I spell it for you Yori. Stop kissing promoter ass and think for yourself.

Edited by jcab
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I guess you guys can go over to Facebook and complain from now on. Especially since terms that are flaming are now being thrown out. Thanks.

Go to Facebook and look up

Juha Harju
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