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Hrs 8" X 12 Mm Braced Bend War

Ivan Beritashvili

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September 20th, 2014.

My attempt for cert in David Horne's braced list ran well out of 5 minute limit.

But I finished at that same take, no matter it took almost 14 minutes. This bend is my big pride.

I finally understood all brutal power of leg crush move. Little more strength, little more technique, little more balls and pain tolerance, and I will cert on it.

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Very nice. It can be a painful excercise, that's for sure.

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That was a hell of a great war on that steel Ivan! Almost wants me want to try some short braced bending again!

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Tank, Josh, Mike, Tim, Tommy, Jcab, David, Oldrustystuff, - thank you for taking time to watch this video, I appreciate it very much!

Josh, I don't disturb my injured thumb web and don't plan to bend in reverse in close half-a-year, maybe more. I will have fun with braced bends for a while, bars and shoes.
Shoes' crushdown is a mysterious black magic I should understand. After all that - yes I will return to unbraced as a beginner.

David, let's kill some short fat stuff with our muscular bulky legs !!!! :grin:

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This is without a doubt one of my favorite top 10 bends. Hell of a job Ivan

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Dude that was freaking awesome!! Now for extra credit bend that fat horseshoe into a heart shape ;)

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The leg crush is extremely painful! Hearting horseshoes :grin: A video that paul knight was in that I saw the other day about leg crushing really helped me! For example put your heels together and then standing up as you crush down with your legs made the steel bend so much easier! technique and brute power.

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EJ, Delmar, Josh, Manthos, Alexander, Sean - huge thanks for watching this all and your kind comments!!

Josh, there is a reason, why my feet are rotated to 45 degress from parallel. It allows to use glute muscles SIGNIFICANTLY much more, that significantly, that their invlovement in hard bends determines the result of the bend: will it happen or not.

Also it allows to push with less sensitive zones in the inside of hips. It is all filled with large vessels, nerves and tendons, so some zones are extremely painful, some - bearable.

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