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Grip Training Gear?


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Hi - im a skinny youngster who just turned 20. i recently became interested in grip training, and i bought the coc t and 1 some months ago (cant close no 1 - and my dad and brothers are teasing me about it - in a friendly manner - as when they destroy me in arm wrestling...)

Im tired of being so weak. Thus i. will start in a gym in one week, planning to do Starting Strength and eating A LOT. Thing is, i just turned vegan, something which my dad and bros dont approve of - they say ill never get strong on quinoa, but ill show them!

However, I realize going to the gym will make me strong generally, but i want to do something more specific training wise. I want to close the coc 3. And i want exceptional gripping, wrist and forearm strength so i can smash people (read: my dad and brothers) in arm wrestling and close some heavy ass grippers. Im just unsure how.

I have been thinking about buying fat gripz handles for doing some hammer curls with, maybe. And i considered the rolling thunder, but i dont know if these are too advanced, as i havent trained before.

Then i would also do towel pull ups, wrist rotations, lever lifts, finger walks etc. Yes, i researched a lot.

Knowing my goals and current strength level, what advice would you give me? Sorry for the long post,but i would SO like response from someone knowledgeable (be it short or long).

I have a point to prove, and i need your help. Thanks.

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If you're starting out training in general, I'd think just working on getting stronger in the big lifts would take you pretty far fairly quick. I'm biased and train for strongman contests, but I really think that a basic strongman-type program would serve you well. Something that incorporates squat, Deadlift, press/ bench, then the more grip oriented strongman lifts (axle, farmers walks, etc) would be my choice.

Just my personal opinion...no real right or wrong way to meet your goals.

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Jag håller med ovanstående.

Kör basövningar i gymmet och träna mycket armar.

Greppträning ger nog inte så mycket i armbrytning men det är sjukt kul iallafall, som hobby!

Om du vill satsa på grippers borde du köpa hela cocserien, iaf tom 3,5an.

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So youre saying i should just stick with the big compoundnlifts and grippers, no fat gripz or rolling thunder yet?

Is there anything at all i could do to make my training more 'specific'?

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To get your grippers up faster, train your thumb and make the thumbpad bigger.

Also, watch "how to set a gripper Paul knight" on youtube.

Edited by PeterSweden
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So youre saying i should just stick with the big compoundnlifts and grippers, no fat gripz or rolling thunder yet?

Is there anything at all i could do to make my training more 'specific'?

You may also want to try finger curls and plate curls, since you already plan training in gym. Be careful with finger curls when you start. If memory serves i did 3 sets of 10 first time and that was too much. Had to take few extra days of from gripping.

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The only thing I got out of this is 'vegan'. Why did you turn vegan? pm Mike Sharkey and talk to him about getting strong the vegan way.

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How do you train your thumb, peter? And do you think i should buy the rolling thunder for home when i can, it wont interfere on my lifting progress, seeing as im a beginner? (because i will be doing deadlifts). But the RT looks hella fun. And i watched many of knights vids, hes great!

To livesey: for ethical reasons, mainly. Animals are being tortured and killed for our selfish purposes.

Will def pm him.

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Press, pull, squat, and carry. Rinse, repeat, and eat. You'll grow and gain a good grip. All this takes consistency and time. That's as specific as you need to be for quite a while. Did I mention tons of farmer's walks? (carries) Consistency and time. Keep us all updated as you progress and grow. Most importantly, have fun.

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Don't rush into everything too fast. Do the basic hand strength work as a supplement to a good lifting routine. If you get caught up in too much grip work without the strength foundation you will quickly burn out or develop overuse injuries. The RT and other thickbars are great to build up those hands, but don't do too much volume until you have a year or two of grip under your belt. If you train wisely now you will be able to stay in the game for years to come.

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Hey again, thanks for all the replies.

I never considerer doing farmers walks, but they look really good. My gym has a big room with kettlebells thats always empty of people, so that wpuld be ideal. But do you think i should implement it already, like 1 or 2 times a week, after deadlifting? Or will it hinder my progress in my other lifts?...

So youre saying its probably best if i wait some months with RT and fat gripz, until i havt that base strength?

Then i could do the fingerwalks...lever lifts maybe? Wrist curls? Hammer curls and grippers?

And how would all this fit into my program of squat, dl, bench, row and press - can i do any off day work at all?

Thanks so much.

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I dont want to sound rude but if you are just a beginner it makes no sense to me a vegan diet.For natural lifter food is the key to get strong.

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I dont want to sound rude but if you are just a beginner it makes no sense to me a vegan diet.For natural lifter food is the key to get strong.

This x1000 your health and strength is much more important than an aminal and their rights. Especially an animal that is bred to be food.

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I dont want to sound rude but if you are just a beginner it makes no sense to me a vegan diet.For natural lifter food is the key to get strong.

This x1000 your health and strength is much more important than an aminal and their rights. Especially an animal that is bred to be food.

Let's not get off topic here guys. Thanks.

Hey again, thanks for all the replies.

I never considerer doing farmers walks, but they look really good. My gym has a big room with kettlebells thats always empty of people, so that wpuld be ideal. But do you think i should implement it already, like 1 or 2 times a week, after deadlifting? Or will it hinder my progress in my other lifts?...

So youre saying its probably best if i wait some months with RT and fat gripz, until i havt that base strength?

Then i could do the fingerwalks...lever lifts maybe? Wrist curls? Hammer curls and grippers?

And how would all this fit into my program of squat, dl, bench, row and press - can i do any off day work at all?

Thanks so much.

figty: Please email me at editor@cyberpump.com. Thanks.

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When someone has been a new member for nearly 3 weeks and then all of a sudden posts two threads at once (and seeing the topics) you might want to hit the "report to moderator" button in the future. ;)

It appears people have been trolled here.

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Seems to me that people were just being nice and trying to be helpful. I occasionally see a post (or series of posts) and think "this dude is a troll..." and sometimes I'm wrong. These guys probably thought the same thing. And were better than me and tried to help him even with the 10% doubt they might've had in their mind. That is very commendable, in my opinion.

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Seems to me that people were just being nice and trying to be helpful. I occasionally see a post (or series of posts) and think "this dude is a troll..." and sometimes I'm wrong. These guys probably thought the same thing. And were better than me and tried to help him even with the 10% doubt they might've had in their mind. That is very commendable, in my opinion.

No doubt, but we certainly don't want trolls aggravating members either and wasting people's time. So, it's a gray area. This, however, was pretty obvious to me and at the very least alerting the mods does no harm (report to mod button). We can then investigate appropriately.

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I didnt even know ppl were trolling like that:)

What a waste of time!

Edited by PeterSweden
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Ummm so I have been messaging him back and forth and it seems like a real person and conversation to me.

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I don't think he was a troll, just seemed like a noobie who was a little naiive.

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I don't think he was a troll, just seemed like a noobie who was a little naiive.

i second this... but i'm not equipped with troll detection skills. Could've been exactly who he said he was, with his very off the wall questions lol.. hand crushing - like we train to do that :zorro:

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