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Optimistic Goal For A Rookie. Want To Lift The Baby Inch And Excel Fro


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Just looking for some advice on the best way to go about training for this goal. im aware that it can take several years in some cases, but i really want to apply myself and achieve something in the grip world.

my grip workouts mainly consist of grippers (once every 10 days), and ive been adding in fatgripz / ironbull 2.0 for pulls ups and hammer curls. i had to rest a few days because i had slight DOMS as ive never put my time into thickbar before.

im also guessing that the thumb is going to be important in training for this, but i dont know whether or not to invest in block weights, a TTK or use David Hornes Thumb Screws which i do own.

i welcome all constructive criticism, and im willing to listen and take on board what everyone has to say, as long as the end result is me reaching my goal eventually.

Just want to say thanks in advance, and im looking forward to hearing what you everyone hasp to say.


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Do you currently have a baby or acess to one to train on? If so what part of the lift is giving you the trouble. Rotation, depth of pull ect.

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Do you currently have a baby or acess to one to train on? If so what part of the lift is giving you the trouble. Rotation, depth of pull ect.

No, i dont currently own one, funds are a little short right now so i wanted to make the most of what i can with the equipment ive got. i want to build a stronger base before purchasing one. ive recently bought a rolling thunder, i have Fat Gripz and Iron Bull 2.0 grips, and David horne thumb screws. bit unsure whether or not the the thumb screws will cut it.. should i get block weights, or a TTK to help me on my way?

just looking for some help and advice to send me on the right track so i can just get on with it. i would then report back in a few weeks/months time with any progress that ive made.

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You need wrist strength to fight rotation. I'd recommend putting the FGs on heavy DBS as the gym. Also get or make a wrist wrench.

If you can lift 100lb w/ the wrist wrench you will make the baby look like a toy and be in business for the inch.

Edited by jvance
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You need wrist strength to fight rotation. I'd recommend putting the FGs on heavy DBS as the gym. Also get or make a wrist wrench.

If you can lift 100lb w/ the wrist wrench you will make the baby look like a toy and be in business for the inch.

Thanks for the reply Jon. I appreciate everyone's replies but you always seem to be there to answer my posts. Appreciate it.

Can you aware me on the wrist wrench, never heard it mentioned once on the board.



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I fount that for me heavy barbell wrist curls helped more with fighting the rotation than pinch did.

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I fount that for me heavy barbell wrist curls helped more with fighting the rotation than pinch did.

How often would you do the heavy wrist curls?

Just trying to absorb as much information as I can to reach my goal.

those inch replicas don't come cheap. So I want to use what equipment I currently have to build up a solid base.


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Based on recently touching one at the NY Throwdown, I'd say this is a very realistic and worthy goal for any beginner, including me. Nothing beats specificity, e.g. if you want to lift a thick handled non rotating weight, you should practice with that.

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Sean Dockery is one of the lighter guy who have lifted the inch.

He made those collars to get the rotation of a solid db with a plate loaded db

Florian Kellersman trained with a similar set up and got the inch too.

Also these are nice to have for an euro pinch device. (I only use mine for that)

And Doc made a special db for wirst curls.

Bob Sundin trained wrist curls like Sean does in the vid, but with solid dbs, also got the inch.

I bet curls like this with a db with the aboce mentioned collars would help too.

Any metal worker can make you this stuff, and it won't be costly.

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Based on recently touching one at the NY Throwdown, I'd say this is a very realistic and worthy goal for any beginner, including me. Nothing beats specificity, e.g. if you want to lift a thick handled non rotating weight, you should practice with that.

Right enough. i have read that the inch has a tendency run roll out of the hand.. i would have thought that the Rolling Thunder might come in handy for this reason. i think as long as the implement is a thick as the object your aiming to lift, then you should make steady progress towards your goal.

Im going to be doing a mix of high reps, heavy weights, static holds and light weights.

EDIT: honk, thanks for the videos. very helpful. Thank You.

Edited by alexjones234
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I found the facebook page for the wrist wrench and it looks like a cool toy. Problem is I can't figure out how to order one.

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I found the facebook page for the wrist wrench and it looks like a cool toy. Problem is I can't figure out how to order one.

From the Facebook page:

$60 w free shipping in the continental US. Other country pricing varies. PayPal check or money order accepted as payment. Contact me through here http://thewristwrench.com/ or on my personal page (Mike Cochran) and I'll get one out to you asap.

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You need wrist strength to fight rotation. I'd recommend putting the FGs on heavy DBS as the gym. Also get or make a wrist wrench.

If you can lift 100lb w/ the wrist wrench you will make the baby look like a toy and be in business for the inch.

Thanks for the reply Jon. I appreciate everyone's replies but you always seem to be there to answer my posts. Appreciate it.

Can you aware me on the wrist wrench, never heard it mentioned once on the board.



The FB link for the wrist wrench is the only reference out there for it. I made my own with simple materials but I won't explain how out of respect for the guy who invented it. Great tool for building wrist strength.... I've seen Robert Miller do about #100 on it on YT. Haven't maxed mine but 80# seemed like it gave a good tug of rotation.

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Just ordered one

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Just ordered one

I'm interested to hear what you think of it after you get a chance to use it. I'm considering getting one.

Edited by Brad L
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