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Best Wrap Combo For Bending Big Steel.


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I have recently become bitten with the bending bug once again and I'd like to hear from some other fellow Benders any information they have gathered on single or double wraps that they consider to be the best to bend big steel with. I know everyone has a preference so put them on here along with any tips that you're willing to share.

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Obviously I was not as strong as you guys, but I liked a similar setup. IMP's on the inside and leathers outside. IMP's felt way better to me on the crush then leather like Tommy mentioned. I saw JT do exactly what Tommy mentioned too. BBW's inside leathers.

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I liked double leather pads for any bars over 7". The outside diamer of both together was usually about 1.5". Double pads on a short bend (like my DO and Modified DU Fantastic bends) were about 1.25" outside diameter because I needed more space for my hands since they were touching earlier on the shorter bars.

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Great info guys! I'be tried a few different combos myself, but never really decided on a favorite. I think I'll give these ideas a shot.

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I've experimented a ton with wraps and everything from towels, hankerchiefs to IMPs and various leathers.

Leather or suede comes in various grades and not all are equal in bending. I don't like a suede to be too "spongy" unless I'm testing my pain tolerence but recently for my biggest bends I do this:

Small strip of cordura on the inside strictly to protect my leather and make it last longer - especially if I'm bending a spike or nail with a head and point. A medium suede wrap on top of that and a longer strip of cordura on the outside. The nylon on the inside probably makes it a little bit harder due to more slipage but like I said, when I get some suede I like, I try to protect it. For me personally I currently like the feel of the cordura on the outside but that may change tomorrow. I definately go through phases but that's what I bent my last 80ds unbraced with and it worked out good. I've got some thicker suede but I don't like too much of a wrap because it makes the hand position more difficult for me. I'd guess total wrap thickness around a 3/8 inch bar would be about 1.5 inches

Down from that, I also like IMPs with the strip of cordura on top of that which I guess would be similiar to double IMPs.

I try to incorporate a few different pad combinations in each workout but that's just me. I have some small suede "show wraps" that are much more severe and hard to bend in than IMPs but they wrap really quick and get my hands conditioned. I use them for 60ds, G5s, sometimes G8s and some of the easier 5/16 stuff.

Hope this helps.

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I'm far from an expert when it comes to thick wraps. My bending has predominately been in imp's or single BBW's. When I have wrapped up something in doubles it's been with imp's on the inner layer and BBW's on the outer.

I have some FBBC leather but never can get a good tight roll on a bar with it.

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I've always liked the ironmind pads on the inside with any of the combos I have tried. I do think on the first Edgin that I've bent I did it with BB wraps on the inside. Usually when I do doubles its two layers of Ironmind pads

I've always liked the ironmind pads on the inside with any of the combos I have tried. I do think on the first Edgin that I've bent I did it with BB wraps on the inside. Usually when I do doubles its two layers of Ironmind pads. .

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I'm far from an expert when it comes to thick wraps. My bending has predominately been in imp's or single BBW's. When I have wrapped up something in doubles it's been with imp's on the inner layer and BBW's on the outer.

I have some FBBC leather but never can get a good tight roll on a bar with it.

Didn't I see you work up to an Edgin in double BBWs?

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I'm far from an expert when it comes to thick wraps. My bending has predominately been in imp's or single BBW's. When I have wrapped up something in doubles it's been with imp's on the inner layer and BBW's on the outer.

I have some FBBC leather but never can get a good tight roll on a bar with it.

Didn't I see you work up to an Edgin in double BBWs?

Wow Mike, you have a great memory. I had to look back through my old vids to check. It was an 8" Edgin in double BBW's. Ah my good old days!

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