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Matt Makousky


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Matt just lifted the Blob a few minutes ago! I just sent the pic to Bill.

Time for BBQ and Captain Morgan!


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Congrats Matt-you have been working on it for awhile. :bow

Rick Walker :rock

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Outstanding! Way to set a goal and accomplish it! :rock

How long did it take running for the blob?


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Very Impressive! Nice picture to.

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Thanks everyone, actually I have not really touched

any blobs in about 1 month, just tried for the first

time tonight after my farmers walk, and log press

training, the 40 went up easy, then the 45 no problem

then huh? I'll try the 50lbs, right up no camera damn

then I told BC get the camera I am gonna do it again

and BLAM it went up after about 3 attemps < <


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...and BLAM it went up after about 3 attemp

He said BLAM!!!! And that's what it was.


p.s. I'm not usually much for emoticons but what the hell... :mosher

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I was trying to go for a 3 feats tonight,

but they didn't happen maybe soon, I tried for

the Inch, with the help of phone books and

only got it about 6 inches or so off the ground,

and the rolling thunder I got a personal record

no pic to prove it yet, but it was 197lbs without

counting the IM loading pin, carabiner, and

apparatous. moving up :D and of course the blob

was number 3


Edited by Emsquared
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Congrats on lifting the blob!!! :rock Tell us how ya trained up to it.


"Live long, stay strong" - C.F.B.

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Well done budy,you certainly have worked hard and come along way gripstrength wise,since the British grip champs 2002 :bow

You realy have shown to me and many others what persistent hard work and determination can accomplish,enjoy the GLORY :bow

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Matt ,

I must say, well done!! :rock

Also, it's really cool to see the picture I took of Mark Henry with the Inch dumbbell over his head behind you. Funny thing, when I took that picture I was very much aware that people probably would be hanging it on the wall and I really tried to get everything right. I was trying not to get trigger happy and take it too soon or late.

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Congratulations... Nice work ! :bow

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Congrats on lifting the blob!!! :rock Tell us how ya trained up to it.

The way I train the blobs are by lifting the 30,35,40,45

then doing negatives with the 50. Also doing blob tosses

cyberpump gallery

Another thing I like to do is use the pony clamp to build

my thumb strength up. I have a few more things I do but

will keep them under raps for now :cool


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Matt, when you do the blob tosses, do you catch the blob in your hand palm up, or do you somehow catch it pinchgrip style palm down?

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or do you somehow catch it pinchgrip style palm down?

I catch it pinch grip style in mid air, it makes the thumb

stronger or at least mine.


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