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New Finger Exercise Tip


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Howdy, all. I just thought I'd share this with you. I was at Office Max recently and found a bag of #84 rubber bands. They're about 1/2" thick, with maybe a 3" diameter. Anyhow, I've been putting them on my fingers and doing extensions (trying to open my hands as wide as possible with the rubber band near the fingertips). It's a good way to keep from falling asleep during staff meetings. I've worked up to two rubber bands at once now.

Hope that helps someone,


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Guest MikeTheBear

Good tip - I've been looking for a cheap alternative to IM's Outer Loops to work my extensors.

Speaking of rubber bands, has anyone tried this - put some rubber bands around a gripper you cannot close to decrease the tension? Sort of a poor man's/lazy man's way of making an adjustable gripper.

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