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Hello, all. I recently went to "Play-It-Again Sports," the used sporting goods chain here in the US. They had a 16 lb. shotput for $20. My hands are just shy of 7-1/2", and this thing made for some challenging pinching. It should be easy to drill and tap a hole in it for a short threaded rod, to add weight to the bottom as needed.

Just an idea for everyone.

Have a good day,


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how about a picture of what you are talking about.


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Sounds very similar to John Ottarski's baseball/softball lift, just that you won't need to attach so much weight.

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Yes, the largest shot I have is a 24 pounder- my dog loves it but, strange as it sounds, it's a bit small for him. Matt can pick up this 24 in softball lift style, but my hands are too small so I can't. I can do my 17 with little trouble though.

Tmmicklabs- These are the shots I have. I would imagine that Paul's is similar.


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Guest psbryant

Funny, just a couple weekends ago I found a 12# shotput at a flea market. I am new to all this grip madness so my girlfriend is just laughing when I find something like this. My hands are small so they just reach to the equator of the shotput. Your drill/tap/threaded rod idea is interesting. I was considering a few small, but strong, NIB magnets to hold plates on. I think I like your idea better, but I don't have a drill press. I'll try the magnets first and let you know how it works. (I had tried some cheap ferrite magnets from Radio Shack, 5 couldn't hold 1-1/4 lbs.)


Cyberpump! Donator

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I have a 16 pound shotput and have had it for a few years now. DON'T drill or tap it or whatever... just use it just as it is intended. Here's an exercise you can do with it - grip it on top (like an eagle claw grip), then SWING it back and forth! ;)

Another suggestion: go to any gun store and ask them for a 25 pound bag of #7 chilled shot. Then take the shot and put it into a canvas/denim bag. A great pinch grip tool!! :happy:)

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I have a 16 pound shotput and have had it for a few years now. DON'T drill or tap it or whatever... just use it just as it is intended

What, you mean just throw (Ok, "putt") it?? :D:D

Seriously, though, what's wrong with tapping it??

Edited by The Mac
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Another suggestion:  go to any gun store and ask them for a 25 pound bag of #7 chilled shot.  Then take the shot and put it into a canvas/denim bag.  A great pinch grip tool!!

That gave me a good idea for adding weight to the shot put lift (new event here?)

Take a small thin canvas bag (but one large enough to fit the shot put in with some room to spare). Add some weight to the bottom of the bag. Place the shot put in the bag on top of the weight. Now pick up the shot put by grabbing it on top from the outside of the bag (Now you're lifting the shot put weighted bag).

If your 16lb shot is too large, try a smaller shot with more weight in the bag. You'll have to experiment with bag sizes to find the best fit.

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Howdy, all. I'm the bloke that started this thread. I've been playing with the shotput for a couple of days now and am noticing some thumb pain on both hands. I've only been doing a couple of short holds with it, unweighted, each day, to get the feel for it. I think I might be stretching my hands out too far to get a decent grip on it, or, I'm a pussy and this'll give me "man hands." I'm going to ease up a bit as I really don't want any downtime right now.

I like the shot in the bag idea. I've got about 100 lbs. of 1 lb. lead ingots at home that I use for weighted vest walking. That would make a good filler for the bag, too.

Good gripping, all,


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