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Tendon Joint Damage


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ive been boxing for about 4 years and I've broken my right hand more times then i can count after a good session on a heavy bag the grippers i would destroy days before seem impossible after for a few days it seems hard i was wondering if there are any good ways to rehab my hands after banging them against a hard objects i had asked chris ryder a while back and i think suggested ice and rest but that was for overtraining bends are there some ways to increase tendon strength or something

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I have had to stop grippers for now due to really bad tendonitis from heavy gripper negatives and it sucks.

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For rehab it's hard to beat a bucket of rice. Push your hands in up past your wrists and open/close/twist/turn/roll your hands in the rice. It really gets the blood flowing then ice and rest.

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Yes, see a doctor. This sounds like the beginning of something pretty serious that may leave your hand crippled. I lost a fair amount of mobility in my right hand and wrist due to fractures and tendon hyper-extensions from steel bending. See your doctor, get some x-rays see if it's arthritis or just inflammation.

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its kinda weird like ive stoved the metacarples after working the bag if thats possible lol and when i go to squeeze a decent gripper the top of my hand cracks like the bones are being realigned lol but .ill try the rice thing and if the problem ccontinues i guess no other choice but to go to the doc thanks for the help

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Hot water bucket, stretch, ice bucket....Hot water bucket, stretch, ice bucket...etc, Move your hands and wrists in each and every direction possible, opening and closing the hand. Do this as much as possible with both buckets. Try to get in at least 4 to 6 hours of this a week. The more you do the quicker you will heal. Also shoot for 4 to 5 minutes hot, 2 to 3 minutes ice. If you cant take the pain of the ice take your hands in and out as needed. Try taping your main knuckles with a few layers of athletic tape or get some better padded boxing gloves. Not being able to grip train sucks bad. Been there on several occasions. Just do these and your hands will thank you for it guaranteed. Best of luck !

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