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G-string Climbing Grips


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I'm considering purchasing these climbing grips to work on finger and tendon strength. http://sicgrips.com/Purchase.html%C2'> originally was considering the Metolius Rock Rings but these seem way more versatile with over six different grip positions. They're a bit more pricey than the Rock Rings but it seems like a pretty good value when you consider you're getting a pair of tools that do what the rock rings do plus get multiple width pinch handles and slope and jug holds (like globe pullups), etc. I'm curious if any of you have these or tried them and what you think? I'm thinking these or ironmind claw curls for more dynamic fingertip strength for my next purchase.

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They look pretty cool to me, but I was a climber for years too. I say if you think you'll use them, go for it.

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Interesting but I'd go with a Hang board if it was me.

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We have the G-strings hanging in our living room (xmas gift this year). I have done a few workouts on them, I also have a hangboard and rock rings. Like Jethro1 stated, everything works if you use it.

G-string pros: micro-manage hold sizes, versatile,

Cons: if your program varies the hold each set, it can get tricky. This is were I prefer my hangboard. One program I have followed was 7sec. holds with 4sec. rest and the hold type rotated each time-period - This could only be done on my hangboard.

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