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The Other East Coast Boys

Rick Walker

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Met up with Bender53 again-he emails me and says, "I'm on my way-be ready!" :D

Just a training session together-me doing my usuall thumb and wrist destruction all aimed at Inch lifting in the next few weeks.

Steve does who knows how many strap holds, #3 closes, etc. Maybe 20 all together? :bow

We talk training-experiment with a couple new things.

Then we do a few feats. I won't mention anything here as we had no video or camera footage.

I will say this-when he comes back June 27th for our next marathon session-you will see things that only the likes of Sorin, Brookfield Wade, Heath, Terminator, and Horne have done.

We have more than a month to train-and it is looking SCARY.

sadly-that Saturday is the AOBS-and I have to run a 3 on 3 tournament for work and I can't get it off. :angry: Being the new guy-they want me to be there all day.

Thats okay-we will have some nice video and stills for the grip dudes who are interested.

Thanks Steve for another great session. You give me higher bars to reach-and push me to new heights. :bow

Rick Walker :rock

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Very cool Rick.

You are well on your way to becoming a grip legend.

I am proud to know you.


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Sucks you'll miss AOBS!

Bender didn't stink up your bathroom again, did he? You gotta watch those guys named Steve, who are also members of the Gripboard.... :whacked

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Cool ! sounds like you guys had a great time. :rock

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Sorry to hear you'll miss AOBS. When I train with Pat, he not only gives me higher bars to reach, but tougher bars to bend. Pat did you get new wallpaper for your bathroom after the last batch peeled off?

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No-thank goodness Steve didnt have to use the facilities-THIS TIME :whistel

Yes-I am VERY bummed about missing the AOBS-Steve and I are going to have to take a road trip to Pat's so we can all have a training session. :mosher

When he comes back in June-he may bring Tommy with him (COME ON TOMMY!!!!)

He left with my SW and PDA 387-he left me his 37.5 pound Blob.

Rick Walker :rock

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I realy envy you good friends/training budies to train with :rock I have all the GOODIES but no one wants to play :blush

Keep at it mate as you never no whats aroung the corner.

You should video every time you and Steve get together,as you might not do it again,and sometimes you only get one chance at things mate :D I am not saying this in a NEGATIVE way,just seems that if you and STEVE are tearing up the place and you do somethin 1st time,on video its there for ever and there is only ever one 1st,no matter how many times ya lift the inch or blob,the 1st is the most special one.

Anyway Rick you and Steve keep on gettin the best out of each other

and givin the rest off us a lot of inspiration whilst your at it :bow

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I will say this-when he comes back June 27th for our next marathon session-you will see things that only the likes of Sorin, Brookfield Wade, Heath, Terminator, and Horne have done.

Rick, when you do this, and you post it, can you please do it in a format that people running NT can see?

Rooting and cheering for ya, big fella :mosher

Great to know you, I'll echo that sentiment in a heartbeat!

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Thanks guys-I hope we can inspire you all as much as you inspire us! :bow


I can safely say that your ability to stink up a man's bathroom is on par with your mind blowing grip strength. :D

The first thing my wife asked when she got home was, "Did Steve use our bathroom?" NO LIE DUDE! :D:D :stuart :yikes

Rick Walker :rock

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No direspect brother. I admire both of your World Class talents and strive to reach your levels :tongue:whistel

Rick Walker :rock

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