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Big G8 Fail With Pics

EJ Livesey

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I rarely if ever just post pics. So I figure since I bent a couple of these last year my word would be good enough. I tried a big 8 in single battlefield wraps. 1 hit, that's it just one. Took the bolt to about 20 degrees. Then the pain was way too much. My skin is too soft for something this big. If I was to estimate from straight to bent, I have about 600-620lb bend in me, in those wraps. Its definate progress.

I went through all my steel. Out of all the steel there was about 25lbs of uncut DR I have from last year. That steel has most of my progression steel to the gold nail. That will be my focus for the time being.

Here is the big g8


Edited by EJ Livesey
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Gettin it that far is a feat of its own bro.

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Gettin it that far is a feat of its own bro.

Thanks dude. To be honest I knew I didn't have this bend in me. I just wanted to see. It's really tough bend to say the least. Thanks for checking it out.

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DO? :)

What does the head of the bolt look like?

I've never bent steel like that but I might have some in my stock.

I wanna see what you're up against irl :)

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All grade 8's in the states are gold

DO? :)

What does the head of the bolt look like?

I've never bent steel like that but I might have some in my stock.

I wanna see what you're up against irl :)

Yes it was DO. That's the only style I have strength with, and hurts me the least.

All grade 8 bolts are gold in the states. It is a hex head that I believe is 12mm and 7x5/16". It has 6 hash marks and a tiny triangle on the head. There are a couple videos of me bending them on my YT page that clearly shows the head. I can post them if you'd like to see what excactly the head looks like. Or I can post another pic when I get home tomorrow afternoon.

Hannes Kainz sent me some german bolts, same size different head markings that were the European version of the big grade 8 bolt. Mike Krahling and I calibrated them and they were almost identical to our bolts here. I can also give you a pic of those heads as well if that helps you. From your name, I take it you're in Sweden?

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I may sound like a grumbling old man, but I can deal with it.
Watch yourself brother, please!! What is the limit of genetic potential? Gold in iMPs in one minute bands? Well, probably yes.
Strength gaining - ok, pain tolerance - ok, but what about bones and tendons durability? Your strength is very close to it. But give your body time to adapt to your huge strength! Brother, not me to teach you, but you came back for only couple of months and already working with this kind of stuff!

Sorry for grumbling. Just root for you badly. And for your eventual Gold Nail cert.

P.S. Insane bend EJ :grin:

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Nice rainbow duder. Not far from the point where it actually starts kinking properly. Those are fun and I don't miss them at all.


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Wow. That's all I can say.

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I may sound like a grumbling old man, but I can deal with it.

Watch yourself brother, please!! What is the limit of genetic potential? Gold in iMPs in one minute bands? Well, probably yes.

Strength gaining - ok, pain tolerance - ok, but what about bones and tendons durability? Your strength is very close to it. But give your body time to adapt to your huge strength! Brother, not me to teach you, but you came back for only couple of months and already working with this kind of stuff!

Sorry for grumbling. Just root for you badly. And for your eventual Gold Nail cert.

P.S. Insane bend EJ :grin:

I know bro. You're right. I need to slow down, and not get too big for my britches. Getting hurt now would suck. It took me two years to get to the point I'm at now after one year off. I'm getting too strong for my body's own good. I'm gonna focus on the good nail. This is what I want. Specific training for it will start this week. Small steel at high volume to strengthen bones, tendons and skin. Ivan, I'm glad you are the voice of reason. Sometimes I forget how bad I really did get hurt. Thank you brother.

Nice rainbow duder. Not far from the point where it actually starts kinking properly. Those are fun and I don't miss them at all.


I was thinking that, just another 15 or so degrees and it would have folded. Oh well. Big g8 is probably one of the most painful things I've ever bent

Wow. That's all I can say.

Thanks Tim. I'm convinced if I put some David Horne wraps in the BB wraps this bolt would have went down.

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Once you get that taken down let me know and I have some interesting pieces I'd like to send you. Particularly the 11/32 SS among them. Same ballpark on the kink as the Big G8 from what I remember but the crush, my god the crush.

- Aaron

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All grade 8's in the states are gold

DO? :)

What does the head of the bolt look like?

I've never bent steel like that but I might have some in my stock.

I wanna see what you're up against irl :)

Yes it was DO. That's the only style I have strength with, and hurts me the least.

All grade 8 bolts are gold in the states. It is a hex head that I believe is 12mm and 7x5/16". It has 6 hash marks and a tiny triangle on the head. There are a couple videos of me bending them on my YT page that clearly shows the head. I can post them if you'd like to see what excactly the head looks like. Or I can post another pic when I get home tomorrow afternoon.

Hannes Kainz sent me some german bolts, same size different head markings that were the European version of the big grade 8 bolt. Mike Krahling and I calibrated them and they were almost identical to our bolts here. I can also give you a pic of those heads as well if that helps you. From your name, I take it you're in Sweden?

Yepp, Swedish :)

Yeah, post a vid with the bolt head showing!


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I actually have a piece of that stainless you sent me years ago Aaron. It's got the calibration number written on a piece of tape and isn't it something like 680 or so?

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And thanks again for the tips you gave me 1,5 year ago.

It was the final nail in the IM RED NAILs coffin :)

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And thanks again for the tips you gave me 1,5 year ago.

It was the final nail in the IM RED NAILs coffin :)

I'm just glad you killed the red. Many many guys give up right before they can actually bend it. You stuck it out and now you are on the historical list of great benders.

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Once you get that taken down let me know and I have some interesting pieces I'd like to send you. Particularly the 11/32 SS among them. Same ballpark on the kink as the Big G8 from what I remember but the crush, my god the crush.

- Aaron

Thanks Aaron. I will take you up on that for sure. I bet you have some neat stuff to bend. But where in the hell did you find SS 11/32"? I had to get mine lathed down.

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Won't be long before it falls.

Really impressive how strong you are EJ after some time off. Nice job mate.

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Once you get that taken down let me know and I have some interesting pieces I'd like to send you. Particularly the 11/32 SS among them. Same ballpark on the kink as the Big G8 from what I remember but the crush, my god the crush.

- Aaron

Thanks Aaron. I will take you up on that for sure. I bet you have some neat stuff to bend. But where in the hell did you find SS 11/32"? I had to get mine lathed down.

Got lucky and found a small batch of bar ends on ebay. Was probably a specialty order for a machine shop turning job and all that was left was the drops. I think I got like 10 @ 10-12" each from what I remember and there are a few left for special occasions and came in at 685# @ 7" same as a typical triangle G8. Crush was much nastier though. I can't remember ever trying one shorter than 7" and I didn't get one finished until after the KOAB and Big G8 from what I remember.

edit: found the vid on Derek's old channel

- Aaron

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Once you get that taken down let me know and I have some interesting pieces I'd like to send you. Particularly the 11/32 SS among them. Same ballpark on the kink as the Big G8 from what I remember but the crush, my god the crush.

- Aaron

Thanks Aaron. I will take you up on that for sure. I bet you have some neat stuff to bend. But where in the hell did you find SS 11/32"? I had to get mine lathed down.

Got lucky and found a small batch of bar ends on ebay. Was probably a specialty order for a machine shop turning job and all that was left was the drops. I think I got like 10 @ 10-12" each from what I remember and there are a few left for special occasions and came in at 685# @ 7" same as a typical triangle G8. Crush was much nastier though. I can't remember ever trying one shorter than 7" and I didn't get one finished until after the KOAB and Big G8 from what I remember.

edit: found the vid on Derek's old channel

- Aaron

Wow!! Incredible Aaron!

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Aaron, that was a fight. That crush looks insane. I laughed when you punched yourself, I've done that more than a few times. Split my lip, split the corner of my eye and gave myself a shiner from the random wrap movement/ slip. I'd love to try some when I'm stronger.

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Aaron, that was a fight. That crush looks insane. I laughed when you punched yourself, I've done that more than a few times. Split my lip, split the corner of my eye and gave myself a shiner from the random wrap movement/ slip. I'd love to try some when I'm stronger.

Thanks, Yep did that a few times. Was a definite possibility whenever using the crush pads as the bar would shift so easily. Saw stars a few times when that happened on the tougher stuff. Despite the short range of motion I think those punches were up there with any I taken to the jaw from anyone else over the years. Be happy to send you some when you are ready, they make a beautiful trophy and look much better bent.

- Aaron

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