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Nice Session Last Night. 3/8 Inch Crs Fell.


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No pics because I'm posting this from work but had a pretty good session last night.

Started with some small stuff leading into some 60ds for warm up and volume then hit a G5 then decided to try a gold nail with my heavier wraps just to see how it felt. I'd like to say I bent it but that would be lying but I did put a noticable kink in it - maybe a 2 penny kink.

Had some easier 3/8 crs cut to 8 3/8 inch so put it in the wraps and gave it a go. Got it and probably took 4 to 5 minutes. I like this because I'm now getting real close to the point to where I can unbrace an easier 80d.

Re-wrapped the gold nail to show it who's boss and we both agreed that he was. I wrapped some codura around the leather to see if I could do some more damage with double wraps and no go. I tried for probably 1/2 an house so I got a really good ISO workout so then I decided to try another 23/64 by 8 incher and got it moving although I was spent at this point but all the kids started heading to bed so I bailed out at probably a 15 degree bend.

After that I did try a Red nail in IMPs and no go. I know I was exhausted by that point but I just couldn't get it to where it felt right. Felt like I couldn't put any power to speak of into the bar.

I did try to download a vid of my tearing a 1400 page phone book but even with a vid that short it said it was going to take 51 minutes (and kept increasing) to upload. Maybe I'll see if I can upload them at a restaurant or something. Joys of living in the country.

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Okay, I just re-read my own topic and I tried the gold nail for 1/2 an hour not 1/2 a house.

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That gold nail is a bitch. I tried one today too. I only gave it 2-3mins or so.

Youre a better man than me to fight for a half an hour

Edited by EJ Livesey
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Seems like tough steel to me. I know I could brace bend one but I refuse to do that because when I finally see one bent, it's going to be unbraced. Seems like bending one in ironmind pads will be a very painful experience though.

I tend to get pretty stubborn when I'm bending steel so I think I'm done, then I re-wrap and try again.

EJ, I've been meaning to ask you, did you have another ID or are you really that new to the gripboard? I've been away for a few years so I don't know all the newer guys.

I know this, bending a KOAB is neat stuff man.

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I really am this new to the grip board. I lurked around years ago but never made an account. I pretty much stayed at BB. I was pretty active there. Became a mod and a bending judge. I also started doing some stuff with FBBC when John sold the company to Kristine and jerry. I'd still come over here and lurk around, but didn't make an account until recently.

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