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Certification !


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This weekend I closed the # 3 in front of Svend Karlsen :rock

( Svend was a really nice and approachable guy !!! :bow ).

I also got to train with him ( lifting rocks... pulling trucks etc... etc... ) and I had a great weekend !

Here are a few pics :

Closing the # 3 with the left ( weak ) hand.

Svend and Me.

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Cool, sounds like a great time, btw isnt that the WSM trophy in the background? :laugh

Yes it is :D:bow

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Congrats on the #3


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Wow! What a great weekend for you, something to tell the grandkids one day! Nice background props! WORLD CLASS!!

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WOW!pic with Svend is great.Could ya give us a description of the work out you guys did?

Did he have a go at your gripper?

I read a while back he was actually practicing some 450lbs-.a side- Farmers walk so he's got to have some sort of grip,eh? :yikes

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:rock:rock:rock Congrats!!
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Job well done. Good pictures of the close to.

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WOW!pic with Svend is great.Could ya give us a  description of the work out you guys did?

Did he have a go at your gripper?

I read a while back he was actually practicing some 450lbs-.a side- Farmers walk so he's got to have some sort of grip,eh? :yikes

He was training "light" ( technique training for a competition ) and the exercises he did was...

" Truck Pull " and " Farmers Walk ".

The weight of the Truck we used was 6600 pounds and he did the Farmer Walk with 385 pounds in each hand.

( remember that this was just technique training and it was ridiculously easy for him :bow )

I tried the... Truck Pull - Tire Flip - Stone Lifting etc... and it was fun !!! :yikes

Yes he tried my # 3, but didn't manage to close it. He tried many times and I tried to show him how to positioning the gripper... But he couldn't get the last 3-4 mm's shut. LOL... Maybe after this, he will become an gripper addict to ?? :cool

Here are some more pictures :mosher








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That last pic pisses me off! :angry: Is that his basement gym? If so, what a lucky f**ker!! :angry:;) I just wish I had a place like that to train in!! :D

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385# a side on a 'light' day.Good gracious.

I bet with a week or two of this program some of you guys are on that he could close it? :inno

I've read and 'heard' about his basement gym before.So that was a pic of his actual gym?I've read its hard for him to train for 'distance'on the farmers 'cause he has to do so many turns....also?were you privy to any of his heavy backwards farmers walks?I've heard he has been known to walk backwards with a heavy load and then walk foreward with it.

Sorry for so many questions..but dude..you were just certified by a very recent WSM!!! :rock:rock Just an amazing honor if you ask me.

If i ever get certified I'll want someone of that level to watch me...... :blush just kidding.But very cool....Damn cool. :cool:cool

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Fantastic Dag! You've made very quick progress. And both hands, too!

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1st off,congrats on closeing the #3,second on getting to do a training session with a worlds strongest man winner. :rock

Sven,s gym is cool.

Some realy nice photos for you to cherish and pass on :bow

I was lucky enough at the last OHF dinner to bid and win in the auction a signed teeshirt,vest and photo of Svens,that is what i used for the background on the RB Gripper shots.

The photo of you an Sven in his house with all his trophies in the background is ultra cool. :D

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AWESOME!!! :mosher:mosher:mosher

I met Svend at the 2001 Arnold-even though there was a line to meet him-he took the time to give me some training advice :bow

Heck of a guy-

Rick Walker :rock

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Congrats on closing the #3 and good luck with the #4. :rock


"Live long, stay strong" - C.F.B.

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I bet Svend was kind of annoyed not being able to close the #3? Or maybe he already had grippers? Did you tell him about the Gripboard? Would be really cool to have him posting here :bow

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