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Bending Styles


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There seems to be a recent surge in interest on The GripBoard in bending. For those who participate, do you brace, or not? I do not brace, as I prefer to practice in strict style.

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I did a little bending after attending the British nail bending championships last year.

I had to give it up at the time as i was plaged by Tendonitis in one elbow and Carpel tunnel syndrone in the opposite wrist,i will be going back to it shortly.

At the British comp braceing was allowed and used by all including me,i would like to bve able to bend 60D nails without braceing as i feel it is a more ledgit test of strength in my eyes.

Those guys that bend wrenches,tough ironmind nails and the likes are

are Animals :bow

I do think that bracing has its place,but only on a very hard object or when one is learning the technique,once you have the strength,i would not go back to braceing.

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Steve, nice question. I brace when bending the Yellow "nail" and above, but I imagine my strength level (or lack of) compared to yours is at best comical. I don't have the strength to bend these without the bracing. If I had the strength to bend without bracing, I would never brace again. I know that bracing lessens the feat aspect of bending, but if I didn't put bracing to work, I'd still be bending the Green "nail."

Ben Edwards

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I am by no stretch of the imagination any type of 'expert' on bending....

There are many more on this board that contribute way more and have been doing it longer and better. :bow:bow

That being said....I do not brace....or at least do try not practice it in my bending.

I don't think that it's wrong to brace... to start... when you're trying to get to a new size/strength of material. If your strength is building to the point where you can do it without bracing....then that's progress by which you can start to measure your new capability/capacities. ;)

I 'try' to keep it as strict as possible.

Wrench bending..now that's a different story...can anybody get a decent sized adjustable wrench without bending?

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I don't brace, but my style doesn't lend itself to bracing ("spike bending"). There really isn't any reason to brace unless you are bending really long pieces of steel like Tom Blacks 12" spikes.

Wrench bending..now that's a different story...can anybody get a decent sized adjustable wrench without bending?
John Brookfield.
I brace when bending the Yellow "nail" and above, but I imagine my strength level (or lack of) compared to yours is at best comical. I don't have the strength to bend these without the bracing.


It is probably more a technique issue. It doesn't take much strength to bend a Yellow nail.

Edited by RSW
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Short bends STRICT.

10" and above braced.

8" only braced if 3/8" or more

Pretty much John Brookfield's view of legitimate bending.

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