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Just wanted to say hi. My name is Jim Smith, PA. I am a frequent poster on Dr. Squat, which is where I met Rick Walker. My buddy and I, Jedd Johnson, became interested in grip and have been working it for the last 5 months. I have been reading all the posts and watching the videos and I look forward to learning from all of you. Thanks for a great forum!


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Welcome aboard.

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Welcome to the gripboard.

What are your grip goals for this year ?

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What sorts of grip training have you done prior to joining this board??

I would imagine deadlift lockouts of somekind....


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My workout is basically a mix of BB, OL, PL, and before I had starting writing to Rick, my only grip exercise was probably deads. Since then I have eliminate straps for lifting, with a few exceptions and have starting incorporating:


Plate Pinches

Fat bar, 2 ",3 ",4 "

levering - sledge hammer

Wrist curls

Reverse curls

I am working on getting a blob, from a local gym that has some broken weights.

My goals by the end of the year are pretty low end compared to you guys:

Plate Pinch - 35 's

Farmer walks - 225 ' each hand

#2 COC

I was pretty impressed with Rick's latest videos and I think I will go out and try and find some wrenches and horse shoes to mess with.

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Smitty, welcome. But I warn you, consider wisely your choice to join this gang, before it's too late and you've become a full blown addict.

Very respectable goals, by the way.

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You made it aboard I see-Welcome! You have found the #1 Place in the World for Hand Strength.

You are going to learn so much here-so be sure and read everything! Dont hesitate to ask questions as well.

I think you will enjoy it here-a million times better than ANY other board.

And-dont talk to much to that Roark character-he is a bit strange :D:tongue

Rick Walker :rock

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Welcome, Smitty!

As for my goals, I'm looking to close the #3 and maybe start bending a few things.......

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Welcome aboard,looks like your off to a perfect start,conversing with

Rick Walker and now joining the board :D

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Any friend of Rick "Sky" Walker is a friend of mine! Welcome aboard!! :D

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