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Guest jeremysipple

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Guest jeremysipple

hi i am new to hand training.i been training my hands for exactly 4 weeks. i have two captions of crush grippers. i have the trainer and the #1. i can close thetrainer with no effort. i can only close the #1 twice. i train with my grippers twice a week. i also pich grip cinder blocks. and do sledgehammer leverageing witha 6 lb hammer.i also do chins with a thick rope. i was wondering if i should be training less or divide my training up such as grip one day,pinch, wrists, etc? i also bought John brookfeilds mastery of hand strength the other day. Any comments are welcome. thanks jeremy sipple

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Welcome to the world of grip training.

In regard to dividing your training up, it's really an issue of what your goals are. For instance, are you training to perform a specific grip feat or to train your hands overall. Personally I prefer to focus on one area until I attain the goals I have set for myself. For instance, I am training my pinch grip at the moment. This is the only grip specific work I will do until I attain my pinch grip goals.

This is just my approach. Best wishes with your training.

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Frequency just depends on the individual. Some guys are able to train grip everyday. I personally have to train hard and then take the next 2 days off to fully recover.

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Jeremy- I've been doing gripwork for about the last year on and off, sometimes half-heartedly. Right now my goal is to close the #2, and other grip work, like pinching is secondary to the grippers. Just make sure if you have a priority, you address it.

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Me and my brothers and friends train about twice a week. I usually do grippers both days, then switch pinch and thickbar/rolling thunder. I also have been working the hub in. As far as other frequency i would do it any time your grip feels fresh.

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Guest jeremysipple

hi thanks for the advice everyone. i guess right now i am training to close the #1 with no effort. i would like to to move to the #2 before summer is over. My secondary goals would be to pinch grip a cinder block for for a full minute and to do 20 rope chins by fall. i was wondering if anyone has any interesting ways to train for crushing power to add variation to my training. thanks jeremy sipple

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i was wondering if anyone has any interesting ways to train for crushing power to add variation to my training.

Strap holds are always fun. You can do these by attaching a leather or nylon strap to some plates or loading pin and lift and hold the weight off the ground by pinching the strap in between the closed handles of a gripper.

KTA is very good at building crushing power as well. Check out the thread pinned to the top of the page for info.

Best wishes with your #2 goal. If you stay consistent you will mash it eventually.

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Training all aspects of hand strength all at once can be done-but it is my experience that the gains are slow at best.

To combat this, I pick a goal, zero in on it, and train it specifically until I reach it.

To do this-I use the KTA program/principles for all strength goals.

Try it-for $20, you can't beat the results it produces.

Rick Walker :rock

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Rick's advice is good.

Also, if you don't have Mastery of Hand Strength then go to the Ironmind web-site and order it immediately. This book will give you a good foundation of knowledge.


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