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Since bending will be an event at Rick's competition, I decided if I'm gonna try to participate then I better learn how to bend some stuff! Well, I'm definitely not a natural! I have IronMind's bag of nails and I attempted to bend the white nail today. After much struggling and not budging the thing, I finally bent one slightly (maybe a 1/2"). After that, I did it twice more on new nails but the nail refuses to budge after that. What do you yall think I should do? Continue to try to bend the white or should I go buy some eaiser nails. I was using a technique modeled after Tom Black's vertical stytle. I am pretty decent at hammer levering. I have done a reverse weaver (ulnar deviation) with a 10.5 lb sledge both hands. I am poorer at sledge hammer lifts that require radial deviation. What do yall think? Think I'll be bend those white nails like butter in no time? ha :D

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Have you not done any wrist work before?

Let me say I am truly floored :blink

I could bend up to green nail right when I got the Bag.

But you're a COC how could that be? :unsure

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Specificity! Just because I can shut a #3 or bench press 400lbs doesn't necessarily mean I can bend a nail. I am pretty good with sledge hammers, have ripped a deck, broke some keys, torn some medium sized phone books, but I have no experience with nail bending. I'm sure it will come with time. :D Any advice to me, since you bent up to the green nail on your first try? Maybe you are a natural! Maybe there are some variance in the nails? Maybe I got a hard batch?!! ha ha :laugh Or maybe I just need to keep practicing! :cool

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Specificity! Just because I can shut a #3 or bench press 400lbs doesn't necessarily mean I can bend a nail. I am pretty good with sledge hammers, have ripped a deck, broke some keys, torn some medium sized phone books, but I have no experience with nail bending.

You know I can't do any of these ;)

So me bending the green nail I'LL TAKE IT!!!!!!! :D:cool

Also I got them as a starter to bending I really didn't expect to bend anything knowing that alot of it was wrist strenght.

But now that I think of it I was doing alot of workouts with the wrist reinforcer.

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Hi Strongmitts !

You must absolutely try different techniques. At a time i was struggling to bend a 6*170mm stretched iron bar (harder than the green but easier than the yellow) in slim's time with no success. I then tried a new hand over hand technique i hand't praticed before and managed to bend the sucker. It's now my favorite technique.

Check Strongman's website for different techniques.

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It must be a technique issue, bending a white is IMHO easier than closing a trainer. Strongman reported that he had trouble bending a white his first try, because he tried to bend it "like you would break a pencil".

If you really need something weaker than a white, I would try pieces of cut coathanger. I don't know of any real nails as easy as the white (3/16"x6" HRS).


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Ok, I feel like a big panzy now. I must need some severe work on my technique. I've already done the coat hanger thing to get the feel for a technique a la John Brookfield's article on bending. I will try again next week and report my results. In the mean time I plan on doing hammer levering for my other workout. Do yall think this would be most beneficial in a non bending workout?

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This is the link to Strongman's web page. A real knowledgeable and nice guy to discuss information with.

Both he and Tom Black are great sources of information to get ideas from. When I was staring bending, that's at least what I did to get on the right track.

Hope you don't mind me positing the link to your page through your profile, Strongman. :rolleyes

Knowledgeable members willing to take the time with either posts on the Board or through private e-mails and messages....... :rock

That's what makes this a special place to learn from, if your willing to learn and implement the information given.

Just a big group hug for everyone! :D

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If you can lever 10.5# to the rear, I bet you are strong enough to U-shape a Blue nail using the "spike bending" technique. Work on your technique. I am not much stronger than you and I can U-shape the Blue without any strain at all.


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It would be very remiss of me not to mention that RSW, Bender and Bender53 are also valuable sources of posted information, too.

Do some searches with the key phrase of bending and you'll find some great posts! ;)

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Bender53 CAN bend!! The horse shoe he twisted into a cork screw was proof enough for me :ohmy

A tip he gave me?

PLATE WRIST CURLS!!!!! he told me they are the key to just about everyhthing.

Rick Walker :rock

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As big and strong as Bender53 is............I'd feel sorry for the horse if he didn't want to give up his shoes! :D

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