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Bender53 Is 6'2"and Weighs About 350lbs.

Tom of Iowa2

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Sorry if i've embarrassed you bender.But i got a PM ;);) with some of your stats and i just have got to know 'the rest of the story'.Sounds like you ARE a HOSS!

Ricks Report on your training session and the near full Lift of the INCH and the lift of the Blob(did not say full so we can keep this open :cool )

What are your hand measurements?ring size?shoe size?

Wrist size?biceps?forearm flexed?

Lifting history?

Other grip feats that you are good at?

This?That ? and the other thing? :D

Questions a little personal?yeah sort of but we have probably all printed info like this at one time or another.in other words you could find this trivia on almost anyone on the forum....or sometimes we read about these details in MILO.. :erm

Again congratulations on all the great 'feats'and thanks to Rick for the report!

i'm sure others would like to hear more about you too? :inno

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Me thinks me smells a ringer!!! :ohmy:laugh:laugh

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He is "around" 6'2". Dont know his actual height. Everyone is tall when you are only 5'9"! :D

Body weight is right though.

I know his hand length is almost the same as mine. He has to be darn close to fitting a quarter through his ring?

His forearm was flexed at about 16.5 inches.

He is a quiet guy and lays low around here. Notice that he hasnt posted about the Blob and he has been lifting it for a couple weeks now.

The Inch was about a foot off the ground a couple times.

Rick Walker :rock

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Come on guys! I ain't no gaint! The tallest I ever was 6' 1/4''. After all the back injuries isn't no telling now :cry Biceps stay around 21" when I don't train them. But for Supersnot in Sept. they will be 22'' or 23" These are passed down from my moms side. God blessed me with good genes for size. Don't know about my real dad size. He left to get a loaf of bread and never came back. I'll keep that issue to myself. What are some of the feats I have been blessed to do? You are asking for this to get locked? I am a freak for endurance. I was raising money for a mission trip to Guatamala by seeing how much weight I could lift in 24hrs. It was done on Hammerstrength. The total was 2,030,265lbs. I sent all my proof to Guiness Book. (logbook and video) I had two to three witnesses at all time there. Ran 4 marathons best time was 3:26 at 232lbs. My slowest was 5hrs. I was a fit 280#. That one hurt bad!! I also completed an Ulta Marathon it was 50 miles it took me 8:51:01. Fastest 5k 19:06 15K sub hour that was a good day. Fastest mile 5:32. That hurt bad! Swam 3 miles non stop. A lot of cycling #'s have slipped me. Dunked a basketball. Finished 2nd place in North Carolina free-style wrestling (Hwt of course). Placed 1st in indoors masters shot-put (nationals) Forgot the distance. I was at the right place at the right time on this one. There was a bad ice storm that day and few people could make it. Some times it pays to show up. Best lifts ain't too impressive 500# for 2 reps. Deadlift 585# for 5 reps, Squats 620# for 2 reps, powercleans 305# for 6. Pushpress 400# for one. Curls 225# for 5. I have always been blessed with OK all around athleticism but never world class. God has blessed my body so wonderfully and I thank him daily. May He continue to get it in this arena. My hands are 8" and fat just like the rest of my 335# body I wear a xxx to xxxx T Shoe size now your getting personal!!! :tongue Oh yes one of the neatest feats I remember was running on a tread did 10 miles on it when I was done walked over to a benchpress bench put 400# on it and lifted it. Those your the fit old days. Dobbie a friend of mine freaked out bad. It was one of the funniest faces I have ever saw. Well this is a rare time that I will talk about myself. I do not like it. I hate pride! I believe in staying humble. I guess it comes with age. I do love the weightroom life and playing like a kid and enjoying great times with great friends. THAT'S ALL I GOT TO SAY ABOUT THAT! MR. GUMP :mellow

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Humble is good. But thanks for all the details. It's good to see such all-round ability. This is a rare but good thing to have.


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Mr. Wood they were leg press, shoulder press, seated chest press, lat pull down, tricep push down, shoulder shrugs the reason I did it on Hammer was that they are so joint friendly. I did like 24hr circuit program. Total lifting time was about 16hrs. Rest and sleep and fueling was need often. I think it was some like 210 sets of 6 stations. I trained for three months 6 days some times two times a day with workouts lasting 2 or 3 hours totals of 200,000lbs per day. It got very boring at times. It raised 1500 bones for a worthy trip. I was only shooting for 1 million. But God choose to bless me well. Double portion is cool with me. :yikes When I was done I felt like I was going to break like glass. The good thing was I got to eat for 4 days straight. The after burn was phenomenal.

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a push press of 405 I would consider world class. Master that

split style jerk and you'll see some big weights over your head.

Curling 225 is world class if done in strict style (not bending forward

and then extending the back to "help"). Nice lifts otherwise.

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Thank you Bender53! :bow

VERY impressive stuff!plus all the old school bending ability?AND you have endurance!

Definitely an all arounder!Running,Swimming,Lifting,Bending,Gripping,WRESTLING :rock ,.

Thank you for your response.i really appreciate all the details.And man can we just call you'Mr.Diversification'WOW!

I look foreward to seeing more pics of you and hearing more about your training.

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You didnt mention your age!!!!

I believe he is 40 something. :D:D

Had to tell em' Steve. You aint no spring chicken!!! :tongue

Rick Walker :rock

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Has Bender 53 closed a # 3 yet.

Just wonderin.

This guy is a HOSS.


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Yeah he closed a #3 righty and lefty.

Read Rick Walkers post titled:'Rick Walker,Bender53,Derek'

It is one of the better posts I've read in quite awhile...very positive and fun 'report'! :cool

Its a LOCKED thread about a page back.

Good to hear about all these guys isn't it?? :rock

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We got HOSSES coming out of the woodwork around here.

Holy cow.

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I can safely say that is the only thing that I might have a slight edge on him in-the grippers. He did close my easier #3 in both hands-but I think I have him by a little :D

He, like me, is no where near the BBSE or #4 yet.

Give us time-I am only 25-I have a lot of years left.

Same as Steve-he is like wine-he seems to get better with age.

Rick Walker :rock

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Bender53 mentioned that you have the SW aka...the secret weapon.

Is it the same as SyberSnott's ?

If so, how much weight are you able to do negatives with with it.

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Mine is home made-my father in law and I put it together-total cost was about $5.

I have not used it in a long time-I think the last time I used it was before I could close the #3 at all! I worked up to 100-that was about it. I don't really like it-I like using grippers for crushing.

Rick Walker :rock

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