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Grip Training Advice


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Gday everyone coming on this board in hopes for some advice I just ordered a set of grippers consisting of a trainer a #1 #1.5 & #2 in hopes to increase my crushing strength I work my forearms twice a week doing plate pinches, palm up and palm down barbell and dumbbell curls for forearm and also have a thick stick with rope on it a tie a weight too and roll up and down but now unsure on when I should incorporate grippers as I don't want to take them to the gym but more work with them at home my idea was too work with them 3 days a week on the off days I don't work my forearms ie mon,wed,sat what are the thoughts on this can I work with them more and also what kind of workout plan should I follow there going to take a while to get here coming from the states so I got time to prepare am quiet excited as my crushing strength is something I've never worked with so keen to see what I can achieve

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I don't like doing crush/wrist on the same day, it has never went well for me. I would do crush/pinch one day and wrist stuff the 2nd.

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Ok Yeh I didn't plan on doing it same day as I suggested was going to do it on non forearm days so would you suggest say Mon Wed Friday doing crush and pinch workouts and Tuesday Thursday doing forearm work?

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Everyone is different and at first three days a week may be fine, but grippers are something you dont wanna overdo to much. Let your hands and forearms heal good between each grip day you will see more gains that way and less chance to hurt something. Also look up recovery excercises and contrast bath for your hands and wrist. Good Luck and WELCOME TO GRIPBOARD ;)

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I train 2-3x per week on actual grip stuff with some thickbar lifts throughout the week on regular lifts. I have done everything from not training t o1x per week to 7 days a week. Working grippers will work your forearms so doing it every day with any intensity would lead to overtraining for me.

I try to do:

Sunday crush/pinch or thickbar

Monday wrist

Thursday lighter wrist/thickbar

Wrist for me is wrist curls/sledge levers/wrist roller/etc

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I do a full gripper workout once a week and on my weight lifting days i will do supersets with grippers sometimes. I kill the the wrist roller love it. Pinch grip whenever i get a chance i have a weight bar collar i rigged with handles i sqeeze it.

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Ok I guess I will work grip as I normally work all muscle groups and train it twice a week but just to clarify do I now include grip training as being forearm training meaning if I done pinch and grip training twice a week and forearm/wrist twice a week would that mean my forearms will be getting worked 4 times a week which ie would be over training them? Also thanks for the welcome and replies its not stuff I can ask a trainer as tbh I am yet to see anyone in my gym training grip or pinch or crushing strength only see the odd fella doing wrist curl things and tbh I think forearms and calves look the best as a overall developed muscle followed closely by traps and chest

Edited by strongkeith
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You will have to experiment and see how gripper training effects you before this can be answered. I suggest you ease into it maybe just focus gripper training on its own day at first then maybe add other forearm workouts into it.

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Ok sweet thanks for taking the time to post really appreciate it

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No problem goodluck in your training.

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