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2nd Deck Ripped Yesterday


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I ripped my 2nd deck of cards in half yesterday. i am happy about my feat and also unhappy, here is why.

about two weeks ago i ripped my first deck in half. it took about 3 or 4 mins. the starting tear and the start of the rip was good, but found myself having trouble fininshing it off. yesterday i ripped one in half fairly easy, but still had trouble towerds the end. i feel i will get faster and better with each time. :D what realy made me happy though was that i ripped it in half while riding in the car!! :D my wife and i where out shoping and i picked up a deck to see if i could rip it when we got home. instead of waiting i wanted to see if i could do it while in the car. i also noticed my hands hurt alot less this time than last.

i still believe it is a result of hammer levering.

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What style of leveling do you do? In front or to the side? Do you do repetitions or heavy singles? Just wondering.

Last week I stopped into a dollar store (a good source for some less expensive items) and did buy a pack of two decks for a buck. This was the first time trying the card tearing and may I say...............I failed miserably! Need to work on this. The cards were the 'slippery' kind. Maybe I need to start wtih ones that are a little thinner and more 'paper' style to get the technique down. Or would it be better to start with half decks?

I've been accused of playing with one for quite some time. :laugh

Edited by Gripintime2
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Ruff, nice job. Use the unhappiness about your finishes to motivate yourself towards better tears. Practice makes better.

Grip - Given a choice between easier and harder decks, I would take the harder deck and practice with fewer cards. You can work on technique and fight the "slipperiness" (some technique also involved) at the same time. Then, when you've torn a slippery deck, the other decks are easy, and no one will say to you, "But was the deck a slippery one or an easy one?" You will also not doubt your own achievements.

Eliminate all doubt.


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I do the type where you lever to the nose, and the kind where you lever to the side on my leverings. i have an 8 lb sledge and can do 4 good reps in each arm. when i can do about 7 good reps, without a warm up, i will add 2 lbs making it a 10 lb sledge hammer. i forgot to mention another good wrist tool i have that i finish off with when i am done with the levering. i bought a 40 lb fixed dumbell at wallmart, and sawed one end off leaving 20 lb wieght with a 5 inch handle. i then rapped the handle with ducktape until it was 2 inch in width. it makes for one awesome wrist tool! :D

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Thanks for the dumb bell idea! :)

Do you then practice with it side to side and also up and down?

Did you do this with smaller weights and work up or did you just jump into the 40lb db?

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