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Blob Syndicate Presents...


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When: August 30, 2003

Where: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Events (subject to change):

1) Ironmind COC grippers

Max gripper test. COC grippers (T, 1, 2, 3, 4) will be provided. Three attempts allowed.

2) Blob deadlift

York blobs (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 pounds) will be provided. Three attempts allowed.

3) Ironmind Apollon’s Axle deadlift

Max weight test. Three attempts allowed. Double-overhand positioning and no hook grip required.

4) Ironmind Hub-style lift

Max weight test. Three attempts allowed.

5) Ironmind ‘The Stacker’ brick lift

Max weight test. Three attempts allowed.

eMail me at carlt005@umn.edu for further details and registration information. Updates will also be provided to the GripBoard as they occur.

Rain or shine, come Hell or high water...


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Can someone bring a video camera so the event can be shared with the Gripboard?

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Count me in BC, Wannagrip there will be video and

pics for all to enjoy


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Wanna, yes, as Matt said, I will ensure that everything is captured with video and photographs.

With Dave competing it looks like I'll have to make up some Blobs with additional weight as well! With the Blobs I have I can make Blobs in five pound increments up to 80 pounds. Ya think that'll be enough for you, Dave?!

Also, if any competitor wants to train with the equipment that will be used in the contest let me know- I'm always available.


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I am looking forward to competing in the grip contest this summer and I think an 80 lb blob will be more than sufficient. I'd also like to try out the IM stacker at some point.



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Dave are you grip training behind our backs. I'm sure Warren could make you a stacker, be sure to order three of them though.

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count me in Brian hopefully i'll be able to get the #2 by then and increase my blobbing skills but i already know i have no chance with you jeff and Dave in it.

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Brian, I'm looking forward to the contest. I tried double overhand axle deads yesterday and got 302.5 lbs, and I'm wondering what other people are getting.

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I believe my best was 265lbs that was about

a month ago, I think I can do more now


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  • 2 months later...

As there is only 2 months left before this contest which

will prove to be an awesome day with some great lifts.

How many people so far are coming to this, it would be

sad to see that with so many grip geeks out there

that it will be limited, as I want a little competition :tongue

as I have seen so far there will be Brian, Matt, Dave O. and the

3 Peterson brothers.

Lets see some replys from contestants

Matt M

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I picked up a few grippers, and I'm always up for some public humiliation. The only dark horse is that I'll be living in a van down by the river during that time frame. But hey, it's local so we'll see.

PS: There's 3 Petersons? :blink

Hey, I just closed the #1 with my left, so I'm feeling saucy. Only took me 3 days. Still WAY behind my right, though. :yikes

Edited by CMunger
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oh man, what i would do to go to that, only if my parents would drive me :cry

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PS: There's 3 Petersons? :blink

Jeff Peterson, Joe Peterson and Dan Peterson

Matt M

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Well StrongMan you can tell your parents it is only a

short drive of 1012 miles or 16 hours or so


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LOL yah true Matt i only wish i could go.

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Hopefully some day there will be a contest in south Florida....although I wouldn't expect to even place... :tongue hehehehe :D ............. I hope your contest is a sucess :)

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