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Can Someone Recommend Grippers Between 2.5 And 3


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looking to get that 3 this year

what are some very good grippers

tougher than the average 2.5 and easier than the coc 3




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GHP6- right in the middle lately.

BBSM- closer to the #2.5

Strap holds and filing the #2.5

Out of these, I recommend the first and the last.

If you need work getting to the ghp6, get the SM as well.

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looking to get that 3 this year

what are some very good grippers

tougher than the average 2.5 and easier than the coc 3




Shooting match man, best to buy a rated gripper.

Some that might do are RB210, RB240, RB260, BB SM, some heavy HG300s.

But some RB240s can rate above 3s, some RB210s below 2.5s...an SM is probably your best bet but get a rated.

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Well, the GHP 6 seems to fall right in the middle, but it feels a bit different...

I think the SM is supposed to be in between there, but for sure get one rated if you get one. The one i have is 117! Which is definitely less than what the average #2.5 is supposed to be.

I have a GM which I think is "hard". It's 148, so right under a #3.

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GHP Level 6 - will feel like a very stiff #2.5

Tetting SM - I have one rated at 126 lbs.

Tetting GM - these can be pretty tricky as they can feel like a number 3.

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SM is close to a 2.5 and the GM is vary close to a # 3

I have rated a bunch of GHP6s and they have all been in the middle.

@ John , I allways thought the GHP6 felt more like a real easy #3 :)

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My Tetting T6 is a little easier than my Tetting GM, which is a little easier than both of my #3's.

And yes, the GHP6 is a safe bet.

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How far off are you from your no.3? And how well do you do with the 2.5?

Thanks for all the replies

In my peak gripper training i was getting the 2.5

In every gripper workout

My best was 3 - 5 reps with it

Last workout 2.5 x 2

Lots of reps w my coc 2

And right now just thinking I need to do a lot of negatives

With the 3 to get my hand used to it more

It's hard to tell how far off the no 3

At this point feels like a solid 1/4 but it could

Be more

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Placed an order on

Ghp6 x 2

Will see if I can shut that one

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Grippers vary - you could end up buying a dozen grippers before you get exactly what you want - figure out the poundage range you want - then buy a rated gripper as close to that as you can find - being aware that COC, GHP, Tettings etc will all have a slightly "feel" to them.

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when i saw the title of the thread, i immediately thought ghp 6 and that opinion was reaffirmed after reading the responses.

the only gripper i own that is rated is my #3 which is 152. i am very close to closing the ghp 6 while the #3 is probably 10-15 mm behind that. although i don't know what my ghp rates, i hope that gives you perspective.

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Grippers vary - you could end up buying a dozen grippers before you get exactly what you want - figure out the poundage range you want - then buy a rated gripper as close to that as you can find - being aware that COC, GHP, Tettings etc will all have a slightly "feel" to them.

Yep. As close to 140 lbs. as you can get. A hard SM or an easy GM. GHP? Don't know how those numbers land. Not sure the data is there yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ghp 6 looks to be right between my

2.5 and 3

Thanks for all the suggestions , both ghp 6 that I ordered , I wasn't able to shut

This will be the goal gripper for now

Perfect stepping stone

Grippers vary - you could end up buying a dozen grippers before you get exactly what you want - figure out the poundage range you want - then buy a rated gripper as close to that as you can find - being aware that COC, GHP, Tettings etc will all have a slightly "feel" to them.

Once I close the ghp 6

Looks like ill need grippers between 140 and 147

Kind of wish IronMind had a 2.75 gripper

But I'm sure ill find one in that range

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