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Pinch For Rt Strength.


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How important do you think pinching and increasing thumbstrength is for gaining in the rolling thunder?

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Guest Squat More

A strong thumb is the main factor in the Rolling thunder, especially for the guys with the more average hand lengths. I think Dynamic pinching is more beneficial than static with the Rolling Thunder I.E. Titans Telegraph Key, pony clamps, or Vulcan and thumbscrews over blobs, plates etc.

Focus on pulling reps with the RT, you will make better gains this way. This was advice given to me by Laine Snook, I took his advice (with some changes of my own through experimentation that benefit me) and I speak from experience: 7 weeks ago pulling 145# on the RT was a chore for me after re focusing on getting the 200+lbs goal I have always wanted, over the course of the last 7 weeks I pulled no more than 140 pounds on the RT for high reps (10+ rep sets), along with other thumb work and yesterday, on a day I was not supposed to train thickbar (or at all for that week) got a wild hair up my ass and pulled heavy singles and in the end I got a nice strong lift of 175# on the rolling thunder, new handle with the Iron Mind oly pin.

Now remember, this was after 6 weeks of progressive training going 10 or more reps a set on my squat days, I could have pulled more I feel but I was happy with the clean lift with three 45's, one 25, one 5 plus the pin and handle - should equal 175 but came up to 173.5 on a scale. Better to leave and end something with a PR and a smile on your face than to end with a PR, yet a frown because you tried to improve upon that PR. A personal record is a personal record.

Point is: before the program, 145 for me was a chore, it was very tough and not explosive at all, last week I was quickly and explosively pulling 140 for a set of 13. Yesterday I pulled a single and made a 30lb jump in my one rep max strength pulling singles from doing high reps.

Now, in this second phase/cycle of RT training, I am going to do more experimenting with things, and leaving certain things out of my training that I feel are unnecessary.

Too long, didn't read version: Specific thumb work is good, but actually pulling on the implement, building the movement, and the strength in your hand for the tendons and getting the volume under the movement is more important. High reps once a week added 30# to my RT one rep max pull over the course of 6 weeks if training.

/end long random post of babble

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Pinching will help you, yes, as you're working your hands. It certainly won't hurt you. But what will really help you is pulling the RT handle more.

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Allright :)

I dont do pinch atm ut I played around with 2x 15kg plates, monday after RTsession and yesterday and today my thumbs are sore.

They never get sore from RT.

Started thinking that even tho Im not hunting any pinching PRs atm it might help my RT out :)

Might just do it alittle after my RT work each week.

Squat more: I too work in a similar fashion!

Got it from mobsterone here on gripboard.

I do 1 set of 10 reps and a couple of set of 5 as warmup, then I work up to 85-95% of my 1RM doing first sets of 3 and as I get closer to my 1RM I do singles.

When I reach 85-95% of 1RM i do one or two sets to failure, as many reps as possible.

This has gotten me from 60kg to almost 75kg in 2-3 months. Pretty pleased with that increase :)

I'll get 200lbs this year I hope!

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Too long, didn't read version: Specific thumb work is good, but actually pulling on the implement, building the movement, and the strength in your hand for the tendons and getting the volume under the movement is more important. High reps once a week added 30# to my RT one rep max pull over the course of 6 weeks if training.

Agree, I made the most progess when I was doing high volume Ladder workouts building up to 50 to 75 reps per hand with thick dumbbells.

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Guest Squat More

Squat more: I too work in a similar fashion!

Got it from mobsterone here on gripboard.

I do 1 set of 10 reps and a couple of set of 5 as warmup, then I work up to 85-95% of my 1RM doing first sets of 3 and as I get closer to my 1RM I do singles.

When I reach 85-95% of 1RM i do one or two sets to failure, as many reps as possible.

This has gotten me from 60kg to almost 75kg in 2-3 months. Pretty pleased with that increase :)

I'll get 200lbs this year I hope!

Try this:

Take a weight you can do 10 reps with, not too easy but not too hard either. Find what other training best simulates your CNS for rolling thunder training, for me it is Squats, in the past bench pressing helped the most but now it is squats, same as it is for my grippers.

Once you have that weight, do a few warm up sets with something lighter, then do a set of 10 or more reps, if you can do over 16 IMO the weight is too light. Each week add 5 pounds and continue, 10 or more reps, and follow that for 4-6 weeks, after you finish you can take a break OR be stubborn like me and pull heavy singles to see where you are at.

This is what my next 6 weeks of rolling thunder training is going to look like, simple but effective.

Week 1 – 125# x 10

Week 2 – 130# x 10

Week 3 – 135# x 10

Week 4 – 140# x 10 <--- this was the weight of the final week of my first cycle

Week 5 – 145# x 10

Week 6 – 150# x 10

Note: I went from 145# on the Rolling Thunder to 175# doing this, so 30# is a nice gain for a month and a half. Give that a go if you want, I don't see why it wouldn't work for you.

Edited by Squat More
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My RT has stalled somewhat, working 3 sets of 7 second static holds with around 135-140lbs (working up each set by 2.5lbs).

With the above, is it 10 reps per set or 10 reps total?

Interested in trying something different :)

Edit: would the same apply with pinch work?

Edited by indiladhar
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Guest Squat More

One set of 10 or more reps with a couple sets of two or three pulls for a warmup. When I say or more reps, if you do the ten and feel like you can do a few more then do so, it wont hurt.

Worked for Laine snook, worked for Steve Gardener, and has worked for me. Read old posts here on rolling thunder training and you'll see the same replies going back to 2009 for high rep sets.

The only difference between the program Laine suggested an what I did was I added weight each week (5 lbs) for a total of six weeks.

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Tried this today with both the IM pinch block and my blobette, I was pretty impressed at how quickly my hands tired! Only have 50lb loaded for the IM pinch block and I just about hit 9/10 (right/left hand).

I'm looking forward to trying it with the RT, as well as a slightly thinner pinch block and hub lift, and I'll post back in 6 weeks with the results!

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