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Bent My First Nail Today.


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Earlier on today i bought some round 150mm x 6mm nails, i done a couple of warm up sets, put wraps on either end and bent it double underhand without too much effort. i did take a photo but i didnt think it was worth putting it up since its such a small feat around here.

although its nothing spectacular, we all have to start somewhere...

the shop i bought them from had the same stock which were galvanised, but i bought the regular ones since they were a few £ cheaper. i dont know if theres much difference in strength, just happy to get the bend all the same.

after i bent one, i duck taped two of them together and tried to get that. overly optomistic but i did get some movement. nothing worthy of a picture though!

just wondering where im at in terms of strength? im not too sure where bending a 150mm x 6mm nail leaves me on the charts.

Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to the madness.

If you want to gauge where you are, I would recommend starting with some 60D nails, and the IM Blue and Yellow Nails. The 60D's vary alot, but are moderately consistent between brands. However, if you can bend a Yellow & Blue, you will have a good picture of where you're at. I would also recommend bending mostly in IMP's as this will give you a baseline to work off of. Different wraps will give you vastly different leverages. For instance @ 6" DU I can bend something around 370# in IMP's. in thicker cordura I'm around 410, in doubles, who knows, probably 450#. So to know 'where you are at' you need consistent wraps to measure. Further, DU is going to progress much slower than DO, so I would definitely recommend doing some DO, as you can train it far far more often than the wrist styles.

Oh and personally I am not a big fan of taping stuff together. Especially in the beginning, its dangerous and you have to work out the mechanics first. There is plenty of graded steel to work your way up.

Good Luck!

Edited by Mike Sharkey
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Welcome to the madness.

If you want to gauge where you are, I would recommend starting with some 60D nails, and the IM Blue and Yellow Nails. The 60D's vary alot, but are moderately consistent between brands. However, if you can bend a Yellow & Blue, you will have a good picture of where you're at. I would also recommend bending mostly in IMP's as this will give you a baseline to work off of. Different wraps will give you vastly different leverages. For instance @ 6" DU I can bend something around 370# in IMP's. in thicker cordura I'm around 410, in doubles, who knows, probably 450#. So to know 'where you are at' you need consistent wraps to measure. Further, DU is going to progress much slower than DO, so I would definitely recommend doing some DO, as you can train it far far more often than the wrist styles.

Oh and personally I am not a big fan of taping stuff together. Especially in the beginning, its dangerous and you have to work out the mechanics first. There is plenty of graded steel to work your way up.

Good Luck!

thanks for that. solid post. i suppose theres no harm in me picking up some different wraps. everyone seems to use the IMP's. at the minute im using suede ones which came with the wrist developer, ive never used other ones so i cant compare. as far as buying steel goes, since im in the UK the price of the ironmind nails costs a bomb, about x3 what theyd cost you in the US for exactly the same product.

im gonna have to make do with what i have available to me, and going up in increments isnt going to be as easy. steel is so expensive down here i dont think i would stick at it consistenly if i had to pay so much all the time. i emailed FBBC but they didnt get back to me with a shipping quote.

in its dangerous, i think ill just bend one nail at a time.

i know its a bit early to even consider, but how do people build up to bending bare handed? id like to be able to eventually bend barehanded, but it seems risky. id like to get into the knot tying aswell at some point.

thanks for the post.

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I might suggest finding some steel supplier. You can buy 1/4" CRS to start and cut it to various lengths. 0-1 Drill Rod is also a very good way to go. I'm sure there is the equivalent of Fastenal.com in the UK. Alternately, Mike K @ steelbenders has a lot of stock that you can use to accurately grade your progress. He'll definitely give you the best price you can get for shipping. Ultimately, if you aren't bending rated steel, you don't know where you are.

Everyone who is a real bender has at least a flirtation with barehand bending. I've done it. We've all done it. Generally, its just a phase because it hurts so f#cking much. Here's one of the best things I've ever seen:

this is, however, not recommended for beginners AT ALL. Ivan is strong enough to reverse a Red Nail in minimal wraps.

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Living in the UK and wanting info on local suppliers, maybe contact David Horne :)?

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Living in the UK and wanting info on local suppliers, maybe contact David Horne :)?

cant believe i didnt think of that.. thanks for the suggestion!

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