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Highest Reps On A #1

Tom of Iowa2

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What sort of crazy reps have you guys done on the number 1#?

How about maximum reps on a number 2#?

I understand doing a lot of reps doesn't necessarily assist in closing the BIG grippers but I'd guess many of you have hit some high numbers(at one time or another?)

OR(if your not doing reps yourself or haven't or can't :D ) what is the highest reps you've EVER heard about?


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#T x :blink ??

#1 x 45 righty ( I think I'm able to do more reps now ).

#1 x 37 lefty

#2 x 17 righty

#2 x 15 lefty

BBM ( new type ) x 26 righty

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My right is shot for now, but with my left I was able to do 30 reps. That is the first time I have tried to do high reps with the left on any gripper. The online grip contest coming up includes a reps with #1 event. It will be my weakest event.

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I also was curious in view of the on-line grip contest so I tried the #1. Did 45-reps. I had a little concern that the spring might break with that many, it's something to think about. As a curiosity between the fairly new #1 gripper I used (about 2 years old) and my #1 from 1997 I picked up my 1997 #1 at the end of my workout and did 15 reps. I don't think I could have done 20 while fresh, and that's not much of a difference between what I vaguely remember doing on a newer #2.

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105 lefty and righty with the #1 ...and 57 with a beef builder master gripper lefty, 55 righty .....reps don't equate to great one rep max, but they can be fun :D

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87 right / 75 left on my #1.

Over 30 right hand on the #2.

3 reps on the #3.

I broke Patrick Lemieux (COC in june 2003 MILO) #1 after a quick set of 50 reps. It was a lot easier than mine and I could have done over 100 reps on it.

Reps won't lead you nowhere but are sometimes fun to do.

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Yes theReps are fun.Especially fun when some hard ass can barely close a number one and you can click off a few dozen with a smile :D

Some impressive numbers there. :rock Something to shoot for.

Old guy is definitely doin em 'Old School'...the hard way. ;)

Why i ask is My REPS are going way up on the #2 and the #1..But I've got a ways to go after seeing these numbers. :whacked Something to shoot for and?if i can add a rep a week to my #1 and a rep every two weeks to my #2?(seems like my progress is much faster than that-)Well there are 52 weeks in a year.. :inno so i'll let you know.

I DO think I'll do better on Gripper high reps-when compared to others(or MY friends anyway).It may not be relevant?? but i think it might be.MY body 'likes'reps. When we have a real 'light'day in the weight room(we might throw in a work out like this every 5th week or ?just for fun) and we aALL drop to about 50-55%of our 1 rep MAX and then We ALLdo maximum rep sets....I can always get FAR more reps than the others...AND we are all doing the same percentage?weird huh?

i.e.say(on a light day)we all drop to the SAME percentage of our best seated 'Smith'machine press?I can often do nearly twice as many reps-at the 50-55%poundage- as say Josh or Yako can do at their 50-55%...BUT..unfortunately..when we go back to triples and doubles and singles???There is no transference.Another older guy that trains in sometimes is the same way as me.RepZilla.His 50-55% is HIGHER poundages than mine though :(

Him and I have one thing in common...we are both slow of foot..reflexes ok but not the best of 40 yard or 100 yard times.And we both did a lot of endurance stuff in the past?

Josh and Yako are faster guys-MUCH.And probably have never run more than 2 or 3 miles in their lives?

Long story short.I hope to get up there with you guys at least in the rep dept on the grippers.Very exciting numbers and reps to shoot for.

Please keep the numbers comeing and again if You have heard of someone that is WAY above the curve please let me know. :mosher

Thansk to everyone!

And Strat?and Tou?some crazy numbers.

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What i meant as a rep was just barely opening it...no specific width and then clicking it.Click..click click...

But wide open like Old guy is doing it IS the hard way.

What was everybody else talking about?(when repping those big numbers?)

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I never really got into reps.I'm not sure what I could do on the t or #1.

But I've done 12 with a #3 & after a workout once with the #4 & #3 I did 20 reps with the #2.

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Why would you constitute that as a repetition? That's like saying and comparing someone who max bench presses 250 lbs.(bar touching chest) can perform 6 reps with 400 lbs. doing partials. IMO you can't count those as reps. I'd state those as Partials. That's like comparing a baseball to a basketball. I've always been taught that repetitions are never done "half assed" so to speak. As in this case each rep on a gripper would be fully opened before closing again.


Edited by HandsofStone
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Guest Harlan Jacobs

When I do reps, mine are from where I start after the set of the gripper. I have done 36 left and 42 right with my #2. I will say my #2 the an easy one.

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I'm not sure that when a guy is closing a gripper for SEVERAL dozen speed reps?and in 'Strats' case over 100- that ALL of the reps are going to be FULL reps even if thats what they were intending to do?

If someone was doing a trainer?it would/could likely be a couple of hundred reps!!!...?i.e.even if they wanted to do Full reps at that speed?it' would be tough to control. :erm

Also,It would be next to impossible to judge these SPEED reps- as an observer -to make sure they were fully opened?


I may be mistaken and apologize to Tou and Strat if I'm wrong but I'm betting these reps were very fast and probably NOT all the way open?nor would I expect them to be.

your post seems to indicate that you feel all partials are 'half assed'?And thats you were taught ?

Thats cool :cool but I remember awhile back there was a video of someone on the grip board doing multiple reps with the number 3.I truly do NOT remember who?The reps were later described as partials?but probably couldn't be classified as 'half assed'??

A lot of folks use partials in weight training also.Overloads.Whatever..and in fact the 18 inch Deadlift and Girl Squat in the sport of strongman are both 'partials'..but not-in my opinion-'half assed'?

My hands are 7 3/4"on the small to average size??..but i imagine it would be very hard for a smaller hand..say a 7 incher (like a couple of COC's are) too FULLY open their hand for each and every reps...again especially during a fast high rep set. :D

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Not really grip related but it's often been said that those who cannot do many reps with a given percentage of their max tend to be those who are very gifted genetically (at least when it comes to pursuing max strength/size). From all that you've said about Josh it would seem that he would fall into this category - so it does not suprise me at all.It would also tie in with your observation about you and your friend "Repzilla" being slower explosive sprints. I would not really tie this into past endurance training, although of course it would have some kind of impact.

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Counting a rep as going out to parallel. With the #2 I have done 25 righty and 15 left. Have not tried the #1 for max reps, yet.

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as far as resp are concerned...it's like comparing a long distance runner with a sprinter...just because someone can run a mile in under 4 minuntes doesn't mean your going to run the 100 meters in less than

9.8 secs or X amount of time

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I define a rep like Harlan, as returning to the position of my initial set, which is past parallel.

#2 - 18 r, 11 l

#1 - 35 r, 27 l

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What I call a rep is opening the gripper to it<s initial setting position.

I let it open as much as I can without losng firm grip on it.

Strength is not a factor for doing reps. Pain resistance is the key factor.

When I did 87 reps on my 1, my whole hand was bleeding. I couldn<t work out for more than a week due to skin tears.

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I define a rep like Harlan, as returning to the position of my initial set, which is past parallel.

#2 - 18 r, 11 l

#1 - 35 r, 27 l

I agree... that is the way I'm doing them also.

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I've yet to attempt any reps with my #1 yet, should be interesting to see how I do May 1st I'm hoping to get 10.

Man the reps you guys are posting are mind boggling!!!



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Yes as I feared it is because i am normal... :dry but it is pretty cool on a 'light'day to do something better than they do.

And it IS mind boggling watching 'Repzilla' :laugh rep out at 225 on smith machine shoulder presses or Repping out on the 100 pounder's on shoulder presses.No sense going into number of reps but you might as well just watch the clock. :rock ...He has good 1 rep strength BUT it took him years and years(and years) to get it...which is how my progress has been (years and years).

He has also told me that-over the years he has observed that it takes him a 'whole lot more mass and muscle'to move the heavy weights than say some one freaky and loaded with fast twitch like Josh(or some of the other athletes he's been around).And again it took him MANY years...not months to get to the heavy poundages.

However- he feels we all have something to'bring to the table'and he also said not everyone is able to put on the mass and weight that i have..so it's something.,,or better than nothing?hard work.Consistancy.And not getting into too much of a rush i guess...if your normal. :unsure

So in the mean time? let me take this ungifted,thick necked,large body with small hands,loaded with slow twitch muscle fibre, ,and see how many reps i can do on the grippers. :cry

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