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Quality Workouts


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Hey, today was my worst workout in a while. I've been getting the #2 to 4 or 5mm consistently, but today it was more around 9 or 10mm. I also tried to knock out some pullups on metolius rock rings, working the open finger strength. Reps and hang time were down also :dry . I attribute this to poor sleep the last couple of days (3 1/2 hrs last night) and not fully recovering because of this. Anyone else noticed things that'll send their grip workouts down the tubes?

Any advice, suggestions greatly appreciated.


Edited by nrw125
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I strongly believe that when it comes to lifting; nutrition, recuperation, and cycling your workout should never be taken for granted. If you never break those key conponents, then you will certainly continue to make gains.


Edited by HandsofStone
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my grippin goes up and down alot. usually sucks in the mornin, and gits better towards the evenin. and i mean up and down ALOT. sometimes within a few hours even.

i usually have best grip after day or two off, and after liftin or ridein 4-wheeler. seems the vibration helps git the blood flowin.

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You won't be 100% all of the time. Getting enough rest does play a part in the whole factor of strength. I'm guessing your next workout will be a lot different.

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:) I agree with you lack of sleep, over-training, poor eating habits, daily stress of whatever kind can affect your training. I suggest getting a good rest and eating well for a few days then see how you do. I think it happens to most its almost like a cycle. Funny though that you brought up the subject because I felt that way too last night and today. I did a little but it wasn't there, so I told myself forget it. I will just rest and let my body tell me when its ready again. The does has its own wisdom so use "body-feel" as a guideline.
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I guess that some days are just better than others. I've got a lot of full body aches and pains some days, almost done healing from a nasty accident in February. I guess painkillers aren't to helpful with training progress either :D. It's a good story, I think I'm gonna submit to Wannagrip at the cyberpump site in a couple days.


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Tip No 1: train at the same time

Tip 2: rest and make ready.

Tip 3: eat right.

Tip 4: mental prep. You've read about in the mags. It works - see yourself kicking serious butt - talk it up, read it in your training diary, watch a Grip video. BE READY!

Tip5: coffee, strong with perhaps a little carb powder or maltodextrin or glucose and creatine added

Time to ROCK!

Other tips: train for a competion or event/seminar/AOBS-OHF/To become a CoC

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All of what Mobster said.

Also, I would try not to be too worried about just one bad workout as long as the overall trend is upwards. These things happen - and I have often found that if I have a bad week and yet stay in the saddle and train (even at a lower intensity) it does more good than taking a few extra rest days. Your body likes to keep doing what it's doing - I would only recommend taking time off if it becomes a serious problem (ie. more than a week of poor training).

Edited by The Mac
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Just keep nailing its Ass :D

So long as you do the best you can on that particular day,you can,t ask yourself todo any more than its capable on the day,even if its LBS/KILOS less than you have done in the past,just keep on chompin at the bit :D

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