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The Gripboard Grip Bash Wants You


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Here's one more open invitation to join the fun on May 1st, by competing in the "at home competition", known as the Gripboard Grip Bash. Please take a look at the three posts from March 30th, particularly the two covering the official rules and procedures for posting your results. I've counted 12 enthusiastic competitors thus far, and don't see why we can't double that figure. It's just too easy: lift anywhere you like in a 24 hour period, and then e-mail me. Here's who we have so far:

Old Guy



Bob Lipinski

Patrik B

Mike B Young

Hands of Stone

Jonathan McMillan



Jeff Peterson

yours truly

Edited by eric milfeld
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I am still in, and have been doing my deadlifts clean grip style. That reminds me to train reps with the #1 gripper. I have always done singles never high reps. How about a formula that takes into account my age but ignores my size? (just kidding!) :happy

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Guest r.judoka

Thats a great idea Eric! I am in the middle of KTA right now, so I doubt it would be wise for me to do other heavy grip stuff. Hopefully more people will jump into the game. I'll play next time around for sure.


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Thnx, Rick, look forward to havin ya next time.

You're right Old Guy, age should be taken into consideration. How's this? For each decade over the age of 20, subtract 100 pounds from total (to give those less seasoned lifters a level playing field) :yikes

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I'm looking forward to the contest, and to be humiliated by you guys ! :bow

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Would love to be involved-HOWEVER,

I am also doing kTA again in attempts to shut my BBSE before my son gets the #3. My hands are FRIED to say the least. I cannot do any other grip strength exercises.

Next time-

Rick Walker :rock

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Oh great. My ranking drops a spot in the next competition :(:D See ya in August, Rick!

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Ha AyeDee, don't think so.

I'm going to give it a shot, but with my back trouble I won't get much in the bar hold. If anyone has a strong back, they will take the contest in the bar hold.

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I'm on the fence about this. My current gym doesn't really have the equipment for a true deadlift lockout. If I used the squat rack they have there I would have to pull half a deadlift, which would drop my numbers. I could use the Smith Machine, but that might make it easier, I'm not sure really. I'm with Oldguy, rarely do reps on the grippers, but have added them back into my training.

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That's the spirit, Tou! Tom, I'll be doing a deadlift lockout from just above knee level, due to my limited equipment, so don't let a minor detail like that keep you from joining in the celebration of strength :D I don't know about the rest of ya'll, but that dang bar rolls out of my hands long before my back is ready to give out.

Okay, Tou, with a tough gripper and all makes 13, and I'm hearin from several others who are planning to compete next time :cool

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