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Starting With Heavy Grippers

Jose Cabrera

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Whatsup fellas, so I want to close me some big grippers. I have the coc trainer through 2. I can easily close the 1.5 for 5 singles both hands. I've been doing strength work for quite some time. I've been bending seriously for a while now, but I hear you can't progress in both. I'm also wondering if I should do singles or reps. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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If you can't do reps then do singles on the hardest gripper first. Do as many singles as you can with that gripper. Once you can't do anymore singles then move to the next step down. Do as many reps with that gripper till you can't do no more. Move a step down. Keep repeating till you are on the trainer. This will increase strength, size, and endurance. Make sure to rest your hands from the grippers for at least 2 days. This is the hardest part of gripper training as these things are extremely addicting.

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Whatsup fellas, so I want to close me some big grippers. I have the coc trainer through 2. I can easily close the 1.5 for 5 singles both hands. I've been doing strength work for quite some time. I've been bending seriously for a while now, but I hear you can't progress in both. I'm also wondering if I should do singles or reps. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

This is untrue...Making gains in both at the same time depends on whether you are taking a balanced approach to grip training. If you are overdoing on bending then you will hurt progress in other areas and vice versa. You just gotta find a good balance and find an effective regimen that takes you there. Trust me, it takes a while to find that balance.

I find the best gains come from heavy singles and overcrushes; and also the 5-3-1 can work if you got the right combination of grippers

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Jvance, what is an over crush? Thanks for the clarification mds.

Say you have a gripper than you can close, but you still have a bit of horsepower left (but maybe not enough to close a gripper just above that), you crush it with everything you've got. In fact, you could do this with any gripper, but it feels better to me on a gripper I can just close or maybe miss by a couple of millimetres.

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Sounds like an ISO with a gripper...sweet! I was also thinking about that Mike, DO is harsh but reverse hurts.

its exactly what it is actually...isos are great for working specific ranges...for instance, if you do a strap hold (hanging weight from a belt or strap between the handles) you can widen the position of your iso if you struggle for say, the last millimeter or so..

right now the overcrushes and isos are pretty big staples of my routine and i get consistent progress doing that instead of a bizillion reps.. for my strapholds i just use an old cotton belt

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