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Dumbbell Rotation

Dan Cenidoza

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What's the difference between a bell where the plates rotate as compared to a bell with fixed plates?


do the plates rotate on your inch loadable?

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The whole thing spins as a unit Dan. Meaning-as you attempt to pick it up-It spins out of you hand. The actual Inch and MDB do the same. It is not so much that the plates themselves spin-it is that the WHOLE db spins.

The way I stop the rotation as a training method-is to brace my arm against the plates and thus prevent rotation. This WILL NOT be allowed at the contest.

Rick Walker :rock

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Are you saying that with revolving plates, it doesn't spin?

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You know-I really cant answer your question I guess :blush

I do know that my inch loadable spins out of my hand-even though the plates are free to spin by themselves. I also know, from others, that the actuall Inch (mine has not yet arrived) and the MDB rotate.

Ask it to David Horne, Oldguy, or Steve. They will be able to answer it better.


Rick Walker :rock

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I would think they would spin, as does a standard olympic barbell.

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To my mind there is rotation with both a solid and plate loaded dumbbells. I have collars that prevent the plates from moving on a loadable. I can lift the same on a thick handle with or without them. With an RT handle there is a huge difference between what I can lift with a revolving handle, and a non revolving handle of the same dimensions. It must relate to the weight being all below the handle, and not centered around it.

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What is actually happening is that the spin is really the bell turning to the weakest part of your grip on it. If your weakest link in your hand can lift the thick handle, then you will lift the weight.

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You are right. On a non-revolving RT handle, The spin in your hand is greatly reduced by the fact that gravity will always try to keep the loading pin and plates directly below your grip. Obviously, the longer the distance between your hand and the COG of the pin/plates set-up, the more this will help.

On a dumbell there would be little difference between a soild and a "revolving", plate loaded bell - the bell will still try to spin out of your grip due to the way you pick it up, and if the handle rotates on a revolving bell the plates will rotate too (unless you have a near-zero friction set of bearings) due to their weight acting on the sleeves. The reason why revolving revolving barbells work so well is that the wrists are turned under when there is little weight actually acting on the bar (at the top of the pull), plus the wrists are turned so quickly the bearing become usefull.

The only way to help prevent the spin would be to use the scoop method and hold it with the strength of your wrists - or have a different shaped set of hands :angry: .

Edited by The Mac
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