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Need Help With Grip For Deadlifts


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Hi, so I'm new to the gripboard. I saw it through Beastskills and figured I could use some help from persons more experienced than myself. I'm doing strength training, specifically a slight variation of the stronglifts 5x5s, and I am starting to have problems with holding on to the bar for deadlifts. My last workout was 265lbs and I was able to do it with some chalk and a small change in the way I was gripping the bar but I feel like I'm getting close to my limits. What kind of stuff can I do to improve my grip to ensure its my back and glutes that can't handle the weight and not my hands. Also, I do rock climb at an indoor gym sometimes (a lot earlier this year, less now during the holidays because I work in retail) and have a lot of trouble with slopers so wondering what I should do for that as well. Thanks you in advance for taking the time to read this and all help is appreciated.

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Here you go. I made this vid earlier in the year at my climbing gym. I went from never deadlifting last year to now a 500 DO grip deadlift at 205# BW. Do these things, especially maxing on DO grip before going mixed and rack holds, and your grip will quickly improve. For the slopers spend more time on them. Do hangboard holds with 3 fingers and open hand. Open hand and time on the holds is a must. Also work your core. The core and body positioning is key to sloper domination. Hope this helps.

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A couple solutions. Short term on the dead lifts just use either a mixed grip or a hook grip - I prefer the hook but either one should allow you to hold onto the bar while you develop a stronger DL grip over time. As for the slopers - that's more of an open hand strength so probably the best training is going to be a hang board workout targeting open hand strength with lots of specific sloper training - which probably should be the majority of the way you use climbing holds anyway - crimp is not as safe.

A couple solutions. Short term on the dead lifts just use either a mixed grip or a hook grip - I prefer the hook but either one should allow you to hold onto the bar while you develop a stronger DL grip over time. As for the slopers - that's more of an open hand strength so probably the best training is going to be a hang board workout targeting open hand strength with lots of specific sloper training - which probably should be the majority of the way you use climbing holds anyway - crimp is not as safe.

Just saw Danials post - very nice - plus one on that

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Thanks for the responses. To clarify, I do all warm up sets with a pretty standard DO grip and only used mixed on my last warm up set, 225lbs, and work set which will be 275lbs next time because I made my lift of 265 with that chalk. With respect to the slopers, should I be working them early in my day or late or some of both? I just feel like when my hands get tired at all I can't hang on them at all so maybe I should work them in the beginning. Also, is there anything to help with core strength for climbing when I'm not climing beyond what I already do ie squating and deadlifting heavier and heavier?

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Climbing is so different than lifting. Gym training in general is only going to have limited carry over to climbing - especially in regards to your "core". The way you stabilize a heavy DL just isn't the same as what you do when climbing. Strangely enough I got more from doing Ashtanga Yoga in regards to my climbing than I did from anything else as far as core usefulness. Certainly don't quit weight lifting but understand that climbing is about climbing - not lifting - and size and bodyweight are a climbers enemy. Read Performance Rock Climbing - seriously. You might add in some ring work as well - gymnastics has a pretty good carryover to your climbing also.

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