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I Finally Have Some Grip Related Pictures

Jonathan McMillan

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Hey gang here's the address to my photo site at Yahoo:


I had my girlfriend take several pictures of me wristplate curling 27.5lbs however much weight my c-clamp weighs. The pictures aren't from one single attempt and unfort. the middle position shot my form is horrendus, the movement is so intense I didn't realize the crappy form I was using. Ended up doing about 4 single attempts with this weight just to get the shots.

The grip toys I have on display if I can recall them are:

modified hardy handshake

2" wristroller. 2" thickbarbell, coc's T,#1,2,3 PDA 3 sos grippers, ISG, Lemley gripper, block hex weights 20,30,35 pairs, 2x6lb shotputts, outerlimit loops, clawcurl, my crappy homemade loading pin, wicked metal ruler strap hold setup. I think that's it.


ps. the other photo collection contains pictures of my family and animules! and works in progress.

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:tongue Came with an instant family too. The boys are great, they keep me honest and will be twice the size of me by the time they are teenagers...yet more incentive for me to lift the iron!


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nice pics, your wrist plate curl is getting pretty impressive. i like the collection of toys too. kinda like mine-simple, basic, but effective.

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Cool pics. As soon as the snow melts I want some stone pics! ;)

Hear you on the family-my wife came with one as well-but they are just like my own. And-I need to stay on track or my oldest step-son will be passing ME! :yikes

Monday he squatted 300 deep and powerful and racked pulled from knee height 455x3-tonight he makes an attempt at the #2 after only 1 week of KTA.

I shouldnt be surprised-my wife squatted 215 last night raw and deep-and just missed 225. Then pulled 300x3 from knee height.

Those 2 are over flowing with genetic potential. My wife was a district champ in discus in high school and she never touched a weight-EVER!

Rick Walker :rock

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Thanks guys!

I forgot to mention the wrist exercizer in the photo and not included in the pic is my 8lb sledgehammer (it's busy at work in the hole I'm digging in the basement) and the towel I've been using for my rollups.

Rick I see you have your work cut out for you ;)

A family of iron...beats the hell out of sitting around playing Monopoly!!

Hopefully the boys will follow my example and get hooked on the irongame.


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Nice wrist curl. Boy, if your collection is basic, mine must be Spartan. I'm jealous :D

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Rick,Smart move ...marrying a 'thrower' ;) ....if she had that natural ability to throw a shot or discus she's got some speed,explosive power and coordination.

I have been trying to 'move in' on a ex-thrower myself.She's 5' 9 1/2" and weighs a solid 175..nice 'wheels'too('gams' to you old guys)Her dad is a bull elephant..just friggin huge.She hasn't gone out with me yet..but she thinks it cool that I can do pretty good hang cleans and power cleans.(the way to a throwers heart?)But thinks wrestling is disgusting.

Now i wouldn't be thinkin'about the future generation would I? :whistel

It would be cool to raise a kid the way you guys are doing it.

Jonathan,nice pics.Cool girlfriend. :inno

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Nice pics, Jonathan! Wait a few years; your collection of "grip toys" will grow much more than what you have now! Trust me on this!! :laugh

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Exactly Gripster,

The hole is a result of septic pump in that tank not being installed properly by the previous owners in the house. The "stuff" from the toilet pipe runs right ontop of the pump so all the paper and "stuff" jam the pump. This causes nasty flooding of nasty fluids in the basement. So the previous owners had cut a hole in the lid of the tank (it's suppose to be a sealed unit for health and safety methane is flamable ;) ). So I'm required to replace the hole tank :angry:


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