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Thank You Mobsterone!

Rick Walker

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Today-I used your advice towards training thick bar and braced my arm against the plates on my Inch loadable handle-

The result?

A pull 160 with both left and right hands!! :D:D


A pull of 172 with my left!!!! :D:D:D:tongue

Yes-I do have the pictures and they will be on my site as soon as I get it up and running!

Thanks again-

Rick Walker :rock

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Rick, what were you doing without the bracing? I have known for over two years that bracing made a huge difference. My son has lifted 180 right and left handed that way. I am sticking to the no brace both ends of the bell coming up evenly method. I am going to see out of curiosity what I can do if I brace the next time I workout with the Inch handle.

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If there is any grip event that I suck at it is thick bar.

There is a close tie between bending and thick bar with bending just edging it out.

My hands are not huge by any standards and the bar easily rolls out. I would say my best braking it off the ground without bracing would be in the 130-150 range.


Rick Walker :rock

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Sounds good Rick.

What i've been doing with our solid,2 3/8" 180pounder is stop the rotation with the other hand(as suggested by Wanna grip i believe?)but then as i get it to a full deadlift I let go with the other hand and try to 'control it'on the way down. At first it was not much more than dropping it and following it down but now i feel like I am 'defying it'to fall.(solid but wooden floors with a 3/4inch rubber mat=LOUD explosion)

I also 'rip'it off the floor with a thumbless grip...just to get the feel of it comeing off the floor(although i have no control of it..it 'jumps' :laugh ).I can even add some weight an make it 'jump'thumbless.

One arm dumbell rows(body building style)with a 187# and a 200# will help me prepare for the 'big day'.Just handling those heavy(thin handled)dumbells should come into play...couldn't hurt? and thickens up the back anyway. :cool

Yes it is no fun with 7 3/4 inch length hands but others have done it??right?? :erm but as you watch others encircle the handle and touch their index finger with their thumb,and causally lifting it with a smirk, it is frustrateing

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Tom, I am one of those big apes whose finger and thumb go all the way around a 2 3/8'' bar. There again I suck at pinch, and big hands may be the reason. The would need to be stronger if they could not get close to encircling the thickbar and it became more like a pinch. My son who has much smaller hands uses a thumbless scoop to lift a thick handled dumbbell.

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Yes-extremely frustrating but I don't use it as an excuse. I feel that regardless of hand/body size-one can take their individual hand strength to unlimited heights.

Unlike squatting-were it is higly unlikely to see a 198'r squat 1100-(Kellum one day?) grip-in my mind-has nothing to do with size.

Sure-hand size helps a ton. But I have many large handed friends who can't do half of what I do.

I truly believe that hard work-day in and day out-is what sets one apart with hand strength. I will lift the Inch one day without bracing-same as I will bend the red nail one day as well.

I am just doing my time-training hard-and having TONS of FUN!

And now that the kid is involved-it is a lot more exciting!

In the end-the only thing that will make the difference between what I achieve what I dont achieve will be my work ethic and dedication.

Nothing else.

Rick Walker :rock

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Rick, I agree this should be nothing but fun. I see no reason to get serious about it. For sure your huge enthusiasm will rub off on your son, and when he gets the rapid results you get at his age there will be no stopping him.

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I did a poll a while back...I don't think everybody that has closed a number 3 responded but i believe 50% of number #3 closer were between 7 3/4"and 8".

I'll go back and find out what percentage of #3 closers were 7 3/4"OR less......

How many people with hand lengths of 7 3/4"or less have lifted the INCH off the ground?

How many people with hand lenghts of 7 3/4"or less have done a full deadlift of the INCH?

I would guess this is two VERY short lists?

Anybody know?

Not an excuse as i think hope to be able to lift an INCH some day but it would be interesting to know?

Besides!Ape like hands should be DQ'd :laugh

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I think if I was genetically gifted in any way, shape, or form-it would cause me to take things for granted, to be arrogant, and not to appreciated things as much.

It has been my experience that the peole I have met who are gifted-(huge hands, thick, muscular, large frames-without ANY training at all) do not push themselves to the limit day in and day out. They tend to be lazy and thus never reach their full potentials.

I had a good friend in high school that played left guard on our football team. He was well over 6'-weighed 300 pounds. I witnessed him bench 350 for a triple once cold, in a t-shirt and football pants and cleats. He NEVER touched a weight. Today-he is pushing 450 and is a fat, sloppy, waste of space! If he would have dedicated himself-there would have been no limit to his abilities.

What I am trying to say is I would rather have to fight, claw, and scratch for every single 5 pound gain or 1 mm on a gripper. it means so much more to me.

My 2 cents :blush

Rick Walker :rock

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OK.52.63% of #3 closers are 7 3/4 to 8"...not relevant to my above question but....

57.9% of #3 closers-that responded- are 7 3/4"or LESS.

Who(with hands less than 7 3/4")has lifted the INCH off the ground?

Who(with hands less than 7 3/4")has done a full dead of the INCH?

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Bracing is the Inch's wrist strap, if you will.

Yes, I realize it takes great strength to get it off the

floor with bracing, but when we begin referring to training tactics as the actual feat (proper deadlift) we then put ourselves in the ackward position of seeking qualifications(braced/not braced) for matters that have already, for decades, been defined, and we should, in my view, reserve mention of accomplishment for the feat itself, and mention the other methods as training aids only.

Those who have held the spring of the #3 with the non-closing hand are not certified, though they are strong.

And if somehow a pinch lift could first be braced it would not be considered a pure pinch lift.

I have not been on the board much lately because of some distractions, and I have not been able to see the videos mentioned, so perhaps my post is out of line, but,

has anyone performed a proper deadlift, or for that matter a proper floor clearing with the MB without bracing?

One other point: If the Inch or MB handle were 12" wide,

and bracing were allowed, imagine how many could then

clear the floor with it. The handle width is not a factor if the bell leaves the floor in parallel. :erm

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This year we will feature the One Hand Deadlift with a 2" thick revolving Barbell in the British Iron Grip Champs. No hook grip will be allowed. The barbell has to be lifted so that both ends of the barbell finish above the knees, this barbell will stop any bracing. I will put the full list of lifts, date, etc on later. But I still believe this event will be won by the likes of Steve Gardener, Jim Wylie or Kalle Laine.


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Two inches on a revolving dumbell handle seems kind of small. For people with large hands such as myself it would be almost as easy as the regular size handle.

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It's a barbell!

Well everyone hasn't got the hand size of you, Steve or Jim. But I suppose we'll see what Steve and Jim can pull.


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Both bells must finish above the knees, which means

either a very high pull for one end, or that the bell is lifted parallel. Well designed, David!

I agree with the men you listed as probable winners of the event- my problem was with the event itself being

re-defined. We old folks tend to be that way.

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Thanks. Yes, a one hand deadlift as per BAWLA rules will suffice. On the ends of the bar will be plates, not bells.


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I have a special bar, which when stood on end

just misses the floor when I brace against the

top weight stack.

The handle is only 4" wide, but is offset 80%

toward the top. :ohmy

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300lb deadlift with no hook grip on a 2" straight revolving barbell will be a fine lift. I look forward to seeing the photos.


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300lb deadlift with no hook grip on a 2" straight revolving barbell will be a fine lift. I look forward to seeing the photos.


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I am not saying that I can do 300, but that it should be possible. I am only going to try it to see what I can do. I have never attempted such a lift and mostly have done suitcase lifts with an EZ curl bar. 300 pounds is just my estimate for the winning lift.

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I think 300lb (136k) would definitely win it. I think the winning lift is more likely to be around 110k-115k.

An ez bar is far easier to lift with than a revolving olympic bar, never mind a 2" revolving bar.


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