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Grip Contest Results: Grip Decathlon 4, 20 Oct 2012


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Note for record keepers, format used was last man standing, please exclude from appropriate lists and such


Eric Roussin, 35, 227 lbs / 105 kg class

Mike Sheehan, 34, 230 lbs / 105 kg

Matt Brouse, 27, 260. lbs / 120 kg

Ryan Maier, 31, 263 lbs / 120 kg

Joe Goodin, 30, 214 lbs / 105 kg

Joe Tebbe, 59, 193 lbs / 93 kg

Jacob Eggleton, 26, 152 lbs / 74 kg

Andrew Pantke, 27 229 lbs / 105 kg

Josh Handeland, 22, 171 lbs / 83 kg

Adam King, 31, 214 lbs / 105 kg

Adam Shaw, 33, 168 lbs / 83 kg

Adam Glass, 29, 229 lbs / 105 kg

Scores (out of 1,000 points)

Adam G – 986 points

Eric R – 904 points

Matt B – 822 points

Mike S – 781 points

Andrew P – 716 points

Jacob E – 600 points

Adam K – 573 points

Ryan M – 555 points

Joe T – 439 points

Adam S – 433 points

Joe G – 387 points


1, Grippers MMS, Left plus Right

Adam Glass – 317 lbs

Matt Brouse – 312 lbs

Mike Sheehan – 301 lbs

Ryan Maier – 294 lbs

Andrew Pantke – 264 lbs

Eric Roussin – 263 lbs

Joe Goodin – 236 lbs

Jacob Eggleton – 231 lbs

Adam Shaw – 224 lbs

Josh Handeland / Adam King 204 lbs

Joe Tebbe 125 lb

2, Two hand pinch, all used 54 mm, LMS

Adam G – 228 lbs

Eric R – 218 lbs

Mike S – 198 lbs

Andrew P / Ryan M – 178 lbs

Joe G – 168 lbs

Matt B / Adam K – 158 lbs

Jacob E – 148 lbs

Joe T – 138 lbs

Josh H – 128 lbs

Adam Shaw – 118 lbs

3, IM DO Axle DL

Eric R – 423 lbs

Adam G – 413 lbs

Matt B – 373 lbs

Mike S – 363 lbs

Joe G – 353 lbs

Ryan M – 343 lbs

Andrew P – 303 lbs

Jacob E – 293 lbs

Adam K – 283 lbs

Josh H / Adam S – 263 lbs

Joe T – 243 lbs

4, IM Hub Lift

Adam G – 70 lbs

Andrew P – 65 lbs

Mike S / Eric R – 60 lbs

Joe G / Matt B / Ryan M / Jacob E – 55 lbs

Adam K – 45 lbs

Josh H / Adam S – 40 lbs

Joe T – 35 lbs

5, IM Anvil Horn

Adam G – 197 lbs

Eric R / Matt B – 187 lbs

Ryan M – 167 lbs

Joe G / Mike S – 157 lbs

Adam K – 147 lbs

Adam S / Jacob E / Andrew P – 137 lbs

Joe T – 127 lbs

Josh H – 117 lbs

6, Double Rim Lift

Adam G – 425 lbs

Matt B / Mike S 385 lbs

Andrew P / Eric R 345 lbs

Ryan M / Adam K / Jacob E – 325 lbs

Adam S – 285 lbs

Joe T / Josh H 265 lbs

7, IM Rolling Thunder

Eric R – 237 lbs

Adam G – 217 lbs

Matt B – 207 lbs

Mike S – 167 lbs

Ryan M – 157 lbs

Adam K / Andrew P – 147 lbs

Adam S / Jacob E / Josh H – 137 lbs

Joe T – 127 lbs

8, Mobile Medley

Adam G – 40 items lifted & Moved

Matt B – 33 items lifted & Moved

Eric R – 28 items lifted & Moved

Mike S – 15 items lifted & Moved

Andrew P – 14 items lifted & Moved

Josh H / Adam K – 7 items lifted & Moved

Jacob E – 6 items lifted & Moved

Joe T – 3 items lifted & Moved

9. Grippers for reps

Eric R – 179 total points

Adam G – 176 total points

Andrew P – 142 total points

Mike S – 127 total points

Matt B – 112 total points

Josh H – 89 total points

Joe T – 83 total points

Adam K – 73 total points

Jacob E – 72 total points

10, Double Blob Hold

Adam G – 41.13 sec

Eric R – 39.59 sec

Mike S – 33.5 sec

Matt B – 30 sec

Andrew P – 27.13 sec

Jacob E – 24.44 sec

Adam K – 15.97 sec

Comp started at 1045: finished at 3 pm.

additional details can be found here http://www.adamtglass.com/2012/10/21/grip-contest-results-movement-minneapolis-grip-decathlon-iv/

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Wow! Adam, you're cultivating a group of grip juggernauts up there!

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Great results! Good showing from Eric!

I hated to opt out of this contest. My back is crap. I can't even sneeze without immense pain. I'm going to give my own rehab efforts a few more days and if there is no improvement then I'll be headed to the Doc. A cortisone shot may be in order.

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Great job too all

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Great results! Good showing from Eric!

I hated to opt out of this contest. My back is crap. I can't even sneeze without immense pain. I'm going to give my own rehab efforts a few more days and if there is no improvement then I'll be headed to the Doc. A cortisone shot may be in order.

Matt - best of luck with the back recovery. I know how those can go.

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