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Bicep Pain And Grippers


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Last Friday I touched Grippers for the first time in years and after a few hours I was left with a stinging pain in the right bicep and pain in the bicep tendon runnin through the elbow.

I've had this problems in the past, but only after a serious bout of gripper training.

Right now I'm training chins (neutral grip) every other day with the old grap the other arm progession, but before touching the grippers my bicep tendons were not hurting in any way.

I first heard of this years back from Frank Henritzi and at the time I could barely believe that grippers would hurt his bicep tendons. I didn't run into this kind of trouble till I had my first bicep tendonitis.

I have been training my crimp grip dynamically with a ISG for a few sessions, and although the motion is somewhat related to closing a gripper, this doesn't affect my bicep and bicep tendons at all.

Do any of you guys have the same problem?

Does this point to any imbalance in the forarm maybe?

Can this be avoided?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Probably you over trained for the first workout in years.

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Probably you over trained for the first workout in years.

Makes sense, I'll do a lighter gripper workout today and I'll report back.

Does anyone else have the same problem?

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Why are you doing chins with neutral grip? Do you experience pain/trouble using other handpositions?

Don't forget chins/pullups are very demanding excercises! You could be overtrained maybe and the grippers

may just gave the injury that final push? Just thinking up loudly here. Rich could have a good point that you

squeezed all out the first session again.

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Those are one handed chins with support from the other hand, I do them with a neutral grip because I'm strongest that way.

But you are right, normal two-armed underhand chins tend to mess up my elbows, and to a lesser degree wrists and shoulders, I no longer do them.

Thanks for the replys!

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How are you Honk? Long time no see!

I am not really sure if I can help here. Especially after you said ISG doesn't hurt you. I also remember long back when we armwrestled you said you had that pain. I hope this goes away. How about you use easy grippers at first? Which gripper did you attempt now? Also do you ice before and after training?

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The ISG training is for climbing, I didn't explain it properly. I place my only my fingertips on the handle and they remain in this position during the close. The other handle sits in the palm as normal then I close the gripper, without bending the first finger joint (the one closest to the tip). Obviously I can't use as much resistance as with normal gripper training.

I didn't ice it, good point.

Generally I'm good injury wise.

I haven't had bicep tendon problems for a long time now, and my shoulder issues seem to be gone too. I injured my shoulder while climbing last summer...

Drop me a note if you come to Germany again!

Edited by honk
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As far is I know now its a muscle cramp due to shortened tendon structures in the elbow (=golfer arm or tennis arm).

Try the following:

Just hang down from a chinup bar, arms fully extended palms facing away (pronated) from you.

Do this for 30-60 secs and a couple of times a day.

This should help.

Last Friday I touched Grippers for the first time in years and after a few hours I was left with a stinging pain in the right bicep and pain in the bicep tendon runnin through the elbow.

I've had this problems in the past, but only after a serious bout of gripper training.

Right now I'm training chins (neutral grip) every other day with the old grap the other arm progession, but before touching the grippers my bicep tendons were not hurting in any way.

I first heard of this years back from Frank Henritzi and at the time I could barely believe that grippers would hurt his bicep tendons. I didn't run into this kind of trouble till I had my first bicep tendonitis.

I have been training my crimp grip dynamically with a ISG for a few sessions, and although the motion is somewhat related to closing a gripper, this doesn't affect my bicep and bicep tendons at all.

Do any of you guys have the same problem?

Does this point to any imbalance in the forarm maybe?

Can this be avoided?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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The ISG training is for climbing, I didn't explain it properly. I place my only my fingertips on the handle and they remain in this position during the close. The other handle sits in the palm as normal then I close the gripper, without bending the first finger joint (the one closest to the tip). Obviously I can't use as much resistance as with normal gripper training.

I didn't ice it, good point.

Generally I'm good injury wise.

I haven't had bicep tendon problems for a long time now, and my shoulder issues seem to be gone too. I injured my shoulder while climbing last summer...

Drop me a note if you come to Germany again!

Sure thing!

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As far is I know now its a muscle cramp due to shortened tendon structures in the elbow (=golfer arm or tennis arm).

Try the following:

Just hang down from a chinup bar, arms fully extended palms facing away (pronated) from you.

Do this for 30-60 secs and a couple of times a day.

This should help.

I'll certainly try this, thanks!

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I have had tremendous results with just flushing an injured area with blood. It seems to help with inflammation and promote recovery of overuse conditions very well.

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Had a lighter gripper workout yesterday and my right elbow isn't feeling 100% but it is much better than after the last session.

Thanks for all your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am experimenting at this moment with thickbarwork. I feels SO much better with i.e. barbellcurls and stuff. I feel this is better for my elbows. I also bench with a thickbar and the stress is just better divided over the hands and wrists. When switching than to a normal bar, I also notice that pushing becomes more 'easy'.

I am gonna incorporate that in my deadlift as well. Lifting with thickbar DO, and when the hands fail, I switch to mixed grip with a normal bar.

Anyway, I am also thinking of adding Fatgripz Extreme to my christmas wishlist, I think they will do a LOT for better painless training.

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I would consider using a DO hook grip for deadlifting, if you're having bicep problems.

It takes a while to get used to, but you won't go back. :-)

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Good to hear you are doing well.

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