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Rafter Walking


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One of my goals has been to pinch grip two rafters, pull myself half way up and move one hand at a time down the rafters. I thought that this was going to be a very long term goal but I managed one step today. I grabbed the rafters, pulled myself up and took a step with my right hand. To my tremendous surprise, I held on with that hand. I was unable to hold on when I took another step with my left hand. On the next attempt, I stepped with my left hand first and held on but could not hold on with my right on the second step. I am very hopeful that I will be walking several steps in the near future.

Thanks Swiss for the excellent advice!!


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Brad :bow

how do you train for all this stuff?

I'm guessing you are the brad johnson who wrote that article at dragondoor right? I tried to get the article but I see that you can't click on it no more; so spill the beans bro!

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Thanks for the compliments. I worked up to rafter chins by using a pinch block, pinching smooth plates, and standing on a chair and isometrically pulling down on the rafters. I stood on a scale on the chair and asked my son to read how much weight that I had left to pull before I was lifting my entire bodyweight. Make sure to pull at different parts of the movement(top, middle, and bottom) to develop your strength through the entire range of the exercise. The bottom (starting) position is the most difficult. Rafter chins are definitely easier for lighter guys. There are heavier guys(over 200 pounds), however, that can and have done them. I only weigh 145 pounds but I can now pull well over 200 pounds on the rafter chin by adding extra weight to my body. BTW-I do my chins on 2 rafters 32 inches apart. These are easier than those that the Swiss does with both hands on a single rafter.


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ruffhans, I have the same question regarding bodyweight. Does anyone know who the heaviest person is to have successfully performed rafter chins?

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Yes, I have. I've done 9 consecutive reps, and I think Nick has done a couple of reps more.


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Was there the story of John Davis doing rafter chins at 230lbs, or am I think of one-arm chins??

Or Indeed, am I thinking of someone else altogether???

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a great feat of strength...best wishes to you and on your endeavor of rafter strolling :rock:rock

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How would it be possible to practise rafter chins if to start with you could not even do one? I find that the older I get the poorer I am at chins. In my twenties I could do reps to behind the neck with an extra 100 lbs. Now I can only do a few without any added weight.

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How about starting with two pinch blocks to a pulley stack/lat pull down thingy Oldguy?? The scale idea of judging your progress is very ingeinus Brad :cool


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you could also use elastic bands to help you a little. a classic training device for climbers.

the idea is to tie as many elastic bands to the chinning bar as you need, to step on them, and to pull.

hope I'm clear

Brad: rafter chins with over 200 pounds is AWESOME!!


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