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Inverted Close


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hello. What do you think about inverted close?for me it is easier. For example, i can close 5 times the coc#2 in inverted position but only 1 maybe 2 times in the "regular" position.

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I think it's likely that you are somehow gaining better leverage with your inverted close. Because of this, I would assume that you "regular position" set could be substantially improved.

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I'm right handed and inverted is easier for me left handed but harder right handed. You might have weak ring/pinkey fingers right now that are limiting your regular close?

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I'm right handed and inverted is easier for me left handed but harder right handed. You might have weak ring/pinkey fingers right now that are limiting your regular close?

yes, i think so. Also i progress faster using inverted only closes in my training routine.

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From a mechanical leverage position and with having the strongest two fingers in the best position with a bit of getting used to you should do quite well increasing reps as opposed to the conventional closing position. R. Sorin

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From a mechanical leverage position and with having the strongest two fingers in the best position with a bit of getting used to you should do quite well increasing reps as opposed to the conventional closing position. R. Sorin

I agree with what Richard is saying here.

I've always done well with grippers inverted due to my strong RP fingers I constantly

trained during my AW'ing competition days.

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From a mechanical leverage position and with having the strongest two fingers in the best position with a bit of getting used to you should do quite well increasing reps as opposed to the conventional closing position. R. Sorin

I would never have guessed that. My thought process on the inverted close...you are providing your weakest digit the very worst leverage possible therefor nearly negating any real crush strength the pinky has to offer whereas the conventional position does the opposite.

But I certainly wouldn't argue the point against Richard and Joe. My newbie clothes are still dripping off of me.

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Think of it as a torque multiplier. The strong fingers get a higher torque rating obviously in the inverted position. This is going to provide an overall higher torque rating than the normal gripper position.

Let's make up some fake numbers for conversations sake:

Index can produce 288 lbs

Middle 240

Ring 168

Pinky 72

If the axis of rotation is at the center of the spring then I'm just going to guess (no gripper in front of me to measure) that the radius to the end of the handle 5".

So if we assume that the center of our fingers are at the 2", 3", 4" and 5" location of the handle then we can see how force can be summed in the normal and inverted position.


(288 lb x 2") + (240 x 3) + (168 x 4) + (72 x 5) = 2328 inch pounds = 194 foot pounds


(288 lb x 5") + (240 x 4) + (168 x 3) + (72 x 2) = 3048 inch pounds = 254 foot pounds

The inverted position takes greater advantage of the strong fingers. The math is just made up numbers, hell maybe it's all wrong to begin with. But that's the best way I make sense of the situation.

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So if you take into consideration how much the pinky and ring are in a normal gripper close you can see that any little bit of progress with those 2 fingers multiplies out to a significant degree. Train those last 2 fingers boys. (This coming from a guy who has the weakest last two fingers. Soon to be fixed.)

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Ow...brain hurts. lol Nah, I get what you are saying...thanks for taking the time to create an example.

But...if this is the case, then aren't we also saying that Magnus could close the #4 easier inverted (since he left his pinky off anyway).

I can't put my finger (or pinky) on it, but something the mechanics of it still doesn't jive with me.

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I think it only works for MMS. A TNS close requires one to reel in the handle to then be fully able to grab it to finish the close. Reeling in a gripper with the pinky is not going to happen. Well, at least that's the case for us with mortal hands. His hands were so big he could probably do many things with a gripper. Just like we see new people doing well inverted, we see some people do 3 finger closes better than they can with all 4 fingers simply because the pinky is so weak it's easier to let it hang and just slide the fingers down for better leverage to make up for it. If you look at the guys closing the bigger grippers you won't see them doing inverted closes or 3 finger closes. Well, unless you're Silverdouche doing a filed #3.5 CCS 3 finger. :dry

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