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What If...

Guest Chris Mellen

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Guest Chris Mellen

A few things:

1. I have my #3, and with negative crushes, I get the thing down almost farther than I can close my #2. (I cannot yet close the #2, btw.) This concerns me. Perhaps I'll close it and then not be able to close another, more difficult one?

2. I also have the four. I can close that for about 2 inches no problem. Could it be that I am strong on the outside? (I have a lot of trouble with the "lockout" of my grippers; for example, doing strap holds is a real challenge for me.)

3. Who can certify you? Are there ironmind people around or what? I take a picture, and then what? (You don't have to explain this; just refer me to an article or something if you have it.)

I can taste that #3.... :yikes


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Forget all these concerns. Train very hard.

If you can close the #4 for 2", you should be able to close ANY #3.

Ironmind's president, Randy Strossen, knows many people in the iron game. He contacts one of these poeple to certify you. Some are certified by strongmen.

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The difference between an inch and closing the #4 is like the difference between a 135-pound squat and a 1000-pound squat. YES-it is that much.

Some guys have been stuck on that last 1-2 mm for YEARS with #3s and #4s.

Keep training hard-and keep following KTA. Genetics has nothing to do with it-look at Tou-his hands are 7 freaking inches! He hammers the #3.

Rick Walker :rock

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It does sound like you are much better at the sweep than the close. Obviously, you have to work on training the close, so maybe strapholds are the best thing for you.

I must say that moving the #4 an inch is a good job. I can close a #2, but I can only budge my#4 ~1/2", and get my #3 just past parallel.

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One of my buddies is all sweep and no crush. He can get the # 1 down to 3/4 of and inch. Same with the # 2. Also with the # 3. He has an awesome sweep but no finish. He also can barely close my Trainer but is able to close the # 3 farther than I am able to. All sweep...No crush.

I would train him but I know we would be outdoing me soon. I can't have that now can I.


You need to be doing beyond the range strapholds with a filed down # 1 gripper is you can overcrush the # 1 for 10 seconds. You do have the KTA program i assume. If not you need to get it.

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