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Have Blobs, Will Travel


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On April 19th, at Eau Claire’s 2nd Strongman and Strongwomen contest, promoted by Jon Riggs, there will be a Blob lifting contest. This grip contest will take place after the main event. Check here for more details on the strongman contest.

There is no entry fee for the Blob contest but a donation cup will be available. I'll have a 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and the Blob. There will be some strong guys competing that day and I hope to see the Blob get some air time. It should be a great time!


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I will be there to show my support and participate

in picking up at least the 45lbs blob maybe the 50

by then who knows


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I'm going to hopefully get the 45 that day. I tried a 40 today. It was huge in comparison to the 25 i've tried. I was able to clean the 40 and lift it with my thumb and two other fingers. There's no way I could get the 50 though, I bet it is enormous when compared to a 40.

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To clarify for those who are interested, you don't have to compete in the strongman contest to have some fun in this blob-off. Anyone is welcome to compete.


Jeff, if you're cleaning a 40 and getting it up with two fingers you've probably got the strength to get the 50. Now you just have to hope for a big enough hand, but I think that your hands are definitely big enough. Geez, you guys didn't waste any time getting a workout in with that 40!! Joe was probably making attempts with it in class :D


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Need a bit of info. I've not been around blobs before, Roark gave me a cut off "blob" from a 100lb solid DB. Is this a blob? If so, a guy that occaisionally trains strongman with us at a whopping 200lbs, picked it up easily on his first attempt with the right hand, & with a bit of chalk with his left. Full dead each hand. I got some pics & I'll get them up when I finish the roll, I was just curious if this is a blob, or if there's something else that is the "true" blob. Andy's hands are extremely strong, I only managed to get the same blob to my knees with my right hand & clear the ground with my left.

Roark- looks like I've got someone else to try the Inck DB's.

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John,I am not a Blob guy :blush ...but i waited to see if anyone else commented.

If it is indeed a Blob? it is a YORK 100 lb dumbell cut in half....If it's not a York???

It might be a Hex 100 pounder cut in half ?which would have a different width and shape than the York blob....

I have read lifting the Hex's are easier?

Whatever the case it sounds like Andy? the 200 pounder.... has a stud grip already :rock and what you did is pretty good.I look foreward to seeing the pics..always good to hear about someone new! :D

How does he do on Your grippers??...I understand you also have a #4.

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Hi John. The blobs to which I refer are indeed Yorks. The difficulty of the Yorks, as you'll see in the pictures, is that they are convex in shape. Other styles of block weights, including the hex dumbbells, are flat, which makes them much easier to pinch. I don't think there's an official 'blob lexicon' (yet! ;)) but my inclination is that if it's not a York, then it's not a blob.

Looking at the unofficial blob lexicon, the 50 is a Blob, with a capital 'B', all other weights are just blobs. More than you wanted to know, I'm sure...


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That's what I figured. Andy's better with support & pinch than crushing power, he's closed the #2 & can get the #3 to a bit past parallel. Where can I get a real blob? Thanks for the info-

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What I gave you were the hex bells- good for practice, but not blobs. I wish I had a 100 lb York dumbell- only I would rather have the old spherical type! And believe me, I would NOT cut them in half!

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