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Could you give us an approximate number of Inch bells that you have distributed?

Last time I spoke to the foundry, they had pallets of bells stacked, so sales must be moving along?

I'm trying to get a feel for how many Inch bells are in the



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there are 4 inch replicas in the UK,i have one,David Horne has one,

The Holle brothers have one and Chris James has one,they were made by the Holles.

I no that you were asking about the ones in the USA,but i thought that this might help sometime in the future. :D

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The history part of that site has several errors, as I am

sure you know. It is really not worth reading.

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Joe i think you'll love that...it's enough to drive you stark raving mad.


The Inch Dumbbell has a rich, interesting history that goes back as far as weights themselves. Thomas Inch (1881-1963) of Great Britain, requested three dumbbells to be made by Appleby and Brogdens Iron Works for his traveling circus show. Mr. Inch himself was no slouch in the strength game. Once Britain's Strongest Man, he had a personal best overhead press of 356 lbs, could deadlift 560 lbs with one hand at the age of 69(!) and could easily lift the original Dumbbell at a bodyweight of only 168 lbs at the time. (Yup, he weighed less than the Dumbbell itself!)

So when Appleby and Brogdens Iron Works made his Dumbbells, because of the tremendous weight Inch wanted them to weigh, they figured the only way to keep them from bending was to make them with an extra thick handle. This is what would end up making them so popular and so difficult to lift. The three Dumbbells weighed 130, 153, and 172 pounds. The lighter two had 2" diameter handles while the heaviest (now replicated) had a handle "as thick as an old glass milk bottle". It's actual measurements were: 20" overall length, 8.5" diameter of the spheres at each end, and the handle was 7.75" in circumference, 2.47" in diameter and 4" long. (Distance between each sphere.)

Thomas once wrote an article entitled "Secret of the Unliftable Challenge Dumbbell". He discussed that over 20,000 strongmen, gymnasts, boxers, wrestlers, bodybuilders, and powerlifters had tried it for over 40 years, all without budging it off the Earth.



Well, at least we hear of 3 DBs... Which is of little comfort.

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Corey's thinking of competing in Rick's competition - me telling him that an Inch was a prize seemed to help...

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'all without budging it off the earth'

What a hoot.... :laugh I would guess that:A.) as the INCH bells become even MORE available and B.)with all the people training thick bar dumbells and hitting 225lb plus Rolling Thunders and C.)as more freaks come out of the 'woodwork'...that in the next couple of years there will be perhaps hundreds that can at least lift it off the floor?

And maybe dozens doing full deadlifts?

just a guess... :cool

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Even if there are "hundreds" who can lift it you'll be hard pressed to actually find one; and remember, there will be millions who will never lift it. ;)

It will always be a great feat.


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Add the popularity of Pro strongman (to the aforementioned list of reasons we will see more INCH lifts) .....let's be honest and realistic it's more than likely?that all the top 25?30?guys-in the world- can at least lift it up off the ground.I think it IS showing up at more and more strongman contests(for publicity)and as more are sold and distributed??it will be even more prevalent at such events...also my prediction is 'in the next couple of years'(not right at this moment)...look how many we've heard about in just the last 12 months??

Most strongmen? have ALL the required assets for an EZ lift.Grip 'strength',overall body strength,and generally large hands. :cry

No disrespect intended but if you have big hands and thus can more easily stop the rotation of the bell- you're going to lift it.

I think it will become a fairly common occurence in the future........although(and this won't matter to the general public)a great feat for guys with average hands or of less bodyweight.

Sadly I'm in the 'average' hands but HIGH bodyweight category so my feat will be looked upon as 'quite average' :whacked

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Old guy,

Yes the BLOB is a different story...VERY unlikely that anyone(even pro strongmen OR men of that size)will get the BLOB...with out quite a bit of specialization!

It may be a few more decades before that is a regular occurance.... :)

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I disagree a little.

Brad Gillingham told me that I near broke it off the ground at the Arnold-the way it was moving and sliding-it looked as though I needed only about 5 more pounds of ummfff to get it. Prior to that-I had never touched one.

I have now managed 52 pounds on my Poor mans Blob in 2 weeks of training. My real Blob is coming soon thanks to Bender53 so I shall see how it carried over.

However-I struggle with 150 on my inch handle and when my Inch does finally arrive-I am sure it will be a much loner time before I budge it-let alone deadlift it.

Everyone is different-

Rick Walker :rock

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Gazza-Old guy,Rick,interesting...HHHMMMM?yeah...?i shoudln't have addressed the Blob as I have no experience at it(although my pinch on the 'BIG BLOCK'is respectable)It just appears trickier than the INCH....but??But perhaps the pinch grip style of lift(the Blob)will be a little more difficult for monster size strongmen ?(and other such large strong athletes) as they have very little reason to train pinch specifically?? However, when it comes ot thickbar stuff?they have done thick bar work AND their generally large hands will come into play on the INCH lift?.Most of the Pro's probably have very strong wrists also?

I think Wades experience at the Arnold was interesting too...lotta beef there and nobody lifted it?IF same guys had of tried the INCH???Who knows..... ;)

As more freaks join the fun??Who knows about the Blob?? :erm Newbie 'Dave' and then that kid that was the Highland Gmes thrower (that never trained grip) and recently certified on a #3 first try,Josh Bigger(and his Uncle Joe recently came within a hair of closing MY #3 with NO training)and the Guy that certified with Tou(was a strongman)and did a job on Tou's #4....these kinda guys come to mind?and i would guess more will pop up? :blush

Maybe in a few months we'll get a blob..?

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I do have a York 50 lb blob. I had expected to be able to lift it. Boy was I wrong! Thickbar remains the only thing I am any good at. ;)

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Old guy,

Your experience with thick bar and The blob is interesting.

And as I remember your hands are almost 9 inches long.

Sort of furthers my theory about the Thick bar being more of a 'natural lift'(for those so 'endowed' :laugh )but the Blob perhaps being more specialized....but... :erm then there is Rick who has moved up on the blob very quickly?

Rick?how's your 'regular' pinch grip lifts?i suspect(hope :whacked )you have been at least working pinch for quite some time???

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RT and thickbar came easily to me. Not so with pinch. My best with plates and a 3'' thick wooden block is around 70 pounds. With the new Ironmind block around 57 if I remember rightly. I have made little progress with pinch in a couple of years or so.

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