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Blob Pinch Help Tutorial

daniel reinard

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I hope this video helps people train more successfully with blobs. They are the most fun pinch workout and IMO they have the most carryover than any other pinching. Discussed are different types of blobs, chalk prep, hand positioning, a training routine/methodology that I believe to be extremely effective in getting the most from your blob training, and some easy ways to make blobs easier or harder with weights and feats.

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Thanks for all you contribute to the sport of grip!

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Great, informative video! People from all levels of grip strength could benefit from this.

That fly was hurting for 15 minutes of fame hahah

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Excellent job on the video Daniel! I'll be trying out your tips later this week, hopefully.

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Daniel, Thanks for taking the time to do that. Very generous

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Your welcome guys. Try the said routine for a month. I'll bet blob PRs will roll in. IMO blobs don't affect the rest of grip training. It's very nice to get 2 blob sessions in a week without adverse affects on other workouts.

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My favorite thing in this video it the information.

My second favorite thing is the casual lifting of BlobZilla as a demonstration.

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My favorite thing in this video it the information.

My second favorite thing is the casual lifting of BlobZilla as a demonstration.

Hahaha. This was the third blob help vid I made. The first two were too long. I was able to lift it each time, and one video was yesterday. It's nice to know the wide pinch is still there despite not touching Blobzilla since approx March if I can recall. I just did a light warmup, one or two regular blob attempts then straight to the video. Another example of how grip doesn't just disappear.

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Great tutorial with lots of tips that I haven't heard explained anywhere else. I'm going to put these ideas to work immediately! Thanks Daniel!

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My favorite thing in this video it the information.

My second favorite thing is the casual lifting of BlobZilla as a demonstration.

Hahaha. This was the third blob help vid I made. The first two were too long. I was able to lift it each time, and one video was yesterday. It's nice to know the wide pinch is still there despite not touching Blobzilla since approx March if I can recall. I just did a light warmup, one or two regular blob attempts then straight to the video. Another example of how grip doesn't just disappear.

For those that are not familiar with Blobzilla, that was a "VULGAR DISPLAY of POWER"

I guess thick pinch is like riding a bike for you Daniel.

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I was wondering what you feel the blob work will carry over to. I know I'm in the minority but, I've never really felt block weights do that much for me except to help my block weights.

i can clearly document a period when I was strongest on blocks I was not as strong on 2hp, grippers, axle, as I am now. since then I have pushed my block training to the back burner and everything else has come up.

why do you think they caryy over? or, no reason other than they seem to?

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I was wondering what you feel the blob work will carry over to. I know I'm in the minority but, I've never really felt block weights do that much for me except to help my block weights.

i can clearly document a period when I was strongest on blocks I was not as strong on 2hp, grippers, axle, as I am now. since then I have pushed my block training to the back burner and everything else has come up.

why do you think they caryy over? or, no reason other than they seem to?

I was referring to other pinching, but in general overall hand pinch ability. If one can only do one pinch I believe the wide stuff to offer more strength benefits and have more carryover to other pinching than the other kinds of pinching will. You are correct that it won't make you PR on grippers or 2HP but in terms of comparison to actual pinch strength increases, blobs offer more than the 2HP does. The wide stuff also hits extensors and tendons more, especially facelifts. And with the variety of blobs there is more to do with them.

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i can clearly document a period when I was strongest on blocks I was not as strong on 2hp, grippers, axle, as I am now.

Perhaps your 2hp, grippers and axle were improved because you did work out with the Blob. I would be concerned if you actually got weaker after ending a period of high blob activity.

I have noticed that when I focus on "something new" that "something" will improve and other grip activities stay the same or decrease a little for a while. After my hands get used to the new thing then my overall grip gets better in the other areas.

I think Blob work will help in overall hand strength by toughening the fingers and forearms

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I see. A lot of people seem to think that the block weights are a magic bullet that will improve all lifts. I just wanted you to explain a little bit better what kind of carry over you were getting.

truthfully, super wide 2hp is something I haven't done in forever that I felt was more of a general strength lift rather than a 2hp accessory(superwide meaning a bit over 4")

and, if I understand correctly DR feels that blocks will carry over to 2hp better than 2hp will to blocks.

absolutely some good training ideas i there and I will be applying them after WSH.

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I see. A lot of people seem to think that the block weights are a magic bullet that will improve all lifts. I just wanted you to explain a little bit better what kind of carry over you were getting.

truthfully, super wide 2hp is something I haven't done in forever that I felt was more of a general strength lift rather than a 2hp accessory(superwide meaning a bit over 4")

and, if I understand correctly DR feels that blocks will carry over to 2hp better than 2hp will to blocks.

absolutely some good training ideas i there and I will be applying them after WSH.

Yes that's correct. This has been the case with me, and I'm watching a friend go through a blob focused program that seems to be helping his 2HP nicely. They aren't magic weights, just a great tool, and the preferred one IMO if you can't afford a big variety or don't have time to train every pinch variation out there.

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Great video! Thanks for taking the time to film this, Daniel.

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Daniel, you have great teacher quality my friend!

You made some excellent points concerning goal training, lifting tips, training methodology, etc.

It's obvious when someone knows a subject well from their explanations.

In 11 more days you will have been involved with Grip for 2 years and you have have covered a lot of ground

already! Not just in feats but in knowledge as well.

Sometimes it's not how long someone has been involved in something that makes them stand out.

It's what they pick up (learn) along their way (journey)!

Thanks for your time and your generosity!!!

Edited by Mighty Joe
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Cheers Joe. Yeah as time goes on what I think I know keeps evolving. It's all good as long as it's in the correct direction. That is the pursuit after all, constantly pushing forward.

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Informative video! Thanks

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Okay, a few questions:

1. Chalk - I've always used regular gym chalk, i.e. the kind that Ironmind sells. I recently purchased some Metolius fine grade gym chalk (rock climbing) from REI and see a big difference. I wouldn't say I benefit more from either chalk but the rock climbing chalk definitely has a different feel to it. After chalking up with it, I have to make several attempts until most of the chalk has rubbed off. Any thoughts on this Daniel?

2. You seem to swear by the iso's due to the 'time under tension'. After making little to no progress for the past 6 months on blobs using straight reps, I will give this a try. But what do you think about iso's for other stuff, like thick bar, for example? It seems as though the overall concept of the iso's could apply to thick bar as well, so I'm wondering if you have ever experimented with this.

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Okay, a few questions:

1. Chalk - I've always used regular gym chalk, i.e. the kind that Ironmind sells. I recently purchased some Metolius fine grade gym chalk (rock climbing) from REI and see a big difference. I wouldn't say I benefit more from either chalk but the rock climbing chalk definitely has a different feel to it. After chalking up with it, I have to make several attempts until most of the chalk has rubbed off. Any thoughts on this Daniel?

2. You seem to swear by the iso's due to the 'time under tension'. After making little to no progress for the past 6 months on blobs using straight reps, I will give this a try. But what do you think about iso's for other stuff, like thick bar, for example? It seems as though the overall concept of the iso's could apply to thick bar as well, so I'm wondering if you have ever experimented with this.

1. I have not used the fine grade type but I love the standard Metolius Superchalk. It is regular chalk with a drying agent. Some people do not like it because it dries their hands out too much but you get used to it. My chalk bucket is full of the stuff along with a block of regular gym chalk. The only thing I notice is the chalk feels better after being on my hands for awhile. In anticipation of a grip workout I'll chalk up during warmups, squats etc. Who knows if I'm right but IMO it feels like it takes awhile for the hands to dry out and get a positive or consistant feel. After that the stuff feels great. It only takes a tiny bit of fresh powder to be ready for more gripping.

2. I have experimented with high rep and timed holds on axles a while back. Touch and go reps with a 320 axle for max reps followed by 2 sets 320 hold until failure was the best axle workout I've had. I've been super inconsistant with axle training, hardly doing it at all, hence no progress since those workouts. Starting next week I've drawn up a plan for 2HP and axle that will be the blob methods adapted for these lifts. It's pretty experimental so I have no idea how this wil turn out. The pinch/pull comps Adam put together for 9/29 is a good opportunity for me to just focus on 2HP and axle and see if I can enjoy these lifts for once via good training and PRs. I won't divulge much into what I'll do but there are two main ideas. First is time under tension no matter the type of excersise. The second is splitting aspects of the lifts into pieces and working on those pieces to allow for a better focus, much like the ISOs then drags or any other compound workout where you do the main lift then a secondary lift that is similar but hits some different muscles. I won't max out at all so I will check the max at the comp. This is going to be hard for me since I tend to want to max every workout. Now that I think about it I played with touch and go reps on the 2HP and had good feedback during the short stint that I tried it. Then I just stopped using the 2HP.

Hope that answers that man and some blob PRs are in your future.

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