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Promoters Needed!


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I'm looking for promoters interested in beta testing the results management engine I have been building for the top 50, and weight class lists, etc for the Gripsport.org site.

If you have put on a comp in the last year or will be putting one on soon I would love your help. Most everything is done now with the dynamic lists page and management interface. Just need to finish getting caught up adding results and fix whatever bugs come up in order to make the lists live. The page is setup in a way that a promoter will be able to log in after a comp and add the contest results into the database to be verified. Once verified they go live on the lists. Contact me for details and a login if you are interested.


- Aaron

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How soon is soon enough to be of help to you?

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Since no one else seems to be stepping forward with any interest, as soon as you like if you are interested.

- Aaron

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Aaron - I don't have contest results that you haven't already entered but if you want the thing beta tested - I'm pretty sure I can break it for you :)

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I'll have three contests worth of info to upload in August with Master of Horror, WSH, and a records day at the end of the month

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Adam, cool. Make sure you login ahead of time if you can to verify you are not getting any weird errors.

Thanks for your help guys.

- Aaron

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Can't you just get "anyone" (wouldn't need to be actual promoters) to log on now and enter made up contest results? Depending on your set up that would expose most bugs I would think - you wouldn't need actual results for that.

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Can't you just get "anyone" (wouldn't need to be actual promoters) to log on now and enter made up contest results? Depending on your set up that would expose most bugs I would think - you wouldn't need actual results for that.

I would prefer only the promoters only see the results check-in interface. I don't have a problem with anybody testing the actual lists pages though. Just hit me up and I can send you the link.

- Aaron

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btw, the test page for the lists is here:


Let me know if you have any issues viewing it. I be moving it over to the Gripsport.org site once I get caught up on contest results entry. That is, if I ever do.

- Aaron

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Aaron - very nice work on the php. I found one thing so far - if one selects something other than the Europinch, then the dropdown defaults back to the Europinch when the results are selected for a different event. Is this supposed to happen like that?

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Aaron - very nice work on the php. I found one thing so far - if one selects something other than the Europinch, then the dropdown defaults back to the Europinch when the results are selected for a different event. Is this supposed to happen like that?

It was by design to set it back to the default values. The list is alphabetical and 2hp just happens to be at the top. If the conscensus was to change that I probably could. I still need to fit the control for gender into the nav bar too.

- Aaron

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Page worked great for me while I surfed about. Super cool man. It far excedes what I envisioned what you mentioned in the concept phase.

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Very cool!

Please add on list^

Rating Ukrainian Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation by "Classic Deadlift Double Overhand of Ironmind Apollon Axle" on 20/05/2012

1. Kupinsky Igor - 195 kg.(130 k)

2. Andrey Pushkar - 182.5 kg.(125 k)

3. Bessel Sergey - 160 (net weight - 99.5)

4. Ponomarev SO - 150 (net weight 108 kg)

5. Kasap, Anatoly - 140 (net weight - 80.8)

6. Gneten Oleg - 140 (net weight - 85)

7. Chayalo Vladimir - 140 (net weight 99 kg)

8. Sereda, EM - 140 (net weight 100 kg)

9. Poppy Ivan - 140 (under 90 k)

10. Germanchuk JP - 130 (net weight 82.1 kg)

11. Duda Sergey - 130(under 90 k)

12. Klyuchev Maxim - 130(under 90 k)

13. Halite Sergey - 130 kg.(under 90 k)

14. Andrievsky, Leonid - 120 kg (83.9 kg weight Sat)

15. Viktor Sidorenko - 120 kg (Lubny) (84.9 kg weight Sat)

16. Andrievsky, Leonid - 115 kg(under 90 k)

17. Shulyak Victor - 115(under 90 k)

18. Pelykh Ivan 110 kg.(under 90 k)

19. Polonsky Rostislav-110 kg.(under 90 k)

20. Oleksandr Lysenko-110 kg.(under 90 k)

21. Cuprite, Eric - 110 kg.(under 90 k)

22. Konosha RS - 95 kg (79 kg)

23. Panchenko, A.P. - 95 kg (79 kg)

24. Kuzmenko, V.L. - 95 kg (79.2 kg)

25. Kovalev M.M. - 95 kg (87.6 kg)

26. Mis M.L. - 95 kg (88.2 kg)

27. Mostovenko A.A. - 95 kg (89 kg)

28. Litvinenko D.O. - 95 kg (94.8 kg)

29. Babko V.P. - 95 kg (96 kg)

30. Evgeny Yakovlev - 95 kg (103 kg)

31. Gudzenko M.M. - 95 kg (103.6 kg)

32. Gritsenko, Igor - 95 kg (116.4 kg)

33. Tishchenko Petro - 90 kg.(under 90 k)

34. Didovik Sergey - 150 k (outside the formal set-off) (under 105 k)

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9. Poppy Makovy Ivan - 140 (under 90 k)

21. Cuprite Cupriev Eric - 110 kg.(under 90 k)

26. Mis Mistchan M.L. - 95 kg (88.2 kg)

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Thanks everyone. Its been alot of work. the results display page above was a little bit less than 500 lines of code. The results management interface pages to add stuff to the database are over 3000 lines of code. The results page above collates info from 9 different tables in the database at this point and generates the tables on the fly. There is more info about performances and venue, etc being added into the database with the results which we may find a way to show if needed at some point. I still have quite a few contests to add in when I get the chance and it is my hope that going forward for the most part promoters will check their own results into the database via the secure interface and then the results admin (me or someone else) can enable them for live view after verifying format.

- Aaron

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Bob, Just send me an email with preferred username and I will send you the details.

- Aaron

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