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Purchase Suggestion For Noob?


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I've been thinking about getting into serious grip training for a couple years and I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on it. My goal is to at least get COC3 certified (if not beyond that) and I'm hoping to get feedback on where my money will be best spent from people in the know. I don't have any real grippers yet to say where my grip strength is right now, but I'd put it above average as people commonly say I have a hard handshake when I don't think I'm squeezing very hard. I'm not sure how much longer my job is going to be around so I'd rather keep the cost down if possible, but I'd prefer to err on the side of getting something that will help my goals and prefer to spend more money up front to avoid spending more down the line, if that makes sense. Here's what I'm considering, recommendations/criticism welcome.

Baraban adjustable or De Luxe. I saw the charts here showing how to set the springs to get it to roughly COC2-4 levels, so that has already been helpful. Are these a good investment to progressively build strength toward closing COCs? Then, is the De Luxe with the longer handle and finger grooves worth paying more than twice the price? Does anyone know if Horne's thumbscrews fit on these? When I look at these it sounds like an amazing grip deal on the surface, just not sure how helpful it is toward my goal.

Vulcan gripper. Pretty much for the same reason as above, although I'm leaning Baraban because it'll cost me less living in the states.

COC complete set with caddy. Assuming I would start with a 1.5 and buy the rest of them one at a time from COC or Amazon I'll end up spending more than by buying the whole set from Ironmind.

IMTUG complete set with caddy. Again, saving money by buying all of them up front. Do these make enough of a difference to warrant buying them?

Is there a similar "buy them all to save a few bucks and get a caddy" deal for the Mash Monster replicas? The only place I've seen them for sale is Gripper Superstore and didn't see such a package there.

Thanks to any and all who can offer advice.

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If I were you I'd buy a sport, trainer, #1 and #1.5 and go from there. There is plenty of discussion about how big strong guys can't close a trainer that doesn't need to be rehashed here, so better safe than sorry. If you crush the 1.5 out of the box, you get to buy a #2! If, however, you get frustrated and end up dropping grippers altogether (don't do this), you only spent 80 instead of 200+.

Also I just use these grippers for reference. I would personally get a 1-5 of GHP grippers or BBB - BBM Beef Builders.

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I routinely have an inventory of Vulcan V2's here. I may be getting more soon as well. I have not had the time to do so lately.

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if cost is really a concern, get the GNC 3 pack of the easier ones for $20. that would be a great start and a decent way for you to gauge where to go next. personally, i started with the CoC trainer and it was pretty hard at the start but i ramped up quickly. my jump from CoC 1 to 1.5 was pretty quick too. my progress is still steady but has slowed since i hit 1.5. my jump from 2 to 2.5 is gonna be a slow grind.

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when i first started i got a walmart gripper haha... then i had no idea what to get so it was trail and error on my part...at first i got the hg grippers the 150. 200 and 250 and then i soon learned that they arent the best so got the coc 1, 1.5 ,2 ,2.5 and then my collection just exploded because there a hobbie but in my opion id go with the ghp grippers there awesome!

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I would sugest you go with the GHP grippers. They are really good to train with mostly because of the knurling. COC is good to so dont fret the decision much. The vulcan and RB are both good but most people seem to use the Vulcan.

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A trainer and a #1 gripper, or their equivalent, and make yourself or buy a 2 or 2.5 db. You can always pinch grip plates or make a block, etc.

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Get the beginner set of GNC grippers for $20. You get two of them. (50 does not count for anything unless you use it for thumb)

Once you can set and close all of them, then go and get a C.o.C. 2 or so, and that should give you a good challenge. Repeat with 2.5 and 3 when the time comes.

Grippers are better and more fun when you get more as you progress.

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