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The Most Impressive Feat Of Grip Strength To Date?


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If you are going to make a world class claim, you need to back it up with more than a video. Period.

If you are the real deal, you will do one or more of the following:

1. Go to a contest

2. Participate in a strict cert

3. At minimum, perform the feat in front of someone that is impartial during a training session.

With one and two carrying the most weight by far.

Without doing one of those 3, a youtube video doesn't carry much value, other than entertainment purposes.

Just sayin' :getlost:

Edited by Legendofjd3
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If you are going to make a world class claim, you need to back it up with more than a video. Period.

If you are the real deal, you will do one or more of the following:

1. Go to a contest

2. Participate in a strict cert

3. At minimum, perform the feat in front of someone that is impartial during a training session.

With one and two carrying the most weight by far.

Without doing one of those 3, a youtube video doesn't carry much value, other than entertainment purposes.

Just sayin' :getlost:

I feel that way too
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Dude don't jack up a good thread. You take stuff out of context. Laine has many reputable sources and he competes! He held the RT record for crying out loud.

That is a mastery of RT. He is obviously making a run to get the record back and he will do it by a long shot!

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"To date" as in this year?

To date as in all time up to this point.

If you are going to make a world class claim, you need to back it up with more than a video. Period.

If you are the real deal, you will do one or more of the following:

1. Go to a contest

2. Participate in a strict cert

3. At minimum, perform the feat in front of someone that is impartial during a training session.

With one and two carrying the most weight by far.

Without doing one of those 3, a youtube video doesn't carry much value, other than entertainment purposes.

Just sayin' :getlost:

If you are going to make a world class claim, you need to back it up with more than a video. Period.

If you are the real deal, you will do one or more of the following:

1. Go to a contest

2. Participate in a strict cert

3. At minimum, perform the feat in front of someone that is impartial during a training session.

With one and two carrying the most weight by far.

Without doing one of those 3, a youtube video doesn't carry much value, other than entertainment purposes.

Just sayin' :getlost:

I feel that way too

Guys, not to come off bad, but Daniel was completely right, making this feat of Laine's invalid in the way silverbacks is questioned is really grabbing at straws. Comparing someone like "silverback" who came out of nowhere to achieve something no one ever has in a matter of months, never show accurate documentation of the grippers or rarely even the springs, never competed, never certified and happened to be injured the week of a competition but also happen to tape a GHP 9 close that very day- to Laine is very foolish. Maybe you aren't familiar with Laine- besides being a former World Record holder on the rolling thunder, he has shown on numerous occasion (including at AOBS meetings!) he can clean the Inch dumbbell in his dress clothes, he can lift the (much tougher than the inch) millenium dumbbell, has held various records in other strength. He is a certified CoC on the #3, has won the highland games, finaled at Brittians strongest man multiple times... on and on. He is not a newcomer to the sport, and did not pop out of no where for some youtube vids. His lifts also have much better documentation (including showing the weights used in most videos, and a competent observer) and even more so, the lifts at contests etc.

He has been featured in Milo numerous times and his recent work on the Rolling Thunder was published by Dr. Strossen most recently as February 24th. There are no doubts as to the source here, as Laine has absolutely no reason to "fudge" any results seeing as he is already one of the best of the best. I dont know Laine- this isn't about being a fan, its about a guy doing something phenomenal.

No one is calling this a world record yet, as its not an official result. The question remains, and I would love to hear some well thought out opinions, where does this stand all time, because it is certainly one of, if not the best ever.

Edited by Bojast
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I remember there were people that were saying that Mark Henry's 2002 Clean and Jerk of the Inch was one of the most impressive Strength Feats of modern strength history.

Some guy exceeding Mark Felix's out-of-the-blue-and-never-done-on-a-new-handle record, by 10%, right after a big lift, in a casual workout, is truly remarkable. Complaining about the documentation and videos is petty. I think they are excellent for giving us all an idea of what is to come.

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Not to change the subject but what do we know about the new handle vs. old handle? I'm unfamiliar with the changes and when they occurred. Just curious. Sick video in any case

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Not to change the subject but what do we know about the new handle vs. old handle? I'm unfamiliar with the changes and when they occurred. Just curious. Sick video in any case

The idea is the old handle can make a lift easier if it doesn't rotate freely. The new handle is designed to not bind over time or something. From experience I hate the old handle and can lift more on the new one. My old one doesn't bind but the slick handle doesn't have the same feel as the new one and for some reason I lift more on the new model. Just my preference. Anyone want to trade and old for a new? :flowers:

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My vote goes to mr baseline. For any reason I can´t find anymore his marvelous videos but he is real stuff.

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If you are going to make a world class claim, you need to back it up with more than a video. Period. If you are the real deal, you will do one or more of the following: 1. Go to a contest 2. Participate in a strict cert 3. At minimum, perform the feat in front of someone that is impartial during a training session. With one and two carrying the most weight by far. Without doing one of those 3, a youtube video doesn't carry much value, other than entertainment purposes.
Just sayin' :getlost:

Whilst I don't feel that I should have to defend myself in any way - I will make the followings comments. I recently returned to grip training after a long lay-off due to health issues - whilst I won't go into the details, I will say that breathing is far more important than lifting.

If you look back in this forums history, you will find that in 2006 I trained for a period of 6 weeks to break the Rolling Thunder record - I had then, like now, returned to lifting after some years away, due again to health issues. I broke the record some days before having treatment that would leave me unable to lift for some time, this was reported in the Ironmind news at the time.

I had planned to travel to the contest where Mark lifted the current world record - but injured my back in the run up to the contest - if you look you will find that I have a long history of back problems, I injured myself very badly whilst Shot Putting in the early 1990's and have had to have extensive treatment and surgical procedures over the years. I was lifting very well in the run up to the contest - within 10lbs of what I lifted last night, but that is not really relevant, as I wasn't there.

After that, I decided to concentrate my efforts on the Inch and Millennium Dumbbells, and had an amount of success with both. Having one hand good enough to deadlift a Millennium is one thing - having two is quite another - as I found out, the task was made much harder because I'm not strong, and I have never claimed to be - I've seen strong and I know there I am on the strength scale - and it's a long, long way from the top.

More recently, I posted on the Ironmind forum that I was "stronger with a weaker Thumb"....... I had trained my Thumb extensively whilst trying to do what I wanted to do with the Inch and Millennium dumbbells - and as a result, my Thumb, and the muscle at the base of it had grown somewhat. I have found that as I have not trained for a length of time, my Thumb and the muscle around the base had returned to something approaching "normal" - as a result, I found that I could get my hand around the Rolling Thunder handle a lot further - not touching, but maybe 1/2 of an inch apart. I put this down to my current form, and would add that whist any "mass" that I had has disappeared - I imagine that my tendons/ligaments have retained an amount of "strength" if that makes any sense.

To put your mind at rest - I do plan a public performance in the not too distant future, I do plan to have my lift "certified", and I do plan to have my lift officially recognised.......... but not with the Rolling Thunder! - not yet, I have something else that I am really working on, and that is my main goal at the moment, and if I am lucky enough to be successful with my goal, it will mean much, much more to me than the Rolling Thunder world record - that said, I am sure I will just "turn up" somewhere and see what number I end up pulling - but at the end of the day, I'm still a failed Shot Putter - but I've learned to live with that.

I am sorry if my video/video's have caused you, or anyone else to doubt my recent performances on the Rolling Thunder, it saddens me that you, and possibly others may feel my lifts are in some way not what they appear to be - and I can assure you they are - maybe my lesson from this is not to make my lifting/training public viewing - if it was a mistake, and I feel now that it may well have been, it's one I won't make again.

Good luck with your training - but remember, sometimes you are faced with situations in life that are far more important than anything else - I am very happy to be breathing in and out - what happens in my life now is a bonus, training, lifting, or otherwise. It doesn't matter if I lift 33.2lbs or 332lbs - the sun will still come up in the morning, and 99.999999% of people wouldn't care what I lifted - or what anyone else lifts for that matter - seeing the sun rise means everything to everyone, and so it should.

Just sayin'


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To keep things short, as it's almost time for me eat (very important!).

I just want to say that I've always been very impressed with your videos, and I find absolutely no reason to doubt anything you have done as you have always been straight forward with all kind of things that I have seen from you. And you also have a good history to back it up with.

Have a great weekend Laine!


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That is a huge lift!

Laine is the real deal and has proven it many times over.

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That is a huge lift!

Laine is the real deal and has proven it many times over.

I agree!

And, I saw the mention of throwing the shot. What's your history on that Laine? Both my kids are throwers.

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That is an extremely impressive lift on the RT! :rock

Also - I would just like to point out that Mike's comments about world class claims are being totally taken out of context here. Those comments were taken from a completely different thread and have no business at all being reposted by somebody else in this thread.

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That is a huge lift!

Laine is the real deal and has proven it many times over.

I agree!

And, I saw the mention of throwing the shot. What's your history on that Laine? Both my kids are throwers.


I was a junior Internatioal in my younger days - then, I was coached for a number of years by Geoff Capes - I was injured badly (back) and that was that. I did try again some years later, and tried to make the commonwealth games team - I made it into the top 10 - off a standing throw, but mentally I couldn't commit myself to the shift anymore for fear of injury. In 2000/2001 I tried my hand at rotational putting, and it was much easier - but I didn't feel I could make the change from the glide to rotation.

I am very impressed with the German who is using a shift - I think he will do big things this year in London.

Thank you for your interest,


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Laine, your achievements are amazing, very sorry that you do not want to the British Championships Rolling Thunder 2012, which will occur in March, after a few days. I wish you good health!

I mean, it would be nice if you took part in the tournament!

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Dude don't jack up a good thread. You take stuff out of context. Laine has many reputable sources and he competes! He held the RT record for crying out loud.

That is a mastery of RT. He is obviously making a run to get the record back and he will do it by a long shot!

Thanks for setting it straight. I agree with that quoted statement but for sure it is in the wrong thread.

Two things...

I know who Laine is now.

I feel like a Jackass now.

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Sorry bro, I was referring to legendofjd. When I replied you slipped a reply while I typed. My bad. Not your fault. A stale arguement was brought into the wrong thread and I knew it would do more harm than anything. I wish legendofjd would pop in to apologize to Laine and the other posters.

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Very impressive lift Laine!! Keep up the good work. You are very modest. I have seen your press of The Inver stone and your Dinnie Stones lift. That is very strong!!

Edited by 3Crusher
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Of non-competition feats I would vote for Laine's clean of the Inch (in one of his latest videos).

Competition feats: Jedd's 2HP WR and JW's 243k on the 1'' vbar with thumblock grip.

Edit: Forgot one non-comp; Bruce White's Inch deadlift

Edited by Mikael Siversson
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Laine - I don't know what you have read about "Silverback" but the comments inserted above were in a thread regarding him - not you. There is a difference between someone NO ONE seemingly knows anything about claiming to be doing huge feats and someone like yourself - who has put himself in front of many other well respected lifters who have witnessed the things you can do. There is a controversy on the validity of video proof alone going on right now that you may not be aware of (and was not about your lifts). I for one try to distinguish between compete unknowns claiming great things and a well known such as yourself claiming the same. Not that an unknown cannot of course come along and do those things but that a few videos standing by their self done without a reputable or known witness and/or done on unknown equipment do not stand the test of a true proof of accomplishment for any feat of strength. I hope to someday see Silverback come forth with a better standard of documentation as I know you will do in the future as well.

For now - my congratulations on a tremendous gym lift!

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Tremendously strong.

It has been very interesting to hear your thoughts on training/injury/lay-off and then return with less thumb-mass. I have also noticed that grip takes great work to advance but little to maintain. I think, as you stated, it is our tendon strength and CNS that improves our grip the most, not just muscle mass. Do you think periodic lay-offs from specific grip training could benefit all grip enthusiasts?

I look forward to seeing you snatch the Inch soon.

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