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I'm Little Confused

Rampage jackson

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Hello everyone before I start to bend I need to know some things

1.I see many techniques for bending which of them i need to use and what the diffrense my if it help (my goal is just get stronger)??

2.when i'm go to the shop i don't know what Length i need to buy and what to buy only nails ??

3.how many i need to buy??

4.how many times in the week i need bend and how many days i need to rest between next bending training??

5.when im bending i just bend one nail and rest like between sets If so then how many sets do?? or i bend only one nail(set) and its enough??

6. every nail is Disposable after i bend him??

7.i can use gym gloves for bending or i have to wrap?? if so can i wrap with anything??

soory for many question i just dont found answers to this questions

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Rampage,

There are a few techniques that are used in bending. The most prominent is a double overhand technique, where you would grab the bar with both of your palms facing down. This will allow you to apply the most power, though it does depend on the way your body is built and your strengths. If you want to gain the most strength from your bends I would recommend a reverse grip, which is using one hand overhanded grip and one hand underhanded grip, as though you were wringing out a towel. I would switch my underhand and overhand gripping hands equally to maintain balance in strength training.

When buying stock, since you are new, I would recommend some 6" x 1/4" 40d nails and some 6" x 1/4" Grade 2 bolts to work on. The amount to buy would depend on how often you want to return to the hardware store. Ten of each should be a good starting number. If you really want to get started well, I would recommend going to Ironmind.com or fatbastardbarbellco.com and buying one of their benders bags. They have varying degrees of stocks to work with for a good price and come with wraps to use. Wraps are a very important aspect of bending. I would not recommend using gloves as they may not be thick enough, and may slip and slide over the bars/nails you are bending and puncture your hand. Puncture resistant materials are recommended to use such as: ballistic nylon, cordura, leather, or suede.

One workout per week bending 3-5 nails of varying difficulty should be good to get you started as bending is very taxing on the hands and wrists. You do want to treat each bent nail as a set and rest in between each attempt. You can keep your bent nails as trophies or toss them, which ever is your preference.

I hope this helps you get started. You may want to look up some videos of bending on You tube to get an idea of techniques and how to wrap your nails. Good bending!


Edited by Idiedintothe
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It's all pretty particular to the individual. First I'd highly recommend Jedd's book on nail bending as it'll help answer a lot of your questions or at least give you enough guidance to make some more decisions on your own. As far as frequency folks have had success with just about everything. For me on reverse about 1 bend every 7-10 days, DU I could hit quite often for 3-5 hard bends and DO I did 3-5 about once or twice a week. Some will do 1-2 bends a day and others 10 or more a day. It really varies and can impact your progress on other exercises until you get yourself all dialed in.

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It's all pretty particular to the individual. First I'd highly recommend Jedd's book on nail bending as it'll help answer a lot of your questions or at least give you enough guidance to make some more decisions on your own. As far as frequency folks have had success with just about everything. For me on reverse about 1 bend every 7-10 days, DU I could hit quite often for 3-5 hard bends and DO I did 3-5 about once or twice a week. Some will do 1-2 bends a day and others 10 or more a day. It really varies and can impact your progress on other exercises until you get yourself all dialed in.

What he said. :whistel

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Jason have you seen the Bending DVD? I'm wondering which would be a better buy.

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I think if I had to choose one over the other I like the book more. It's chock full of good info. Between that and chatting with other benders you'd have more than enough info to excel at bending. Every bender I've met or talked to is more than happy to share info as well either by PM or post up a video and ask for critique. Anyone will get lots of help on their journey.

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