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Will Static Holds Help The Close?


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I have a number one and number two CoC and I've currently just been doing static holds and increasing the hold time each session but I'm really not sure if that's helping my closing power, or doing anything useful for that matter. The problem is I can only close my #1 for a rep and that's 110% effort, how can I work up to closing them if I do not have a lighter gripper and cannot really train with full closes? Hope that made sense, thanks guys.

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I started training month and a half ago to.. but what worked for me is repping a gripper that i can close atleast 5-6 times.

Don't sure about negatives... But guys talking about it and says it works... Try it, maybe it will work for you.. who knows.

Or you can own a lighter gripper anytime.

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You could try a little oil on the spring of your #1, or put it in a choker. Otherwise maybe look at purchasing that new #0.5. Back in the day I had alot of trouble closing the #1 until I bought a Trainer and did reps. Don't neglect beyond the range training. Maybe get a #1.5 and file it down.

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I do own an Ivanko and at first I was a little hesitant about using it to progress because I can do a few reps on the 200 pound setting so I did not feel much carryover. But I just started playing around with it again and flipped it over and started closing it that way, feels more like a CoC. May start training with it. Hopefully I can close the #2 by May, that is my ultimate goal. Thanks guys

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Nice work!!! I'll have to try that. I have always just released the gripper with no resistance. That's a good tip.

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Great video! Those are worth trying for sure.


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There are so many methods for training grippers: high intensity low volume, high volume low intensity, negatives, holds, strap holds, dynamic, clicks, chokers, BTR, etc etc. At any given time one of those methods will be the most efficient way for you to progress. Even if you're lucky enough to find your optimal method and exploit it, after six weeks or so it will no longer be the optimal method.

My point: Find out what works for you and keep changing things up! Also, you might want to buy some more grippers.

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I would recommend an additional gripper or two. The slow negative after a rep as mentioned above is excellent. I would stay away from negatives with grippers you cannot close yet, because you are relatively new to grip training, and forced negatives are VERY taxing on your ligaments and tendons, more so for new grip enthusiasts. Down the road they can be useful, but I have talked with many of the knowledgeable grip guys on here, and they advised me to use them as a last resort because of the harshness and lengthy recovery from negatives.

You will see plenty of quick gains within your first several months, and extreme training is not needed. Work your way slowly into grip training and add a little bit more every month to prevent major injuries, otherwise you will end your gripper days quickly.

Many articles have been posted on this and have excellent comments. I'd recommend the archives.

Just my two cents.

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