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Knuckle Pain, Ffs..


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ive worked it out that ive only done about 8 grip sessions since ive started to take it seriously, but i seem to have developed knuckle pain in just the one hand (right).

this is what my training has mainly consisted of over those 8 sessions:

x3 attemps on closing goal gripper

x3 negatives on current gripper

day on- 2 days off

i think it may have been the negatives that started it, or possibly the mix of negatives and max attempts too early on, but i cant be sure. also, the last 2 days i was working as a plaster's labourer which i think probably added to the problem.

the pain is awkward to explain because its kind of subtle. its subtle to the point that i cant really call it 'pain' as such, its more like a dull feeling i get when making a fist or when im around half way of closing a gripper.

its not like ive even done that much. my diet is good too which i thought would help. and i even use the 'contrast baths' method for my hands, and wear gloves throughout the day.

i was thinking of training through it but it will probably make it persist or even worst.

did anyone else get this? how long is it likely too last / should i lay off for?


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I screwed myself up after my first month of screwing arround with grippers (just trying goal gripper). Take a bit of time off then try the RRBT. That was what I did and had great results.

Goal and negs is not a great starter program.

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thanks for replying. sorry but whats RRBT?

and how long did you have to rest for?

Edited by alexjones234
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Rich is right. Negs and goal gripper attempts out of the gate are going to bugger your tendons and ligaments right now. Personally I'd suggest doing rep work between 3-5 for 3-5 sets to start. Start with 3 sets, if you get them add the 4th and so on. Run it up until you can run a clean 5x5 then look at upping the gripper, over crushes, strap holds, etc.


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Rich is right. Negs and goal gripper attempts out of the gate are going to bugger your tendons and ligaments right now. Personally I'd suggest doing rep work between 3-5 for 3-5 sets to start. Start with 3 sets, if you get them add the 4th and so on. Run it up until you can run a clean 5x5 then look at upping the gripper, over crushes, strap holds, etc.


thanks for the suggestion. now that you mention it. i use to do sets 4 for 3-7 reps with my plate loaded gripper and had no problems. and back then i was doing it day on-day off and training forearms on the days between. its definitely the negs / max efforts.

what do you recommend i do for now? because i dont want to completey stall by taking complete rest. or is complete rest what i should do for a week? 2 weeks?

can i still use grippers lightly or work with the TTK?

Edited by alexjones234
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Depending on how you feel either nothing or some light work like a Trainer for 3-5 sets of 3. Just to keep the pattern and work the area a little.

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I started noticing pain in the lower middle knuckle on my right hand shortly after I started training with the #2. I've broken that knuckle more than once, so it made sense. But now that I've been doing negatives with the #3 and 3.5, I have the same pain in the same knuckle on my left hand. The first several reps with the #1 honestly hurt like hell, but it usually works itself out, only to get worse the following day.

It's frustrating. Lately I've been doing more rep work with the #1 and #2 while laying off the negatives, as well as using liniment on a daily basis, which does help some. But I think I started doing negatives too early in my training--I've only been using grippers for about 10 weeks, and I started doing negatives the day I got my #3 and 3.5, which was about 5 weeks ago. I think my joints just weren't quite ready for that amount of force yet. I feel like I need to take at least a week off and then start back doing grip work only twice a week (I currently do grip on the same days I lift, M-W-F).

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RRBT Radical Reps Basline Training. It is sold here under the gripboard thread. It is pinned there. When you buy it you get the ebook program and you get acess to the RRBT posting thread where you can learn stuff from other peoples logs and log your own progress and ask things. It is worth it.

I took a month off but my pain was bad even when I was not gripping. You have to judge how long for yourself.

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Rich is right. Negs and goal gripper attempts out of the gate are going to bugger your tendons and ligaments right now. Personally I'd suggest doing rep work between 3-5 for 3-5 sets to start. Start with 3 sets, if you get them add the 4th and so on. Run it up until you can run a clean 5x5 then look at upping the gripper, over crushes, strap holds, etc.


thanks for the suggestion. now that you mention it. i use to do sets 4 for 3-7 reps with my plate loaded gripper and had no problems. and back then i was doing it day on-day off and training forearms on the days between. its definitely the negs / max efforts.

what do you recommend i do for now? because i dont want to completey stall by taking complete rest. or is complete rest what i should do for a week? 2 weeks?

can i still use grippers lightly or work with the TTK?

Rest is smarter.

YOu need to learn recovery things like extensor bands, dextterity balls and most important, hand baths-hot-cold.

Just search the topics. The RRBT program talks about the hand baths. I could not have compleated it without them.

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One thing that I just tried recently for joint pain is arnica gel. It worked really well.


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I started noticing pain in the lower middle knuckle on my right hand shortly after I started training with the #2. I've broken that knuckle more than once, so it made sense. But now that I've been doing negatives with the #3 and 3.5, I have the same pain in the same knuckle on my left hand. The first several reps with the #1 honestly hurt like hell, but it usually works itself out, only to get worse the following day.

It's frustrating. Lately I've been doing more rep work with the #1 and #2 while laying off the negatives, as well as using liniment on a daily basis, which does help some. But I think I started doing negatives too early in my training--I've only been using grippers for about 10 weeks, and I started doing negatives the day I got my #3 and 3.5, which was about 5 weeks ago. I think my joints just weren't quite ready for that amount of force yet. I feel like I need to take at least a week off and then start back doing grip work only twice a week (I currently do grip on the same days I lift, M-W-F).

some good joint supplements are 'Super Cissus RX' & 'Animal Flex'. i perfer the first one since its just 1-2 tabs twice a day. with the animal flex its literally a small pack you have to take. that and1000mg's of Fish oil helps.

im planning on switching to twice a week aswell and keeping the reps to around 4-7, except ill be using my plate loaded gripper. it doesnt close quite as tightly as the IronMind grippers, so that will reduce strain.

im still going to be training with my left hand though since ive had no problems there. my right hand is gonna have to catch up.

im already doing the contrast hand baths (30 seconds each) and working the extensors.

One thing that I just tried recently for joint pain is arnica gel. It worked really well.


I dont have any of that stuff but i do have some Voltarol and Oruvail gel. im pretty sure its similar to what you've mentioned. glad you brought it up because i forget it was here.

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