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Beef Builder World Class


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Just wondering if anyone owns one or has ever squeezed one.

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Yes-I own one. It is currently at my brothers house in NY. He wanted to borrow it to take it to work (hes a mechanic) and shut some guys up that think they are bad.

It is a monster-

Rick Walker :rock

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I should be getting mine in the mail on Friday,

I don't think I will even budge it but it is a

great novelty item for the time being :blink


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I was at Warren's the inventor and maker of the world class. I had him slide the handles up, then down then I had him bring the handles in with a vise. No matter what he did I couldn't budge it.

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No, Im not really anxious to get certified. I had thought of working towards the #4 instead. A #3 isnt really a big deal anymore. Lately however I have had some health problems that have disturbed all of my training for more than a month. I can still close a #3 though.

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A #3 isnt really a big deal anymore

Yes i think i get what you mean.

Two comments though:

1] It depends on the #3 (some are really hard...)

2] It no big deal on the grip board, but it's still a big deal for the average untrained man ;)

Good luck with the #4 !


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Yeah, a #3 close is very impressive to the untrained but it is achievable by almost any man I believe with the right training.

I couldnt close the #2 when I first tried it, even a #1 was pretty hard, but I closed the #3 within 6 months after being able to close the #2. I have never had a natural grip as far as I am concerned, my hands are not large either. I was attending a local Strongman competition 1.5 years ago with about 25 competitors in it and I was LAST in the deadlift hold which is a grip event.

I have two #3s, one is pretty narrow and easier, the other is wide and considerably harder. I have closed both with my right hand. I have also been about 1/8 inch away from closing my Elite which is far harder than the #3s.

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Yeah, a #3 close is very impressive to the untrained but it is achievable by almost any man I believe with the right training.

I don't believe just anyone can close one. Most people don't have the discipline if they are are on the average side to close one. Most, using normal training techniques, would never get there. With the right stuff, it can still take years.

We tend to take grip strength levels for granted here on the GripBoard. This is not an ordinary place.

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I agree Wannagrip!

Patrick-I once had the same attitude. But-I then looked at the list of #3 closers and it DOES read like a who's who of strength. Guys like Sorin and Brookfield, Stanless Steel and Jese Marunde, Magnus, the Gillinghams, Bob Jodin, and the Holle brothers. Not to mention guys like Heath, Pat, Jacobs, Heslep, Piche, and James.

The list is incrediable. Heck-the world's strongest squatter is on it-Brent Mikesell.

If men like this thought it was worth getting certified-I certainly did as well.

Look at it this way-some men will train 6 years without closing it. Some will train 6 months. Consider yourself lucky-you have good genetics. Use those genetics to go after the #4.

Rick Walker :rock

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It gets better - I'm now as great as Sir Snott and part of the who's who of strength'.

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It gets better - I'm now as great as Sir Snott and part of the who's who of strength'.

This board just wouldn't be the same without both you and Snott Mobster. You both bring your own unique perspectives and characters to the GripBoard. :)

Diversity at it's best!

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Not to mention guys like Heath, Pat, Jacobs, Heslep, Piche, and James.

Who's this Piche character??????

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Piche was the son born to Apollon. He is now very aged,

but retains the DNA which allows incredible hand strength

from Papa Uni.

Women are drawn to his rugged features; men find the

stories he tells of his father enthralling.

He can actually clasp his hands (as in prayer), and then,

using only the little finger from each hand, smash the #3! :blink

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I think we shouldn't get confused between who HAS closed a #3 and who CAN close a #3. As far as I'm concerned Patrik is at least partially right - most people would probably be able to close a #3 with "correct" training (whatever that might be). Of course, the certifying conditions are harder than simply closing one once - you need to do it in front of witnesses, probably on another gripper etc.

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Yeah, you are probably right. It does take a special person to close a #3. I know I am special in the way that I train with weights, not many people to deadlifts, squats and grip work etc.

What I meant was that anyone who has a strong will and confidence to close a #3 and is really interested in grip strength have a good chance of doing it i believe.

A thing that discouraged me when I first started to aim for the #3 gripper was that certification list. It was hard for me to picture my own name up there with all those great STRONG men, some of the strongest in the world. For a long while I had serious doubts that I would ever close the #3. I thought that my grip strength would come slowly with my overall body size and power. Without the gripboard I still would have believed that.

Rick Walker: Yeah, I probably do have good genetics but it wasnt obvious to me when I first started. And grippers is probably where my strength lies. Its true about the certification list, there are some big names there. But I doubt Magnus Samuelsson would have bothered to certify if he came across a #3 today instead of in 1998. He was the 20th person to certify, now there are too many men on the list to make it impressive. Ofcourse Im not Magnus Samuelsson and I would be honoured to be on the same list as those guys who are certified. It just hasnt been my top priority.

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You aren't 'just' ahead of me- you are so far ahead I see

only your outline in the distance.

Thats' cos ur eyesight is going he he

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Guest heman1

It's all in perspective-anyone who can close a #3 is damn strong as far as I'm concerned, and it does matter how large that list gets. Right now I can't even manage 5 reps with either hand for the #1. :(

but I'll tell you what, all of you guys are inspiring.

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He was the 20th person to certify, now there are too many men on the list to make it impressive.

Your attitude sucks plain and simple if you believe that. You just diminished the accomplishments of a lot of people who busted their ass to get on this list, and those who still aspire to get there.

If you don't want to certify that's fine and dandy, just keep stupid comments like that to yourself.

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