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A Little Pinch


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I'm proud of this set from my most recent training day and thought I would share in case anyone cared to check it out. I did multiple supersets like this but this was the best one on the Pinch. Got a triple on that Bench weight too on my last workset and it was a grinder.

- Aaron

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Ya big sissy - that looked way too easy - put some weight on there! Seriously though - strong stuff Aaron!

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What width are you suing these days bro. That looks narrow.

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Ya big sissy - that looked way too easy - put some weight on there! Seriously though - strong stuff Aaron!

LOL! Thanks Chris!

What width are you suing these days bro. That looks narrow.

48mm. Tears my thumb webbing alot less.

- Aaron

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Damn strong on both events brotha, You definetly got more in you!!!

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Massive pinching and excellent benching Aaron! Nice to see your shoulder is allowing you to play!

The shoulder is not great but not too bad either. Seems to be tender but after benching but holding up. Been ice massaging it. Wrist was acting up for a few days which is why I was wearing the wrist wraps as well. Feeling better today.

- Aaron

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The title was a bit misleading. I thought I was going to see "a little pinch" that was a huge pinch.

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The title was a bit misleading. I thought I was going to see "a little pinch" that was a huge pinch.

What Rich said. That was impressive!

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Great work Aaron!

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I can see that the steel cable implant surgery is paying off well. Haha. Good stuff, Aaron.

I've seen you superset these two lifts before. Is it just how you've arranged your program, or was it deliberate beacuse of some synergy between the two lifts, e.g., the squats/grippers synergy?

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I can see that the steel cable implant surgery is paying off well. Haha. Good stuff, Aaron.

I've seen you superset these two lifts before. Is it just how you've arranged your program, or was it deliberate beacuse of some synergy between the two lifts, e.g., the squats/grippers synergy?


Its deliberate but mostly because I dont have enough time during the lunchtime sessions to rest as much as I would like and still get enough sets in to call it a workout. By supersetting I can hit what I need to hit. The bench doesnt affect my pinching in a negative way and may even boost the CNS output a bit. Also by supersetting the 2 I can get my full body warmed up to about right fairly quickly for the short lunchtime sessions. Otherwise I run out of time before my I'm even warmed up enough to start pinching heavy.

btw Tim I managed to whip up a new Thickbar for the medley on Saturday. I think you will like it!

- Aaron

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Strong Bench & Pinching Aaron.

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that is seriously strong man. You have to be close to a 275 max now. Will you be competing in 2012? You are too bad A$$ to pass another season bro.

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that is seriously strong man. You have to be close to a 275 max now. Will you be competing in 2012? You are too bad A$$ to pass another season bro.

Thanks Adam.

Not sure what my max is right now. I do know that the 238.4# double was 18.4# above my best double when I pulled 246ish at the last WSH comp I did in 2010. In that comp I got around 257# to about 4" or so as well. Also I did 3 sets of 2 at that 238.4# so it was not a fluke and that the first reps of those sets were certainly the easiest I have ever pulled that much weight. I will be competing in the AZ cactus grip comp in mid March which btw you said you were coming to. I'm trying not to do a max single until the comp to keep me hungry. Hope you can still make it out.

- Aaron

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You ever thought of using the Slingshot while benching to help protect the shoulders? I've had trouble with my right shoulder in the past and ever since training with the Slingshot I have ZERO pain. Might be worth a try. Nice lifting man. That pinch is serious!!!

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You ever thought of using the Slingshot while benching to help protect the shoulders? I've had trouble with my right shoulder in the past and ever since training with the Slingshot I have ZERO pain. Might be worth a try. Nice lifting man. That pinch is serious!!!

wouldn't this limit your chest growth since it would take most of the stress off that area?

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You ever thought of using the Slingshot while benching to help protect the shoulders? I've had trouble with my right shoulder in the past and ever since training with the Slingshot I have ZERO pain. Might be worth a try. Nice lifting man. That pinch is serious!!!

wouldn't this limit your chest growth since it would take most of the stress off that area?

Although I'm not an expert, I can only tell you from my experience with it. It allows you to handle heavier weight then you normally would while keeping a full range of motion. And now that I am without pain in my shoulders I am able to train them harder then ever before. Which would actually help with chest growth I believe. I only use it for my heavy sets. On my "light" days and speed work days I don't use it at all.

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